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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Late 70's Band "Wire" are considering a collaboration with Manfred Mann's Earth Band.
  2. I'd like to offer the following seminar for future Bass Bashes. Entitled "Truss Rod Keys through the Ages" it is a " witty and informative "(Trollhaten Book Group, over 75's) look at Truss Rod keys I have owned. It starts back when I was 18 and got my first Bass (a Gibson EB2) and comes right up to date with my Deco Harley Benton. I span the decades talking about Truss Rod Stewart, Lynn Truss, and even Surgical Truss Rods. I detour via my time as an intern to a Luthier with amusing anecdotes on how I replaced the Truss Rod in a 62 Precision Bass with a threaded bolt and we sold it on eBay for £25k. There is a quick fire "Guess the Truss Rod Key" quiz where I brandish a truss rod key from my collection of over 200 and contestants have to guess the make and size. The Winner receives a specially engraved Truss rod key. I also delve into Fodera Truss Rods which are hand engraved with butterfly emblems and ask "Are they worth £11,000?" This 4 hour seminar can be augmented with my collection of toe-nail clippings in a sweet jar from age 15 (TBH they just look like desiccated coconut although the top layer are a bit gnarly). Additional interest can be added with my jar of ear wax also. These seminars are available to anyone contemplating a Bass Bash who feels that looking at Basses and Amps and talking about them would be a bit rubbish. I should add that I can only offer these seminars to venues with a 35mm Carousel slide projector, a flat white wall and a Gestener machine for printing the handouts.
  3. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1428868644' post='2745538'] We had girls at the NOBB. Well, prostitutes, as it happens. We paid them to stand around and say things like 'So, speaker excursion? That's really [i]interesting[/i]'. [/quote] I guess as the OP is from Wilts he may be more interested in a Wilshire Bash than a Dorset one ? Did I mention we have a biggest Dorset Knob Prize as well? [url="http://www.moores-biscuits.co.uk/dorset-knobs.html"]http://www.moores-biscuits.co.uk/dorset-knobs.html[/url]
  4. I hate it ( when I in all seriousness) I make a valid point and people just take the piss...... Also I bet none of you have been to Bass Bash when the winner of one of the Competitions was the one who bashed his shins........ Oh, and we had girls at one of our Bashes ( and they weren't wives/girlfriends) but real Bassists! Did I mention we once sat in rows too...? Oh yes, it did sound sh*te.
  5. [quote name='mrdreadful' timestamp='1428865852' post='2745480'] What the title says. What does one of these things entail? The only image my mind conjures up is a load of guys sat in a circle with their gear playing at each other which, to be honest, sounds a bit sh*te. [/quote] To save you doing a search in the Events Lounge ( ) I can confirm that the ones held in Dorset are as you surmise except being Dorset, we always sacrifice a sheep (or a baby goat if a sheep is not available). We then rub the blood over our naked....hands whilst burning a Rick******* in the middle of the circle chanting "Fender, Fender, Fender". We then move on to the "Guess the second-hand string maker competition" where contestants produce an old string and those assembled (in a circle) try to guess the makers name and for an extra point, the gauge. Following on from that is the "Guess the weight of the Cab Competition" where ( again in a circle) we blindfolded try and guess the weight of different cabs to the nearest oz. In fact the last member to do this is still locked in the Skittle Alley at the Broadchurch Arms as we all got bored and buggered off leaving him blindfolded in the room. He is in fact one of the "missing members" oft referred to on this site! Have I sold it to you yet?
  6. The Sutherland Brothers and Quiver's favourite everyday story of farming folk is of course...
  7. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1428676790' post='2743716'] Not only that but also, Seasick Steve lives on a boat. And his brother Carsick Kev is an industry myth: He's really called Travelsick Trev. [/quote] Then there's his cousin, Airsick Eric too.....
  8. Since when was Ivor Arbiter a Brit, the Chairman of Fender? He was however Chairman of Arbiters who imported Fenders into this Country although I don't think they do it now.
  9. They stopped me after I got 50 euros of vouchers. I asked where my vouchers for some more reviews were and they said I had exceeded the 50 euro limit.
  10. Sounds better played so the speakers are above/below each other so I heated the badge from the back with a hair-dryer and re-stuck it at 90 degrees. Sad ....
  11. That Baritone seems to be sticking, and looks quite expensive against a £19 P-bass!
  12. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1428566223' post='2742400'] PJ Proby got his name after wearing pyjamas on stage. This was the only garment available after an unfortunate trouser-splitting incident on stage. [/quote] I thought he was named after he went missing and his parents thought he'd been abducted by aliens during the night?
  13. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1428590400' post='2742778'] Kilminster plays a Rik, give the other chap a 5 string bass. Then it's Lemmy-a-Fiver. Any other name would cause confusion. [/quote] I'd say you almost rose to the challenge but wouldn't that just be Henry V?
  14. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1428526627' post='2742230'] But shipping from Japan will cost you between £100 and £150, and then there's VAT on top of that. [/quote] Looks like I'll cancel my order then!
  15. Amusingly the Bass in question is rated 10/10 for Build Quality, 10/10 for Sound Quality and only 8/10 for Value. The obvious question is how do you quantify "Value"?
  16. Gravel-voiced Bassist Ian Kilminster and Trevor McDoughnut are forming a duo. They are however searching for an appropriate name.
  17. Falsetto voiced songs[s]tress[/s]ter James Blunt has never had a paper cut. He also has to use a new razorblade every day and is forbidden to see his songs written out on staves.
  18. The Vaccines are big fans of Icelandic Band "The Sugarcubes" for obvious reasons.
  19. The W Bass is £166 from Japan, to get it on special offer from Warwick direct is £216!
  20. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1428430550' post='2741225'] The Alternative Rock Factfile proudly proclaims over 27k 'views', when it [i]could [/i]proudly proclaim over 28k..! You read it here first. [/quote] Sorry about that, been working today and work seems to get in the way of life..and I'm working tomorrow too but I think we are OK before 29k is breached....
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