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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Following complaints from Buckingham Palace the artist "Prince" is now going to have to change his name to "Wills" or "Harry". The 2 remaining members of "Queen" are also understood to be consulting with their legal team.
  2. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1427047241' post='2725062'] My point, I'm afraid. Basschat was created by a particular bunch of people. Whether or not they (we) intended it, that bunch gave this place its ethos. Those people are going, and those who are left don't even know who they were! When all that's left is (relative) newbies and foreign posters with three posts trying to sell Foderas, you may wonder why it's gone so quiet. [/quote] Yes I agree, they come over here, [s]steal our women [/s] steal our money and leave us with worthless Basses...
  3. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1427051643' post='2725142'] Following complaints to Trading Standards authorities, band names containing numbers are now required to enumerate the actual members of the band. While U2 are renaming themselves as U4, Level 42 as Level 5, and Maroon 5 are becoming Maroon 6, the B-52s are embarking on an ambitious recruitment drive. [/quote] Well, at least One Direction are moving in the right..........direction. What do you mean, you're not a fan?!
  4. [quote name='Mr Arkadin' timestamp='1427034231' post='2724886'] Can't say I've ever been impressed with the sound at Roundhouse for any gig I've been to. I like the venue but maybe they need to hang some giant 'mushrooms' like that other round building that's acoustically challenged: Royal Albert Hall. Maybe round buildings just don't lend themselves to good sound. Also it never seems loud enough, and this is from someone who hates over loud gigs. [/quote] I once played a gig in the circular Chapter House within York Minster. The sound was just bouncing back in every direction. We were almost acoustic playing by the end. Afterwards we were told the Bishops had designed the building so they could all hear each other, no matter where in the room they were.
  5. "Zany" Zayn Malik will announce his new band early next week. Bookies have the favourite as "A Different Direction"
  6. [quote name='jensenmann' timestamp='1426878408' post='2723111'] Being a microphone nerd and having app 150 microphones at my disposal it really hurts to read people seriously recommending cheaparse mics. [b]There´s a german saying: if you buy cheap you´ll buy twice[/b]. Anyway, your shop is right to not recommend the PG series. These have nothing common with all the attributes of a SM58 except the brand name. Get another used 58 or a SM57 which gives you another sound option if necessary. In case you want to go more versatile then have a look at a Beyerdynamic M88. These are the very best bang for the buck most versatile dynamic microphones ever. Besides being a great vocal mike it´s fantastic for drums (yes, kick, too), bass guitars, guitar, brass, etc. That mic would be my desert island dynamic microphone. [/quote] It's a British/English saying too!
  7. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1426952765' post='2723940'] Fred is still there and if you are referring to Sam - she's his wife, not his daughter...! [/quote] Ah yes, I remember now!
  8. How weird that 2 of the posts are places I know and have played at and they are in 2 different parts of the country!
  9. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1426933031' post='2723545'] I would have been gigging in a place called the great lyde in yeovil. we have played there before, it is far from my favourite pub. But back a few weeks ago we got a notification from lemonrock saying there was a booking clash with some other group. Our band leader has spent time trying to get in touch with them, but the guy he knew who booked bands had now left, and the others weren't responding. Finally, after asking publicly on their facebook comments, they got in touch with us to say, yes, they were double booked and they would go with the other guy, even though we were booked a few months earlier. The other guy was one guy who sings to a backing tape - sort of like a premade karaoke, and costs £100, which is under half of ours. I would call that a bit sh*tty. On the plus side, I had quite a relaxing evening with my wife [/quote] Jake is the Manager there and seems quite amenable, I have a booking in June with them. I also play there weekly at a Jam Session. The guy who plays with a sound system: he came to do a few numbers at our Jam a while back, set up his own system and used it, then tore it down whilst we were all still playing......! He's a local guy...! For future reference: Jake's number is 01935 429707
  10. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1426904368' post='2723397'] Just got back from playing the Bridge Tavern in Bradford. Very much a 'typical' small pub gig, it is pretty similar to the gig Blue describes, except it has a slightly strange layout that means that the sound is can be a bit hit and miss (depending on where you are standing). Been playing there for years but if I'm being honest it's not really my favourite gig - decent crowd but you don't get as many punters going as a few years ago (especially on a Friday) and it's a little bit too much like playing in someone's (admittedly rather big ) front room. However it fills out the diary and the landlord/lady are good people and have always supported various bands I have been in (and vice versa of course). Saturday nights tend to bring out a few old faces and my last band used to turn it into a bit of a jam / drinking session. Not so much in the new band unfortunately, due to most of us having to drive! [/quote] I used to play there. Is Fred still the landlord or did his daughter take it over?
  11. "The Commodores" split up when General Motors withdrew their sponsored Chevvy Commodore cars. "The Austin Allegros" did not let the break up of Rover Cars affect them however and are still going strong.
  12. B Stock? More like [s]Z[/s] Headstock!!! Fixed it for you....
  13. He did a slot with Geoff at a Yorkshire Bass Bash I organised few years ago. I wouldn't say I'm high profile mind....
  14. On Monday, Pinkerton's Assorted Colours are releasing their version ( by popular demand) of "Watching the Detectives"
  15. [quote name='Phil Adams' timestamp='1426868837' post='2722966'] I thought that was Phil Mitchell? [/quote] "Halfords" was the jokey link in the original ...
  16. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1426846838' post='2722555'] Starting to get a bit tired, is it? [/quote] No, it's always been crap.......
  17. Been confirmed, it will be on its way to me shortly! Thanks alittlebitrobot!
  18. Thanks, just pulled the trigger on that, (don't know why as I don't play guitar!) Maybe just to see if I can fix it? It actually says "only a few items in stock", does that infer there are more than 1?
  19. Below is a handlebar mounted camera gubbins, I bought two and tapped the threads to fit my mounting plate- I tapped the threads as the die I had was not the same thread size. If you could find them the same then it would not be an issue. [attachment=186958:P1040118.JPG] I then bought a couple of rubber bungs, drilled them out to fit over the cymbal stand extension bar [attachment=186959:P1040120.JPG] I made this mounting plate out of aluminium, sprayed it black and died? the holes to fit the camera mounts [attachment=186960:P1040122.JPG] This shows the mounts attached to the plate, the threads screw in and then tighten, like a on a camera [attachment=186961:P1040123.JPG] Below shows how it is mounted on the stand [attachment=186962:P1040125.JPG] A couple of other views [attachment=186963:P1040126.JPG] [attachment=186964:P1040127.JPG] The EUB was made so I could try something small enough to fit my back seat rather than a long bugger like the Stagg! It's actually 44.5" long and fits in a soft shotgun bag! Obviously its headless and the Tuners sit underneath the neck so there is little headstock length and little after the bridge in length either. Stag owners will recognise the electronic bits from theirs, I made the bridge myself (along with the rest of the Bass) and Alan from ACG kindly gave me the brass headless mounting plate for the strings. Tuners are Hipshots and I bought the battery box somewhere! I bought the ebony board from China, made to my specs! I made the "body bought" too. The biggest issue is because the strings go back round themselves to the tuners, even though they sit on brass rollers they only stretch from the bridge contact point to the tuning pegs and are prone to snapping. I have low tension strings on it the moment. Also there is too much play in the cheap cymbal stand and because I used rubber mounting bungs (see photo 2) its all a bit wibbly wobbly! Also I did not set the neck at an angle (like on the Stagg and Double Basses) reasoning I could achieve this with the stand but really I should have put an angle on the neck and then glued it to the board. So a cheap cymbal stand (£15?) does not work because it's too light and also because I am tall (6'3") it's at full extension. Shorter players may not have these issues. I also used the same mounting system with a camera monopod for the EUB rather than do a spike. Looks a bit daft attached to a glorified walking stick like what your Nan uses! Oh, because I could only put the mounting plate in one place on the Bass as it would impinge on the Tuners, it meant the mounting place was a bit high up the Bass. On the 5th and last photo you can see a wooden stabiliser bar I made with Velcro on the end that sits on Velcro on the Bass to provide more stability. I say this because choosing the right place place to attach a stand to your Stagg will be critical...! Hope this all helps, sorry if it seems a highjack but maybe some of my experiences with my EUB might help you with putting a stand on yours?
  20. Ironically I went to Jazz Jam on Sunday at a town synonymous with a large music festival...! I spoke to the organiser to see if he would let me play bass on a couple of tunes, who said, "Oh, we like to know who's coming in advance so we can give them the scores to read, but do you know The Chicken?" As it happens I do and he said, "well we have the score so you can read from it." I said, I don't need the score, I know the tune" He said," well how do you know the intros and endings?" I repeated, "I know the Tune!" So I got to play The Chicken and a Jazzblues in C right at the end of the night. The House Bassist read everything, even some Amy Winehouse tunes which a woman was singing...I just felt they would have sounded more natural not read. I reckon if he was good enough to play Jazz changes all night(albeit read) he should have been capable of a couple of Amy Winehouse tunes.......
  21. I made a headless EUB using Stag innards and used a cymbal stand to mount it, so I could walk away and leave it stood there, then return and play it. It was not 100% successful...I'll take some photos over the w/e and explain what/how I did it. The bottom line however is that a cymbal stand is not really robust enough. I looked at music stands too but more at the weekend!
  22. Elvis Presley wrote "Love Me Tinder" after a camping expedition as a young boy and being the only Scout who's mum had packed him some cotton wool.
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