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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. [quote name='sprocketflup' timestamp='1426617030' post='2719908'] After recent government cutbacks due to austerity, 10,000 maniacs are now just Maniac. [/quote] You sure? I heard they were now called "Ring-Fenced Maniacs".
  2. Three Dog Night were named after the native Australians who on cold nights slept in a hole in the ground with a Dingo, on extremely cold nights they slept with 3 Dingoes.(Actually true)
  3. Buy that and you'll end up playing root notes all night....!
  4. It has already had a glowing review in this section ( see what I did there?). In particular the jack socket has come in for extensive praise due to its integrated design and seamless visuals....
  5. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1426370600' post='2717489'] [b]Leland Bruce "Lee" Sklar[/b] (born May 28, 1947 in [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milwaukee"]Milwaukee[/url]) is an American musician I didn't know Leland was a home town guy. Blue [/quote] Check out "The Section". Him, Russ Kunkel and Danny Kooch played on most of the early Carole King and James Taylor Albums, Lee Sklar has gone on to play with almost everyone including artists as disparate as Phil Collins, Billy Cobham and Lyle Lovett.
  6. Think they went back up to the old price after that weekend....
  7. See the Judith Owen thread for further meetings...!
  8. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1426263352' post='2716355'] [attachment=186309:Rithimic_hz.png] Meant to say that the 5 string is a bit less marmite than the 4.... [/quote] Sorry did not make it clear, these Rithmic Basses are endorsed by Jeff!
  9. I just revisited it this morning, sat on the loo.... Far too much of it is Bassists talking about their instruments,but not in a good way. BGM obviously send out a list of questions to loads of Bassists (most I have never heard of and I'm a bit of a nerd): "What was your first Bass, who do you regard as the best bassist, do you slap, do you use a 5 string bass etc etc? " This then get stitched together, either in a section where all these sit together or in subsequent pages where the slightly more famous ones are given a page to themselves but still answering the same questions. This does not strike me as good journalism, more the results of a slightly unscientific survey! So instead of getting some interesting comments about bass-playing you get "Geddy/Jaco/Alan Lancaster was the best player ever/ I never/always slap/ my first bass was Marlin Sidewinder, the action was 12' high etc etc. It's just variations on a theme and not that interesting. Anyway, rant over, I'm guessing as digital media takes over, the budget and margins on this type of publication are getting squeezed and advertisers will only book space when their instruments are being reviewed. This has a knock-on effect to the level of scrutiny and about the worst Con I've seen of any bass reviewed is "outside of most people's price range" which is stating the bleeding obvious!
  10. [attachment=186309:Rithimic_hz.png] Meant to say that the 5 string is a bit less marmite than the 4....
  11. Vested interests perhaps......? Also you'd never need to balance the outputs on a 1 string bass either.
  12. He's a thoroughly nice man, always happy to talk: he must get tired of people coming up to him and saying (as I did)"You are my bass playing hero, I grew up listening to your playing etc etc..)!
  13. [url="http://www.cortguitars.com/en/product/rithimic-v"][attachment=186289:RITHIMIC-V(1).png][/url] In the past, Jeff Berlin has said "I am strictly a 4 string player because I believe that more strings will not make me play better. I believe that whatever I can't play on a 4 string bass needs to be investigated by me." I'm glad Jeff has come over to my way of thinking....!
  14. Choose a figure but include a damage deposit of the value of the gear, refundable if it returns OK?
  15. [quote name='Gottastopbuyinggear' timestamp='1426164133' post='2715077'] Thanks for doing that. Are you happy with the cab? I know some people complain about the tweeters being hissy in these. [/quote] On my old one there was an attenuator for the Tweeter so you could turn it if not totally off, certainly down. I just left it a 12 oclock.
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