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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1426147676' post='2714842'] Demins? [/quote] Well, the guy had lots of Demons....Actually its a new software package I have, pedantspellcheck!
  2. Michael Jackson was fond of naming all his possessions. His pet rat was called "Ben" and his favourite Demins were called "Billie".
  3. Bloody John Lewis are selling everything now. Does it come with a chin rest?
  4. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1425985842' post='2712998'] That reminds me - there's a nice warm bit of fadge waiting for me when I get home. [/quote] Not helpful Michael, even if it is potato bread.
  5. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1425973214' post='2712803'] Jenny, I am sorry. That is a real apology. I had no idea my silly comments would make you feel so bad and it was genuinely not my intention. As others have said (not that I am hiding behind anyone else's words) this place can be like a cross between a workplace and a pub. People make off-the-cuff comments without really thinking about who is listening and how they will react. At other times, we know exactly how people will react, and deliberately seek that response. This was not one of those occasions. I don't know you, and certainly try not to judge people by the way they present themselves on an online forum. I have two daughters and work on a predominantly female environment. Most of my friends are female. I say this not to defend my actions or try to paint an image of myself, but to give a little bit of context to my comments. My sense of "humour" is the same at home and at work as it is on here - and I have always been sensitive to the feelings of others. It is much easier in person of course, when one can see their response physically. I would delete my comments, but I feel that would not be appropriate. It would also make the thread look strange and make subsequent comments seem random. They have also been quoted and I can't delete those. I am also very sad that you have had to endure such awful experiences just because you are young and female BTW, and just to end on a lighter note - maybe in future it might be safer to avoid thread titles that mention the word "knob"? It would just be a matter of time before someone makes reference to it... [/quote] Thanks for that: I was embarrassed and angry to be a member of this community last night. I do however feel it's a sad reflection on this community (and society) that's we can't be adult about saying the word Knob. In fact I'm thinking of seeing if I can change my name to Dorset Knob, [url="http://www.moores-biscuits.co.uk/"]http://www.moores-biscuits.co.uk/[/url] maybe if the word is in more common usage it will become less emotive.....(oh, hang on what are those buttons on the front of an amp called)?
  6. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1425915638' post='2712140'] It's called innuendo and double entendre, actually - but I take your point. Sorry you didn't like it, but if you spend a bit of time around Basschat you will see that this type of peurile "humour" is quite widespread. Many of us "old men" actually enjoy it. Maybe "BassTeenGirlChat" would be more appealing to you? You seem to make quite a few disparaging remarks regarding the age and gender bias of the membership of this site after all. Word. [/quote] You can't blame the lass for being pissed off with "old men" if that's your way of apologising- by then having a nasty dig at her with your patronising "Bassgirlteenchat" comment. She said she was not happy with your "knob" comments: irrespective of anything she has allegedly posted elsewhere, that should have been it. An unqualified apology. I do despair sometimes about what some think is OK on here.
  7. [attachment=185975:2015-03-09 23.00.00.jpg]
  8. I'd go with them as they managed to spell [s]psch pis [/s]psychedelic correctly and not in txtspk!
  9. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1425921058' post='2712260'] They have an unmarried woman who acts under their instruction. [/quote] The virtual ink was hardly dry on my post and you replied....!
  10. [quote name='Phil Adams' timestamp='1425920297' post='2712245'] Bucks Fizz were all beer drinkers. (Have we had that one yet? I can't remember and I ain't gonna read through 10 million posts to find out!) SO THERE! [/quote] I'll let you get away with that one although I have to say I did stumble across the first post ever today and I'd written something very similar then to this weekend about Paloma Faith....
  11. Move on, nothing to see, the HFB's have got a new release out. How else is he going to publicise it...?
  12. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1425911451' post='2712077'] 60s band The Temperance Seven don't like to mention their 8th member, a violent, alcoholic electric bass player. I'd better have an orange juice, gave up beer after buying a Fender P bass. Cheers! [/quote] Cheers, a pint of virtual Orange please barperson for the guy just above me. Billy Idol[i] loves [/i]Easter Island
  13. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1425902965' post='2711925'] Over two hours and still no Mackem jokes ... [/quote] Wheese keys are these keys?
  14. I am tempted( done lots of this material before) but its just a little too far for me.....
  15. Well, that's 20k views! I set out for 1000 views and it has spiralled somewhat out of control to 20,000. I think that outside of the oft-visited topics such as "Packaging your Bass for Posting" etc., this thread is up there with the best of them. It's Virtual Pints (or a soft beverage of your choice ) all round so on your next contribution please specify your tipple. I guess the next milestone is 50k views? Oh, and Stuart Zender [i]hates [/i]ambiguous spellings.
  16. Yes, I got "strung" with ordering Rotosounds from the US once and paid well over what they were here after taxes and various commissions taken by the Courier.
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