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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. [quote name='Phil Adams' timestamp='1425574365' post='2708762'] The magician Dynamo's favourite band were Cheap Trick. [/quote] As someone who used to live in Bradford, I'm sure it was Van Der Graaf Generator....
  2. Sorry, but I don't have a life....but I was just thinking, under what circumstances do they list Decos during the night? Are they maybe open 24 hours and a bad instrument is spotted on the nightshift and listed immediately? Or does some Thomann techy have a programme that lists them in the early hours remotely or maybe someone listing works during the night? These are the big questions for me today!
  3. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1425542577' post='2708275'] Sort of like a "Abu HAsda" then. [/quote] No, but a Weightrose trolley is even heavier.
  4. Bassist for Mancunian Bubblegum Band "New Order" Peter Hook, got his nickname "Hooky" due to his fondness for fishing in the Manchester Ship Canal. He once landed an 8 stone Asda Trolley.
  5. Paradoxically, prog band "Hatfield and The North" used to fly to all their gigs and not travel by road.
  6. None of prog/fusion band "Gentle Giant" actually like tinned sweetcorn.
  7. [quote name='fiatcoupe432' timestamp='1425470698' post='2707610'] a cheaper one here....... [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MARCUS-MILLER-Miniature-5-string-Jazz-Bass-/251520684750?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a8fcd12ce"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item3a8fcd12ce[/url] [/quote] That must be those "deco" basses everyone is buying, great for travel too...
  8. The Beta Band were great fans of Gnat King Cole. (Beta versions usually contain bugs..)
  9. [quote name='Ashdown Engineering' timestamp='1425392863' post='2706831'] Looking forward to seeing some of you lot there, make sure you come and say hello. [/quote] That sounded like it was through gritted teeth,...,surely you'd want everyone to come and "B Social"?!
  10. Good to know that "scratches only add to the wood finish". Now where's me belt sander?
  11. Someone had to do it, 1000 replies. What a [s]Millstone [/s]Milestone.
  12. With the announcement today of many new wave based eco electricity schemes across the country, indie band "British Sea Power" are touring seaside venues to promote their new album.
  13. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1425303586' post='2705965'] Not really - i am curious by the clamour for these - I must confess to having been sucked in somewhat when I saw a picture of a baby blue 5 string - Im put off a little by how close the row of 5 stacked control knobs get to the potential plucking position of the G string. I wasn't aware Outtoplayjazz had used one of these - I suspect that although interested in them he won't be dropping his Status or Sabre basses. I'm one if those guys who had a great Jazz copy in the seventies and whilst manufacture if everything has improved since, the difference I felt when I left mine behind when I bought an expensive instrument back then (it was a pre EB Stingray brand new) was so great I simply sold the Jazz copy. Solidity, sound and feel were in a different league. The biggest surprise here to me is the apparent break up of the MM/Fender alliance - no doubt he will still use his famous Fender but they do seem to be dropping all the good signature instruments (the MM 5 must be one of the best in their history). Sign of the times I guess. [/quote] It was this line that threw me as I didn't think one needed a manual to play a Bass........: "d) one which seems to have a manual with such poor English as to put it on a par with late 70s far eastern electronic goods."
  14. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1425254278' post='2705672'] OutToPlayJazz (Rich) who used to comment on this forum regularly, has some very expensive gear, bought one, gigged it and rated very highly. He even took it to Bass Direct who were equally impressed. I'll go on the recommendations of a pro player and a retailer of high end gear...and anyone who's actually bought one [/quote] I kinda think that Dr T Stingrays post was being ironic unless I am sadly mistaken....?
  15. News just in that musical Hobo Seasick Steve is suing Supertramp for plagiarism.
  16. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1425240660' post='2705515'] BC member and "Alternative rock factfile" creator Yorks5stringer has agreed to buy every member a drink when this thread reaches 1000 in number. [/quote] Nah, was going for 20k views (that would give me a little longer to save up)
  17. Paradoxically, members of Industrial Rockers Killing Joke have never actually "killed a joke" although this cannot always be said of the Alternative Rock Factfile...
  18. Jazz Fusion Band The Yellowjackets often work the venue car park before the gig. Fans are often confused to see Bassist Jimmy Haslip direct them to a vacant parking bay.
  19. I had the PJ 5, the only issue was the "tort" scratch plate, it's printed plastic and after a couple of months started to rub off to a whitish smudge where I anchored my thumb..
  20. Not so keen on celebrity endorsed Basses myself....
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