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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. I'm on their mailing list somehow and they have an interesting way of doing Custom Guitars ( and Basses). You can request a particular model ( and they specialise in retro surf type stuff) and they "crowd fund" the production. You pay $150 up front and the balance assuming they get the funding ( maybe another $300 ) when it is produced and ready for shipping. Seems an effective business model. [url="https://eastwoodcustoms.com/about-eastwood-customs/"]https://eastwoodcust...stwood-customs/[/url]
  2. Paradoxically, "Bat Out of Hell Singer and Actor" Meatloaf regards himself as a bit of a gourmet.
  3. 60's icons The Shadows could never understand why their sets seemed to go on longer when they played in the afternoon yet evening gigs were always precise. Guitarist Hank Marvin is currently battling a debilitating stomach condition.
  4. The reformed Country Band "Asleep at the Wheel" now employ private hire drivers to get to gigs after a tragic accident wiped out 3 of the band and a number of customers at a roadside diner.
  5. Matt Bellamy bought himself a new pad in London and rang his Mum up to tell her about it. She said, "Great Matt, what type of house is it?". Matt paused, "I'm not sure what they call it but its like a row of stables, usually with carriage houses below and living quarters above, built around a paved yard or court, or along a street, behind large city houses, such as those of London, during the 17th and 18th centuries."
  6. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1418662287' post='2632088'] However not everyone minds... another Shard occupant who wished to be remain anonymous - so we'll refer to them as "Shard A" - was insisting that her love was King. [/quote] You're a smooth operator...
  7. Xmas: harsh angry noises which get even worse when the credit card bill arrives.
  8. I heard the early copies were much lighter than the ones now but it is quite good for metal. (There, my work on this planet is almost done.....)
  9. As private tenants are starting to move into London's highest building, The Shard, news is emerging of a strange phenomenon. Clarissa Belgravia-Knightsbridge who lives in Penthouse 41 on level 42 explains, " Yah, the guy next door, in No 42 makes yah, very odd noises. There's this droning noise followed by, well, yah, it sounds like one of those deep guitar things having it's strings being pulled off it, yah, makes frightful din, yah. Otherwise he's a nice chap, think he's the King of the Isle of Wight, wherever that is, yah?" A spokeswoman for ISIS Lettings said, "We have been made aware of strange noises in one of our tenants penthouses and we are not ruling out pipework "hammering". All tenants have been issued with noise-cancelling earphones as a precaution."
  10. Benny and Bjorn from Abba were doing some studio production work back in the late 80's and the band next door were the Stone Roses. They got talking and offered to mix a number the Roses were working on. All was going fine until the Bassist kept on messing up his line on "She Bangs the Drums". This happened repeatedly and in exasperation Benny exclaimed "Mani, mani, mani"! The rest, as they say is history.
  11. Flame-haired Singer "I think we're alone now" Tiffany literally is "alone now" as The Band "Deep Blue Something " have moved out. Commented Band leader Todd Pipes," We only went there for Breakfast 30 years ago and she did a lovely grilled mushrooms and fried bread but once she started serving Muesli, we knew it was time to leave".
  12. It is an oft repeated but unsubstantiated urban myth that the phrase "That's got the Monkey off my back" was originally said by moon-walking singer Michael Jackson upon waking up in his Mansion one morning.
  13. In a shock announcement, Shakespeare's Sister have announced they are disbanding. Spokesperson Joan was heard to comment, " Despite us being Touring constantly since the 16th Century, audiences have started to dwindle. We can't compete with Rap and Hip-Hop and other genres of urban story-telling". Cynics have suggested this is much ado about nothing however.
  14. Both Fleet Foxes and The Ozark Mountain Dare-devils have clauses in their touring contracts that prevent Promoters booking them on the same billing.
  15. Both James Blunt and Rocky Sharp and the Razors have clauses in their touring contracts that prevent Promoters booking them on the same billing.
  16. Following Buddy Holly's death, his backing band were always mystified that they could only book Tours with promoters in the Summer.
  17. "Toxic" Singer Britney Spears has just launched a Hair Care range at Lidl Supermarkets. Some commentators feel this slightly ironic given a few years ago she totally denuded her body of hair in an effort to stop any drug sampling via her hair analysis. In the end she was prosecuted anyway as in her haste to remove all her body hair, she forgot about the plug hole! As the arresting officer Sergeant Ferguson-Brown said, "It was like a soapy blonde Brillo Pad".
  18. American vocal group The Inkspots were popular in the 30's and 40's but could see change coming and decided to diversify away from music. Hermann Rorschach the singer devised a personality test which revolutionised its field. The others band members became 2 French waiters serving red wine, 2 people pulling at a butterfly, and a girl wearing a tuxedo.
  19. Hanson were fed up of being called "pop puppets" so they dumped the music,changed their name back to the original name "Henson" and resumed their career making puppets and mannequins. With some left overs and an old Mick Hucknall wig they created an unlikely singer songwriter called Harry Shearer. When the actual Harry Shearer threatened legal action, they slightly changed his name and the rest, as they say, is history. A rare ridiculous fact in this thread of truisms.
  20. Equally "Dead or Alive" spent so much time wondering, they never managed to record anything.
  21. I'm struggling to see where the mentioned "measurements" are..?
  22. When 10 piece band Brand X broke up for the final time in 1999, singer Russell Brand decided to branch out into comedy. Following moderate success he went on to become an author.
  23. Old slapper Mark King had a very different career marked out for him as a young man. He was in fact first in line to succeed Queen Elizabeth but gave it all up to play in a pop band. He wrote "Running in the Family" as a protest against non elected monarchs and "Chinese Way" after hearing remarks by his father Prince Philip about some visiting dignitaries." Lessons in Love" was in fact a song about brother Charles and Diana Spencer. He looked on with wry amusement as Kate and Will met the First Couple of the USA last week. He'd met Jay Zee and Beyoncé ages ago at a jam session.
  24. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1418427255' post='2630273'] Hackney is in East London. No wonder I couldn't understand them [/quote] Not many rabbits in either location.
  25. [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1418409486' post='2630060'] "The Meters" were, and still are, the only certified metric band in the USA. [/quote] 22.860 cm Nails are not happy either...
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