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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. It would be helpful to know what/who else is in your band....but 80 watts would not cut it with twin guitars, a miked up drummer and screamy vocals. However if its Folksy you might get away with it. The other option, rather than ragging an 80watt combo at full volume is to DI it through the PA. I guess the disadvantage of a small combo can be twofold: it is down at your ankles and you hear less from it there and from off stage looks a bit naff if the rest of the band have massive stacks! Rereading the post above mentions DI..!
  2. Just been listening to the Live album and Everything is Everything on my Amazon Music Library. Like the track on the OP too.
  3. Going back to the OP, it appears to be a shop/business selling it so don't see any issue. I do appreciate the warning that it is not worth it and is being sold for way more than they paid for it privately, however but that's what shops do, isn't it?
  4. Good job Carl Thomson (or Thommo as I call him) is not litigious!
  5. Oh, and BTW the Soup was Parsnip and Pea and although they had run out of brown, I had half a white baguette with mine. Apparently however the Roast Beef, whilst plentiful, was rather dry. Apologies to those who did not get photographed with their gear but GCHQ's loss is their gain.
  6. Here's Mike with a Roscoe. He also brought a nice Pedulla too! Looking at that photo gives me Gas..propane! [attachment=173606:Mike.JPG]
  7. Andy is not actually wearing his Jazz low, it's just he has very short legs.... [attachment=173605:Andy.JPG]
  8. Here's Graham with a Hohner: do you know the headstock has got broken off? [attachment=173603:Graham.JPG]
  9. David from Retrovibe brought along a trio of his basses. Oh, how we laughed as he told us about his "cease and desist order"....but he has lots of new stuff arriving including some 5 strings next week.
  10. Here's Jim the organiser. When I said I needed a bit more light I did not expect all those red leds! Shoot, I forgot to commend Jims lightweight cabs (not a euphemism) Who needs B[s]arefaced? [/s]This man is a real cabinet maker. [attachment=173601:JIm.JPG]
  11. Big thanks to Jim for organising this, those who attended and Guest Speaker David from Retrovibe who coped with a rowdy set of Basschatters ( you know who you are!). I took a few photos which I will post as soon as I can, am in the middle of sending a 6 stringer to Malta......
  12. [quote name='Bassbadger' timestamp='1413024146' post='2574230'] Hi everyone, Looking forward to tomorrow. I'll be bringing a small selection of the Retrovibe basses and my TC rig for people to try them through. See you there! David [/quote] Hi David Bring a 5 string please if it arrived on time...?
  13. Ah Sunderland, the land that time forgot and people wear trousers with turn-ups...!
  14. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1412866401' post='2572819'] ... but should have cut the cavity covers from the same piece of wood as the body. (IMHO) [/quote] +1 they spoil it for me too.
  15. Could I add futher flames to the fire by mentioning this should really be in the eBay lounge anyway, where there are a number of sad persons like myself who sit and snigger at the atrocities therein...!
  16. I did hear that some of the very early Tanglewaters were wired incorrectly and had to be redone in Cumbria
  17. I expect they were begging he take it away and burn it....!
  18. They say a picture tells a 1000 words:in this case it has to!
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1412543492' post='2569864'] Don't apologise to [i]him [/i]- he said '[i]an[/i] faux valve amp' when he obviously meant '[i]a[/i] faux valve amp'. And another thing, 'sorry' does NOT need an uppercase 's', so God knows [i]what [/i]he's playing at! Tsk! [/quote] I was being both Ironic....and Typographic finally.
  20. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1412527806' post='2569609'] Hey, well done it's always good when you [b][i]finaly [/i][/b]get it to go right. Good luck [/quote] Glad someone's finally (!) spelt it correctly (Sorry, Grammar Police Patrol just passing). Yes, I had a BDDI for a little while then got an faux valve amp with a Compressor built in so did not need it. But a great bit of kit and super value.
  21. I attend around 3 open mics a month: I usually favour the quieter ones as often I'm the only Bass player so stay on all night...! My heart often sinks as yet another singer songwriter get ups, declines my bass accompaniment and bores me rigid for 20 minutes! The best one has just been knocked on the head however, just me and the guy who ran it, he'd flick through his book of songs, ask if I knew it, I always said yes and then just read it off his chord chart if I didn't actually know it. We'd always have to finish with "The Chain", just me, an acoustic guitar and him with a Vocaliser. Happy Days ( which incidentally we never did)....
  22. Why not use " here's a song that needs no introduction"........?
  23. Here's all the dates, just had a panic my date was not full band , but it is! http://www.judithowen.net/all-shows/
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