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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Some geographical information might be helpful..I assume you are based near Frome/Bruton?
  2. [quote name='binky_bass' timestamp='1406062245' post='2508044'] I was 100% clear with the buyer, if there was any bad vibes or bad words etc we would have dealt with it at the time. I requested to cancel the sale, he agreed, if he did not agree then we would be in a different situation. Fact is I asked to cancel, he said yes. I do not see how this is wrong doing. Being classed as a con man because you don't know the facts is ridiculous and very narrow minded. I spoke to fiatcoupe and he said he will add a post to clear things up. So I am hoping he does as this is all very out of hand. My god this is crazy... Not something i expected. And as for morally worng, yes, I would agree if i'd taken his money and never sent the bass, but i sent him the text I did saying I really didnt want to sell it, blah blah, youve all read it... and fiatcoupe said ok, no worries, what else am i suppose to do? Yes I should have put a reserve, this was discussed with fiatcoupe, we spoke in a friendly way and ended things in a friendly way, so i dont understand this epically unreasonable reaction from assumptions. This is our issue, not yours, we dealt with it happily between us and that is it. Fiatcoupe, your thoughts here would be very appreciated man! I'm getting a little [b]raped[/b] here... [/quote] I'm not jumping on the witch-hunt band wagon but I'd really appreciate you amending that term I've bolded above please. It does not seem appropriate in the slightest. Cheers.
  3. Yes, on her website there was a video maybe a year ago of her on Tour in the SW. Dad was Colonel Tom Parker......
  4. Looks like Stevie Wonder has packed in the day job and is doing restorations. Any professional who put his name to that ought to be ashamed. Looks like they have just re-glued the binding and totally disregarded the associated chipped finish.
  5. I never drive anywhere without sending the Missus a few paces out in front with a red flag......
  6. From my rare ventures across to TB, it seems to be a US thing? Most I've ever done is a 3x45 mins sets at a function.. Shortest I've ever done was 20 minutes at a Wedding, where they overran!
  7. Just watched the Paloma Faith bit , who for the first time I've ever seen her was dressed "normally" (Yes, I'm that shallow...!). It didn't sound that good I'm afraid to say.....
  8. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1405771677' post='2505112'] I've seen a few bits on Thomann I'd like to try. Not expensive, and more guitar related, but has anyone had issues returning items? Cheers [/quote] I think ? this poster is more interested in buying a number of items and maybe just keeping 1 or 2. If this is the case, then as said above, anything that has wear on it will have a deduction made off the original cost, assuming it has been used, tried not liked and sent back. If faulty, yes then they will usually replace but I think it is a 35 euro fee they take off on bigger items if returned for a refund if they deem it has been ragged....! Obviously once you have returned those items , they decide what the deduction is and it is out of your hands. I'm not slagging them off unnecessarily but I have had some experience with them having either received items myself they said were perfect and yet were clearly used and also items delivered that were damaged. Their default position is " return to us" ( this is free but if they think the damage is your wear and tear rather than e.g dropped in shipping they will charge you 35 euros). One can understand their position somewhat but I object a bit to their mistrust of my word.
  9. Pretty sure all points are covered in the posts above regarding costs and condition it has to be in to get a refund..
  10. I got a Gramma pad when in your situation
  11. Expect the Gator rack bag was cheaper than a MB BB gig bag as well!
  12. I'm in the boring old farts camp of "Its a classic,son", being old enough to remember it being released and marvelling at the psychedelic solo.....
  13. My first Bass Teacher, a keen runner, ran around Bradford stopping at Newsagents and put up cards in their windows advertising his services. That was 30 years ago and with the net it may be much easier and cheaper to do now.
  14. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1405548898' post='2503052'] Not only wouldn't I buy it, I'd be very reluctant to deal with anyone who owned it. [/quote] From the US, so not sure if UK Customs would object? Imagine carrying it on the Tube to a gig? Ironically my self-made EUB fits nicely into a soft Shotgun case, although there are no Tubes down here and I don't gig it anyway....
  15. You've come on here, so you know how to use the internet....: have a look at what others offer and at the least match them and try to better them! If I can join Scott's Bass Lessons for £52 a year, ( possibly the cost of 2 lessons with you?) what makes you better than him? What's your USP? As others have said,embrace the social media. If you are trying to get youngsters to teach then you need to have a presence on their chosen networks. If you want older pupils, then ditto. As for your comment about music shops, as we see on this site, many do not ever step inside a physical music shop now so not being able to advertise there may not be a total disaster.
  16. The max you can claim is 50 euros and I've had my full amount now...as others have said it has to be a full review to get the full value voucher otherwise you just get 5 euros. Actually currently in terse discussions with them over this :[attachment=166865:P1030851.JPG] They say, despite my photo and explanation that a scratch plate that wears off in a couple of months and is unfit for purpose ,that I have to send it back to establish it is faulty and it could be away 3-4 weeks and if they rule against me it will cost me 35 euros! They don't have any more in stock either. It cost buttons anyway but I'd just like them to acknowledge it's a fault....
  17. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1405206651' post='2499782'] There`s also been a similar ad/bass on Gumtree, for £1000. [/quote] Was that where the OP got his?
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1405246859' post='2499986'] Well technically, it could be 'music-related'. Parp! [/quote] Where's there a Mod? Never there when you need them....
  19. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1405205768' post='2499767'] I once took a pair of socks back to a butcher for a refund. Got my money back too. [/quote] Think your spell-checker has made a mistake and it should have been " chops".....!
  20. [sub]Surely that's part of the design so the wooden headstock does not get " grooved"? That said, it could be suggested it's a bit "over-engineered" with 3 different string guiding mechanisms twixt Tuner post and first fret![/sub]
  21. Gone now, but why would you tape over the serial number...?
  22. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1405161500' post='2499256'] Hmmm, it's alsmost like he could be reading this thread. In the USA there's one up for sale at £175 with no bids - amazing value for the best bass in the world! [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VINTAGE-Peavey-T-45-Double-Pickup-Bass-Guitar-USA-Made-W-Case-T-40-/121380793288?pt=Guitar&hash=item1c42dbebc8"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item1c42dbebc8[/url] [/quote] Yes, but apparently it has some "ware" which will affect the price....
  23. Well I'm glad you've all kissed and made up.......
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