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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. "black pickups with pole pieces that can be adjusted" -I wonder why no-one has ever thought of that before.....oh hang on, I think they have! Looks like I'll have to wait for the Rockbass version.
  2. Probably worth saying that the Jeff Berlin version referred to earlier is in fact a 15" speaker....
  3. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1394810558' post='2395513'] Perhaps it's postmodern relicing? [/quote] Sounds like the title for a TV documentary...
  4. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1394754541' post='2394995'] I would leave it. Except - do you not think the D string tuner has got knocked slightly out of alignment? [/quote] Ah, that's what they call a "drop D" tuning....
  5. Was thinking that by putting on Black Tapewounds, everything would sound like that but actually the different modelled sounds will transform the Tapewound sound to P Bass, Jazz Bass, Fretless Bass etc...won't they? +1 on the detail for the thumb rest, at first I thought it was clear Perspex but realise you've coloured it to match the different surfaces it sits on.
  6. Quite a maverick placing of a 1960's bass (worth £5K)- up against a brick wall and on a gravel path......hope the authentic tuners provided enough friction against the brick to stop it slipping!
  7. Tried the Gig Blade prototype on Bass Gear's stand at LBS a couple of w/e ago. It sits lower due to its design which for someone my height is helpful. Not in production till the Summer I heard however..
  8. 2 Gold plated brand new strap locks similar to the ones below. Bought in error ( I meant to get the Silver ones and clicked the wrong box!) . A small price to pay to avoid having your cherished Bass falling on your foot, or worse, a hard stage. However, if you'd rather use rubber beer bottle washers, then this will not interest you...... £4.00 inc UK Free postage [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GOLD-GUITAR-STRAP-LOCK-BEST-QUALITY-GUARANTEED-/251471750939?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item3a8ce2671b"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item3a8ce2671b[/url]
  9. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1394471410' post='2391668'] That is indeed a very attractive looking bass on all kinds of levels , and not too "Liberace" in overall effect , despite the abundance of gold. I think that, crucially, the fact that the body is a darker, Vintage Gold probably makes all the difference in that respect . Very, very nice looking bass all round, and I have no doubt it sounds great, too. [/quote] I can only think gold strings might improve it...?
  10. [i][quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1394468556' post='2391635'] Gold on gold can work too: [/quote][/i] Just about to post up mine and you've beaten me to it! P.S. Do I spot some obsessive detail in the placing of the string balls at 90 degrees to the slots? I'm just off to do the same...!
  11. How thick is your piece of swampy? Blade has "a 3" working length"...
  12. I'd get a blade that gives you the best chance of cutting that thickness of wood with a jigsaw....you'll be doing a lot of shaping and sanding thereafter anyway so would not worry about being too tight to that line.
  13. My Dad had a huge collection of 30's Jazz ( Beiderbeck,et al) but worked away a lot so it did not influence my listening. I wore out Beatles for Sale and Rubber Soul in the mid 60's and moved on to stuff as diverse as the Mahavishnu Orchestra, The Faces,The Crusaders and Back Door, to Little Feat and Van Morrison when I went to Leeds in 73 [s]to see bands[/s] study! It was at least a gig a week and a new album weekly too. Steely Dan at Leeds Uni was a highlight but I remember Colin Bluntstone, Jo Jo Gun, 10 CC, Ace, Bob Marley and the Wailers, John Martyn, Hall & Oates, going to Manchester to see Little Feat, London to see Van Morrison. Somewhere is a list of all the Bands I saw whilst studying..... Just remembered Grateful Dead at Newcastle City Hall in the early 70's, also Ziggy Stardust Tour too....Mind, could not get into the Dead
  14. He's very formulaic: witty acerbic lyrics, trade mark keyboards and horns, noodley guitar and jazz/blues chord structures but for me there's not much out there I'd rather listen too for much of the time. As for "Repetitive rhythm": ain't that just the riff? Different strokes and all that... Incidentally when I went for my £350,00 Hi-Fi playback ( see other thread) the guy there saw the DF Sunken Condos and thanked me for not bringing Nightfly as he'd heard it so many times when brought in by punters to listen to.
  15. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1394134969' post='2388374'] Does anyone else share my slight concern that, on the back of all this positive publicity for the London Bass Guitar Show, slightly dyslexic bass players might end up buying tickets to LGBS events ? [/quote] Well. there'd probably be less slapping for a start.....
  16. I concur, I used to hate it but once amplified on my latest Bass, it becomes unnoticeable. However wasn't it Steely Dan who said , "I'm through with Buzz"?
  17. Had a similar diagnosis with the electro pads, severe CTS in right hand arm, less severe in left. Stopped playing upright Bass and went to see an acupuncturist. Had a few treatments and I'm fine, gigging sometimes twice a week on consecutive nights. Even if you are completely sceptical of acupuncture it can't make you worse and IMHO is a lot less invasive than surgery. An enlightened GP might even be able to refer you as it will cost a hell of a lot less than surgery.
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