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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. [quote name='Matt P' timestamp='1394048476' post='2387415'] I must point out that my castles are the much more lowly Durham 2's, the guy I bought them from was having a clear out and we actually got 2 pairs for 60 a pair and I snagged a nakamichi cassette deck 2 for another 40 quid, [b]they guy lived in a huge house in an area mostly populated by premiership footballers[/b], the system in his living room looked like Stonehenge! (I probably shouldn't let on that my thorens turntable was given to me by a mates dad who was going to throw it out if I didn't want it!) Matt [/quote] Darras Hall I reckon? I grew up in Ponteland...
  2. I bought an Epiphone Jack Cassidy case for mine and Warwick gave me a sticker that just fitted over the Epiphone logo on the case. It's one of those vinyl covered ones so is already covered in scrapes ( and yes, I know that's what it is for!).
  3. It could be worth asking Marco about the hiss issue, either on the "MarkBass is heavy" thread or via a PM..?
  4. [quote name='GrahamT' timestamp='1393950211' post='2386175'] Keith, It would be good to also know how the session would be run, ie will be be able to have a go at setting up our own basses on the day? Thanks. [/quote] Will do
  5. Noticed these have plummeted in price, they were nearly £200: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/rockcase_rc10807_bw_warwick_star_case.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/rockcase_rc10807_bw_warwick_star_case.htm[/url]
  6. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1393975474' post='2386618'] I suspect the use of batteries was less to do with heavy currents than to ensure a perfectly clean DC power supply with no mains ripple or regulator 'noise'. I also suspect it made no discernable audible difference. Did you miss out a 'dear' in that sentence? [/quote] I suspect your insight into the use of batteries is correct...... dear!
  7. I've got one of these: after the lifting mechanism failed they sent me a new one, way out of warranty. [url="http://www.herculesstands.com/mics/MS632B.html"]http://www.herculesstands.com/mics/MS632B.html[/url] You can basically adjust it with one hand, so you needn't put down your bottle of Brandy on stage....
  8. Now the Brum Guitar Show is out the way, I've emailed Ben from Crimson Guitars regarding the setup sessions. Will follow this up with a phone call later in the week if no response and update you on this Thread. FYI I've just asked him about the cost based on 5 or 6 and indicated there would be a weekend requirement.
  9. As the second part of my venture to the Capital over the weekend (Taking in LBS on Sunday), on Monday morning I went to Audio Lounge on Wigmore Street to have a playback of my favourite album on their system. The speaker cabinets were about 1.5 m tall and made of 19 mm glass ( you think Ampeg cabs are heavy?) and were designed so none of the internal angles reflected back on each other. There were 3 separate drivers in each one. The amp was in 4 sections, with a pre-amp and then 3 other parts ( TBH I was out of my depth by then regarding the explanation). I do recall that 1 of the amp sections was powered by batteries, presumably something to do with heavy currents being absent? It was all made in Holland apparently. I don't remember the name of the CD player but it looked expensive, as did the deck which was on an isolation platform too. Oh, and the speaker cables were not touching the floor but sat on metal discs holding them clear. I took Sunken Condos by Donald Fagen and listened to that plus a couple of Aretha tracks from their collection on those big black flat things with grooves on. Having had my ears assaulted by a noisy gig on Saturday night, then the LBS on Sunday, it was not a 'wow' moment to hear my CD on this system: yes , everything was really clear and separate but I felt I needed to do an A-B comparison with my system to try and gauge the difference. In fact I calculated my system cost 1000 times less than this one, is it 1000 times worse? I had the opportunity to go there late last week, prior to LBS and my gig, so maybe that would have been the better choice? Anyway, I left there with a complimentary Suzy Reed designer cushion of Ray Charles, although there were lots of others to choose from and was back in the sticks just after lunchtime.
  10. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1393890518' post='2385634'] It was Sibob Actually I think I deserve the commission payment given that I chased after him and tracked him down at the coffee stand in order to recommend a brand that BassGear don't sell [/quote] OK, you'll get your usual %......! Thanks for the name of the chap I spoke to too!!
  11. [quote name='bumnote' timestamp='1393879548' post='2385473'] There were some on the bass centre stand and Im sure I saw some elsewhere [/quote] Sorry, should have said 5 String sets, but that's in the name! BC had one B left but had sold the other 4 string set by then. However they were posting a set to me which should hopefully arrive tomorrow.
  12. Looks like its Basschat "Full Moon" again......
  13. Well, in the absence of Rotosound no-one could make the usual complaint....!
  14. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1393859612' post='2385116'] Pfft. I usually manage to make more of an impression than that...unless you were recommending to more than one, of course. I had to abandon the Ortega stand too. I don't know why they didn't swap with the hearing protection people out by the auditorium entrance...could have been better business for both! [/quote] No, that was my first recommendation and I did name check you..! Barrie (Merton) had been talking to someone about the Star Bass and as he's tried mine mentioned me and how I was knocking around. Just after I then went over to Bassgear to say my cherios and Barrie ran after the guy, brought him back and then we had our chat, my second Warwick Star Bass endorsing session of the day. Actually, I could not help mentioning to Lee Sklar that I had a Star Bass too.... (forgot to mention it was a cheapy mind)
  15. Had a good time on the Sunday, highlight was listening and speaking to Lee Sklar during his Masterclass. I didn't attend last years LBS but was surprised in the reduction of stands from the 2012 show and no-one had any flat wound strings this year either....! Noise has been a chesnut for a number of years and certainly I had to abandon my attempts to play on the Ortega Stand on both their mini basses and UBasses which were both through an Ampeg mini stack:it seemed pointless trying to compete with whoever was next door. Managed to recommend the Warwick Star Bass to another Basschatter (sorry name escapes me) so if anyone is reading this from Warwick (Nick Wells?) send the cheque to the usual address! Met Sylvia and Steve on the BC stand and thankfully was not photographed in the BC baseball cap... Big shout out to Phil and his team at BassGear for hosting the Basschat stand too.
  16. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1393677043' post='2383214'] +1, which is often the case when these threads appear. N&S, whilst it might be a little uncomfortable, but it doesn't do any harm for bass retailers around the UK to know they're being watched! It also gives folks both the opportunity to redress any problem publicly and to gain some credibility in doing so. Everyone cocks up occasionally, it's how it's dealt with that's important, and it looks like Dawsons dealt with it well in the long run. [/quote] +1 The power of the internet and Basschat has brought us to a happy ending. Similar to the Mark Bass thread where we got the CEO joining in. Is this what that nice Mr Cameron calls "The Big Society"?
  17. Regarding packing a Bass, I always go for a belt and braces approach. In fact last year I made wooden "coffins" for anything I sent by Courier. Equally there is a more lightweight approach that seems to be favoured by many retailers. Thomann have just sent me 2 Basses and on both occasions it has been an external large box, filled with aircell pockets supporting a bass sized box which has a neck support and padding on the top and bottom ends and sides of the lower box. On both occasions the external carton has been unmarked but the inner boxes when opened have revealed a Bass wrapped in bubble wrap but with a broken or dislodged neck support and all the poly padding has broken away. Both Basses were damaged due to an impact, one on the reverse of the Bass and another on the Headstock. My point being it may be better to double box your Bass but ensure it really cannot move within both the inner and outer box. Equally, I may have just been unlucky as my Star Bass came packed the same from Thomann and was unmarked.
  18. Yes saw them a few years ago on the same bill as Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings. Didn't realise Kenny was on Bass now, seen him with Corinne B-R before.
  19. From memory when attending the first London Show. there was a café with long queues and high prices....I seem to remember a Tesco fairly close by however.
  20. I'm going but looking out my ear plugs....
  21. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1393484741' post='2380752'] Did I at any point level my complaint at hartke or Korg? No. I came here for advice not to name and shame anyone. If it makes you happy it was [b]Dawson's[/b] and there was nothing to stop you messaging me for details. To question my attitude is pretty annoying as I've simply been after people's advice or experiences to help me resolve my problem. [/quote] Let's stop beating around the bush.....
  22. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1393520284' post='2381420'] Now I feel both inflamed and irritated. all at the same time too !! [/quote] I can recommend (not first hand) Anusol for your inflammation and irritation.
  23. [quote name='rubis' timestamp='1386499084' post='2300631'] Check this one out! [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DR-30-Drum-Keyboard-Monitor-by-Gear4music-Faulty-RRP-85-/301033761409?pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL&hash=item461702aa81"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item461702aa81[/url] [/quote] Ah, that's the Ikea flat pack version....
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