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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Good stuff norm, see you later. You know about the initiation ceremony....?
  2. Keep my volume low so as not to offend the singer who often reminds me not to turn it up during the set.....
  3. On junction of High Street and East Street High Street Milborne Port Somerset DT9 5DQ Telephone (01963) 250314 [url="https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&q=Dt9+5DQ&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x487247e74dfb0be7:0x154733cd0d8ccfef,Milborne+Port+DT9+5DQ&gl=uk&ei=N6AHU4KbDa6e7Ab4rYAY&ved=0CHIQtgMwCg"]https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&q=Dt9+5DQ&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x487247e74dfb0be7:0x154733cd0d8ccfef,Milborne+Port+DT9+5DQ&gl=uk&ei=N6AHU4KbDa6e7Ab4rYAY&ved=0CHIQtgMwCg[/url]
  4. There are one or two on here who I'd say qualify: no names, no pack drill! I tend to have a one in, one out policy, so out went two and one has come in! However did change all my rig too! I'll always keep the Kbass I made as I was given a bequest towards most of the cost.
  5. He can only say "[s]feck off "[/s] "yes or no", so I'd go for it....looking at his website and speaking to him he seems quite friendly!
  6. It would be much appreciated if someone brought a camera and was prepared to don the mantle of Official Photographer (Unpaid). Thanks!
  7. [quote name='davehux' timestamp='1392979353' post='2374812'] My current settings (in clock format) are Gain 12.00 Compressor 9.00 Bass 2.00 Mid 12.00 Treble 1.00 Colour - off or up to 9.00 depending on what I'm playing. Any more than that and I find it too mushy It doesn't have the full-on dirty grind of the TB500 gain, but I like that. I want 'chunky' not 'dirty' [/quote] Ta, I'll give it a spin.
  8. [quote name='TheRev' timestamp='1392977591' post='2374780'] I've got to detour via Glastonbury so I won't make the 12 o'clock start, but should be there by 1pm if that's OK? I'm bringing my ply double bass, a BigE MAS45 cab and the EA Doubler amp. Will also bring my Eminence EUB if I can fit it in on top of the baby's pram... [/quote] No probs, Ben Crowe from Crimson Guitars can't get to us till 2.00 pm, so you'll only miss people setting up and tyre kicking....! Oh, and did I mention the initiation ceremony....?
  9. [quote name='davehux' timestamp='1392973100' post='2374719'] I've had one for a few weeks now, replacing an Orange TB500, and I love it. It's taken a lot of playing around with the gain/compressor/colour settings to find 'my' tone, but it sounds so much 'fatter' than the TB Certainly sounds good through a BF Super 12T - and no shortage of bottom end It really did sound good with a Precision I had recently Can't quite see all your settings, could you list them on here please? I tend to favour a smooth sound so do not have the gain above 9' o clock. I got mine brand new from Thomann, with a 3 year warranty, for not much more than some used ones on here And as a bonus, the little orange LED's inside it add to the valve glow so it looks super-cool as well [/quote] Could you list your settings please, can't quite see them all! I tend to go for a smooth sound so gain is at 9'oclock.
  10. [quote name='Kenny Gair' timestamp='1392908492' post='2374054'] How do you find the 15? I have a 4x10 and am sick of having a sore back but I like the 4ohm ness of it. I see the 15 is 8 Ohms..... bit concerned about having to buy two cabs to get the full 500w. [/quote] More than adequate for smaller venues, we played a social club last Sat night with it just as backline and then on the Sunday played the West of England Showground DI'd through the PA- huge large hall full of cars. I think Walman was using this rig with 2 of these cabs at one stage, you could ask him if he really needed them for a decent sound?
  11. Great stuff, the MOR the merrier.....! Might be useful for attendees to bring a flat4 (extension socket) just in case.
  12. I've just got a TTE after a MB LMII and LMIII. Its bigger than my LM's but more old school in sound. Don't find it deficient in the bottom end but have only the LM's to compare to. Also running it through a RJ NYC151 cab as opposed to my old T102 cab ( both MB).
  13. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1392880172' post='2373697'] @York5Stringer - any chance that you can record something DI'd tone wide open from the HB? I'd really like to hear the tone. EDIT: Or, you could tell me if this youtube video matches the sound of yours. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fV_iSITTPUk[/media] Particularly the neck pickup and both pickups on this sounds good to me. Perhaps the B string could be a touch louder though. @Kev - which wooden neck Status do you mean? I remember in the ebay forum we had a discussion where a Status bass was on for what seemed to be a very cheap price to me. People pointed out that it was wooden necked, and not as fancied (and if I recall correctly, not as good) as the carbon necked Statuses. @momats - I haven't played a TRBX just yet. One of my local shops has one on the wall, but I haven't tried it out yet. The SGC Nanyo basses seem to go for bargain prices. There was a SB310 that went for about £115 near to me. And it might have gone for less if I hadn't bid on it as I was the second highest bidder. Here's a [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SGC-Nanyo-Bass-Collection-4-String-Active-/291070446248?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item43c5268aa8"]SGC Nanyo BC[/url], said to be in excellent condition, that went for £99. Bet the buyer was pleased. Seller, probably not so much. Off to find the Alpher on tour thread. [/quote] Sounds very accurate to me although I reckon mine has less fret noise! Did I mention the fret edges are smooth as a proverbial as well?
  14. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1392840405' post='2373429'] Nice to see the letters in CDO in alphabetical order as they should be [/quote] Yes, I can't stand it when people say they have OCD...can't they see the letters are in the wrong order?
  15. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1392852998' post='2373648'] I would say that the 'lot of bass' comes from the details. Playability and sound. There are some (e.g.) Jazz basses with great playability and sound, and some basses with pretty much the same design and specs, but where the playability and sound is pants. If I am buying a bass, then I'd be prepared to pay more for greatly improved playability and sound, but not so much for fancier woods and extra electronics if playability and sound aren't any better. Note: that's just my opinion, I'm not claiming it's objective fact. I'd never heard of Alpher instruments before. Are there any pictures online? I searched (and went to their website) but couldn't find any. Only pictures of the Mako Elite range, where there is some serious spalting going on. [/quote] There's a separate thread about Alpher on Tour. Just going back to original premise, I've had a Gibson EB2, 3 G&L's L2500, a Status Groove V, a JD Roadie, an original Squier Precision and a VM Squier Jazz V, a Warwick Star V and a heap of others Basses I can't even remember and the HB PJHTR 5 I've just got is way better than the VM Squier for tone and playability. I'm not just saying that cos it is new and was cheap either. Now whether it's the PBass pickups that sound so much better than the bridge Jazz pickup on it or the blend of the 2 I don't know. It's quite heavy as I've said elsewhere, but so was my VM Jazz V.....
  16. With all the excitement regarding the LBS, let's not forget the Dorset and Somerset Bass Bash this coming Sunday......!
  17. Well I seem to have stirred up a hornets nest re the strap buttons...here they are: [attachment=155666:P1030696.JPG] On reflection they are not as bad as I thought but I prefer these, as they are more a traditional shape and to my eye suit it better: [attachment=155667:$(KGrHqIOKnUE3ZOUKty-BN5yyGr1gQ~~_12.jpg] When it's all said and done, this is a £90 Bass and I may be being a little CDO about it......
  18. Just sold a Stagg to Chris and it has been a very pleasant and friendly transaction. Deal with him with total confidence.
  19. I have been given a Pass Out for the day and will be there on the Sunday too. I will be easily recognised by my Yorkshire Pudding hat....
  20. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1392797773' post='2372752'] For £100 that is astonishing... [/quote] Even better when you have a 10 Euro voucher off them to put towards it for doing a review....!
  21. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1392791348' post='2372698'] By inverted cone straplocks, do you mean something like this: I was quite surprised to see you mention 'inverted cone straplocks' as all my basses have more or less the same design and I was quite surprised to find that there were many and varied different designs when I did [url="http://img1.buyincoins.com/gallery/guitar-bass-strap-lock-02-01.jpg"]a quick google image search on strap locks[/url]. What type do you recommend? [/quote] Really weird because as I did some online research to get some more rounded ones, all I could find was the inverted cone ones too...! Mine have very thin edges whereas on other Basses I have had in the past they have been more rounded, like a button. Needless to say my Warwick came with their straplocks as standard and I have straplocks on the old Kbass too.
  22. [quote name='namefail' timestamp='1392797296' post='2372748'] Why do you have a wicker Pith Helmet? NB btw. [/quote] It's to put on when the natives are restless......
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