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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Yes my old VM Maple was quite a hefty thing...!
  2. Yep 18mm on mine too. Quick open box first thought are on the other HB thread[u].[/u]
  3. [attachment=155634:P1030690.JPG] Well the PJHTR5 turned up today. Box was open but bass was still inside! First thoughts, it was out of tune....! Actually it was heavier than anticipated so some decent sustain and like others (and I use tapewound flats) the strings felt a bit alien but were OK. Quite a lot of neck relief so I took the bull by the horns and wound on a full turn as the truss rod seemed quite loose and it's brought it all down to a lower level with no buzzes. Result! Sounds are really good for such a cheapy, as having only played Jazzes till recently, the staggered PBass pickup gives a different sound. Incidentally it has a bigger pickup on the treble side than the Bass side to cover the 5 strings. My only gripe are the strap buttons, they are those horrible inverted cone ones so I will swap them out for more rounded ones sometime. Oh, and if I'm being really picky the slabs of wood are not that well matched as the colour is quite translucent and you can see if you look closely, but it cost me less than £90....!
  4. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1392674983' post='2371579'] I don't think I can make this after all as I have another bass playing appointment at the same time. I hope it goes well. [/quote] Well you're not the wizard I thought you were.....! No worries.
  5. I like others here like the "Made in Italy" difference that we had with Mark Bass. Equally I drive 2 Alfa Romeos and most of the bits that go wrong are actually made by Bosch (or others) in Germany. So maybe we should give them a chance? I know Marco is an Engineer but I do think they should have handled this change in a more transparent way as it was always going to get out....!
  6. Saw her earlier this year in Axminster (at a school where she was doing an educational day) with the French drummer but a more local guitarist. She said to me afterwards when I remarked upon the Dimension V Bass, that was getting a Maple neck as she had the rosewood neck then. She obviously has...!
  7. No flooding around Sherborne , just don't expect to be able to detour through the Somerset Levels...
  8. Saw Mark on the Plainsong Reunion Tour, he was playing some very tasty fretless all the gig.
  9. Very nice looking Bass indeed. I'm waiting for my PJHTR5 from Thomann this week, I very much doubt it will be delivered at 7.30 am out here in the stixx...
  10. Wow, the head honcho has visited us! Lets hope we get some clarity and openness as there is still a lot of goodwill towards Mark Bass on this site and us consumers want to know what's going on. TBH I'd say its been a bit of a PR disaster so far for them. It would have been much better to announce whenever the Indonesian stuff started coming into the shops what the situation was rather than have this feeling that they've changed the spec by stealth.
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1392405419' post='2368438'] Wow, that seems a bit steep! I assume it has the Markbass logo on it, thus making it worth every penny. Euphemism? [/quote] You'd never get a Euphonium in a Bongo Bag....
  12. The reason for my enquiry was I've just forked out £85 for a Markbass TTE Head Bag which is smaller. Other bags that fit the TTE are Bongo Bags ( not the Musicman variety)!
  13. [quote name='AndreAlmeida' timestamp='1392400219' post='2368328'] But i was considering an upgrade on the bridge, something like a babicz and for that i've to know the string spacing measured on the bridge Can you tell that? Because i email Thomann about those informations and they didn't answer... [/quote] You'll just have to wait until mine arrives then..although whether its worth throwing money at a £100 Bass is another discussion!
  14. String Spacing is 45mm at the neck, same as my Warwick Star Bass and I get on fine with it at the Bridge end too and I have big hands and fingers. My self made Jazz Bass has 50mm at the neck and I hardly notice the difference. If anything, closer strings means you can move across quicker! And as I hardly play down the dusty end(below 5th fret) it's not an issue there either.
  15. I've just pulled the trigger on a PJ 5 HTR as a Bass to take to Jams/Open Mics so when it arrives early next week will let you know.....!
  16. I think you'd get the full 500 watts from the amp when using the combo and the extension as it will running at 4 ohms?
  17. $64,000 question, what do they cost please?
  18. Slightly off topic but my Band have 2 gigs this weekend and this seemed a good place to mention them due to the local connections...! The Zoot Dukes are playing the Old Barn Club in Yeovil on Saturday 15th Feb and we will be on around 8.00pm. On the Sunday we will be at the West of England Showground in Shepton Mallet for the massive Auto Jumble Event. If anyone is interested in that I can get them free entry so they can get an old Dynamo/rear axle off a Ford Pop and see us too! We will be doing two sets during the day.
  19. Got a gig at the Old Barn Yeovil, if anyone is free on the Saturday Evening. Also on the Sunday we are appearing at the massive Auto Jumble at the Shepton Mallet ( West of England) Showground. We will be doing two sets, if anyone is interested I can get them a free entry too! PM me.
  20. [quote name='MoJoKe' timestamp='1392241918' post='2366463'] As said I don't work for MSL or MB, so I cannot speak for them or read official statements , but I do now understand what they've done and why. The problem with open web forums is that, if manufacturers do not clearly state policy change, the reasons behind it, and the many benefits of why they [b]have [/b]changed, they risk suffering from a deluge of opinion and critique before they can justify it. In this case change really is actually good, but the negative PR and discussion here may not be! Trust me, its all good, including changes in weight in some of the cabs (some up, some down... the revised specs are being updated on the MB site as we speak) ... [b]nothing at all[/b] to do with inferior components. I have been a loyal MB user for 6 years who is [b]not [/b]an endorsee or subsidised in any way, and when the time comes (not too soon I hope!), I will be replacing my CMD151/NY151 with another MB rig, as it has only ever once let me down, always gives me the tone I want/need, and I can carry the whole 500w thing in one journey to/from the car. The one and only time it failed was because of a power spike on stage at a venue, which wiped out the fused resistors in switched power supply (I now have a bag of them if anyone needs them. I also know a man who will fix it for you too!). It happened on the Friday night of a particularly busy August bank holiday weekend. With no great expectation I emailed MSL begging for help, and was phoned back the following day by the MD with an offer of a loan of a Big Bang head to bail me out for my Sat/Sun/Mon gigs. That level of service and care deserves my loyalty (buy one from Thomann and see if they care as much...). See you Sunday.... looking forward to meeting you all! [/quote] Week on Sunday, don't come this Sunday...!
  21. [i]Trying to work out who the seller is: I used to live in Baildon and he played with Ian Brown[/i]
  22. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1392228915' post='2366248'] What's the critical characteristic for of a material used to build a cab? Is density/weight intrinsically important or is that just a typical by-product of using wood and the need for good bracing for rigidity. I'm wondering if rigidity is the really important characteristic, in which case I wonder if anyone has considered using carbon fibre or other more exotic lightweight materials? [/quote] Think the cost would rule it out. They use plastic for PC speakers and PA's however. Second thoughts, cf may be too light!
  23. As has been said before, when they first introduced the Blackline (Made in Indonesia) series it was around half the price of the equivalent Italian model. So now most stuff will be MII and the prices will stay the same......?!!
  24. A couple of comments after quickly reading the statement from MB: They say they have not had a price increase since 2001. Pretty sure ( and I've bought around £8k of MB gear personally and professionally over the last 6 years), I've seen price lists which showed an increase. Are they saying that all MB gear will be made in Indonesia now ( and then tested in Italy)?
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