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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Good discount on the new price of $670, around £410
  2. The story from the seller seems to indicate he was at Status when Suzi Quattro walked in and he bought it yet the provenance document in one of the photos says it was sold some time later after she did a PX. Not doubting the story ( it's only a chuffin case) but it does not quite tie up...?
  3. Headstock doesn't say Fender but maybe the seller only knows of " Fenders" and thinks that what it spells...?
  4. The Blackline series introduced last year was all Indonesian assembled and this was reflected in the price which was very competitive. However it would be interesting to know if all their cabs are going to be assembled there? If this is the case and it is going to be heavier and the same price as the Italian stuff, it would seem a bit of an own goal?
  5. The photo shows it's definitely a Traveller 210 so that's a new thing if they are producing them in Indonesia. Certainly since they switched distributors their prices are a little cheaper than when Proel imported them. I'm interested in that I have an original 210T myself although not for much longer...
  6. I'll fly over for you, just send me the ticket...!
  7. [quote name='oldslapper' timestamp='1389538006' post='2335217'] At least the dress makes sense this time around..... :-) [/quote] Yes, don't fret about the dress...
  8. [quote name='casapete' timestamp='1389526424' post='2335001'] Easy tiger..................... [/quote] I see what you did there!
  9. Obviously I looked very different to those who saw me next year due to my regeneration, hope that did not cause any confusion me now being female and left handed...?
  10. What , am I the only one who has a Tardis then...? And before you ask, it's good for Metal....
  11. I can emphasise with the OP...... 6 months ago I had a little money spare so decided to upgrade from my LMII. Got a LM III and was underwhelmed, it was virtually identical, just newer. So started with a little bit of GAS and have just traded the LMIII on here for a TTE RJ 500 head. Now this does sound and look different and my 210T cab looks a bit weird under such a (relatively) wide head. So now I've just traded up to a RJ 15" cab to go with the RJ head. Trouble is no tuner lineout on the head out so have bought a Korg Pitchblack. for tuning.... It's been fun researching and have had 4 new amp, amp cover, cab, and tuner days... In total spent £400 on this total upgrade for something heavier and wider than what I started with! Could have bought one of those GB combos for that money and kept my existing rig!
  12. Stick 4 legs on it and with the width of that neck you have a nice coffee table...
  13. Mark Bass TTE RJ bought from Pete. Exactly as described, great comms and ultra quick dispatch. Buy from/sell to with confidence. Where's me tea?
  14. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1389265797' post='2332006'] And double the cost of the bass! If you want a cheaper alternative for a replacement pre-amp, you could do worse than the Artec one - (look on eBay). the J-Retro is very nice (if you like the sweepable controls - personally I find them too much for live use) but also not cheap! Alternatively, yes the pickups are passive so you could just have VVT or even VVTT or VBTT if you have 4 holes Or even VVT with a rotary series/parallel switch - there's lots you can do [/quote] I had a J Retro that would have fitted this Bass earlier last year and could not give it away, in the end it went for £60 on eBay!
  15. You could fit a J Retro: that would sidestep the current issue and upgrade the sound too!
  16. A trick to scrape down the superglue( as it dries hard) is to get a craft blade ( or Stanley blade) and put masking tape over the sharp edges from top to bottom but allow a gap in the middle the size of the repair. That way as you scrape, the surrounding finish is only in contact with tape and the exposed blade only with the repair. Theoretically impossible to go too low with the exposed part of the blade due to the masking tape raising the height of your scraper above the level of the finish. Hope this makes sense, a picture would tell a 1000 words but that would mean going outside and its peeing down!
  17. Just sold a Bass to Dirk. Despite him being in the Eurozone the transaction went very smoothly and it was a pleasure to deal with him. A great start to the New Year!
  18. I know a man who made a Bass for Michael Henderson: Jim Fleeting from Ripon. Here's a photo of it:http://jimfleetingguitars.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/angled.jpg. Maybe someone can do a linky, seems to have stopped working for me....
  19. I'm sure the irony is not only lost on me that most of the negative contributors to this thread would rather carp about other Bassists and musicians who were out playing on NYE (OK, it was recorded earlier) whilst they are sat at home not playing....could be why Swifty can afford a £14k Bass perhaps?
  20. Why not agree to a bank transfer direct and miss out PP? You'll find your IBAN number on your account.
  21. [sup]Yeah, I took Fearne's advice and " threw some shapes" on the dance segue section of the show....not! Liking John Newman ( he's from Settle) and Happy too.[/sup]
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