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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. So I've got =£50 in credits at Thomann, what shall I get? Can only think of a cheap pedal ( maybe the Behringher V Tone 121 ) or a Markbass wedge stand. Anyone else think of something they'd get, don't forget postage is 10 euros too. Any ideas gratefully received...but I'm OK for leads, bass stands, mic and mic stands, cases for amp and basses.
  2. Friday June 7th 1974, Longdancer. Notice our guitarist played there a number of times with The Enid too...
  3. [i]I have to say the air that came in the plastic pillows they packed around my new Star Bass Case was not green thank goodness...! Usually the Germans have higher recycling/green useage than ourselves.[/i]
  4. Sent the main bit of the damaged stand back to Alex at Strings and Things for evaluation and they have sent a complete new updated stand with boom and clip back in return! Excellent customer service yet again.
  5. [i]Borax? Is that Sacha Baron Cohen? Recall a few Youtube clips on this somewhere..[/i]
  6. [quote name='pobrien_ie' timestamp='1379151557' post='2209140'] Maybe it would be better to rename the thread The Hidden Cost of Ordering from Foreign Online Retailers. Seems a bit unfair to single out Thomann, and it might encourage others to buy locally. Luckily I have Irish and UK accounts, so can get around this a bit! Although transferring from UK account to Irish can cost a few quid, while Irish to UK transfers are free. [/quote]
  7. Here's a photo of my 5 String Star in an Epiphone Jack Cassidy hard case. It fits and with a little fettling I can drop the neck support a touch lower too, although it is well protected as is. For roughly the same price as the Rockbag that fits the Star Bass ( which is o/s and special order only) this seems a good solution. Only problems is getting a sticker to cover up "Epiphone" written on the outside....[attachment=143670:P1030579.JPG]
  8. [quote name='barkin' timestamp='1379085054' post='2208528'] I think you'll find it wasn't Thomann who added the transaction fee, but your bank or credit card company, and I wouldn't expect Thomann to mention it on their site, as they don't know how much it'll be - or even if a charge will be made. [/quote] Ahem,cough..hidden in FAQ's [color=white]What about thomann exchange rates if I am based in the UK?[/color] As we are based in Germany, we can only trade in Euros. This means thomann that all prices given in pounds on the website fluctuate with the markets and should be used for guidance only. If you are paying by credit card the exchange rate of the day we take the money from your card applies, please note that we only charge your credit thomann card shortly before the order gets shipped out. It is possible that your credit card company applies a different, more unfavourable exchange rate, please note that this depends on the credit card company and we unfortunately have no influence on that. Some credit card companies might also charge thomann extra fees for international transactions, which has nothing to do with the exchange rate itself. Again we have no influence on that and can´t be held responsible, sorry!
  9. Sure I've never had to pay this before so yes, it's MasterCard rather than Thomann I need to moan about. Good tip re the review, will do it now!
  10. Just got my credit card bill, on a £681 Warwick Star Bass I've been charged a further £21 " currency fee" by Halifax MasterCard. I guess when ordering in £ you forget it gets changed to Euros...
  11. "Please note the red strips down fins have now been painted over in grey to match body ", that's a deal-breaker for me, mind. Good to know he's selling it because " needs space"!
  12. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1378833005' post='2205323'] I've just asked if I can collect it... [/quote] The sink or one of the shoes?
  13. Looking at the other items they have for sale , is it a shop or have they had it for sale in a shop for the photo?
  14. Playing wirelessly is like going "commando"...
  15. Yes, but good karma will reward you in the future....
  16. [i]My Hercules mike stand has a single handed locking mechanism which only locks downward now but not now upward. Am sending it back for investigation as it weren't cheap and has not led a hard life...![/i]
  17. I find it amusing that they insist on it being delivered by carrier too!
  18. [quote name='iamtheelvy' timestamp='1378306849' post='2198417'] But it sounds better than the 'standerd' Jazz! [/quote] "of" the shelf....
  19. I'd ask him if we could take the photo again as I posed with him a couple of years ago after a TOP gig at the 02. Unbeknown to me, the camera had run out of battery so there was no photo recorded.
  20. Just got my Warwick Star Bass from them. Arrived well packed, box within a box. Got a good deal as you would appear to but have to watch their prices as somethings they are not competitive on. They do usually offer a longer guarantee than UK shops too, at least 2 years and offer a 30 day money back guarantee, try it free!
  21. [quote name='Dr M' timestamp='1377856312' post='2192734'] Apologies, added quote tags to the original post for clarity. And just to be blunt - no, I am most definitely not the ebay seller. [/quote] Apologies too, the subsequent quotation marks help clarify the original post for me.
  22. [i]So is Dr M the ebay seller too? You may not be aware of this: "[/i]This forum is for the discussion of Ebay auctions. Please do not promote your own auctions. If you have something to sell, please use the For Sale forums. (Moderated by mcgraham)."
  23. yorks5stringer


    Dave bought a Squier Vintage Modified Jazz 5 from me, instant payment and good friendly comms. Trade with confidence.
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