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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. [quote name='Pete Academy' timestamp='1372708931' post='2129010'] Thanks for the review and the kind words. When we started, we knew Steve's vocals didn't sound like Fagens. We actually thought this was better. It sounded less like a full-blown tribute. The towel issue is a running joke that has been going for years. Gary, our keyboard player had a collie, and we always said it was Ollie' s towel. It's washed before every gig. Throwing it on the floor? No big deal. Bovine Noir is another long running in-joke. Any person that likes Steely Dan should recognise Black Cow within the first three notes. [/quote] F C C?
  2. Yes, Steve does very well with the vocs considering the range of DF's voice and there were 2 in the Horn section on Saturday, so sounded really good.
  3. Went to see Mail Online reader Pete Academy's band Nearly Dan at the Chapel Arts Centre in Bath on Saturday night, missing out on the best/worst Rolling Stones gig of the decade at nearby Glastonbury. (In a shameless plug, I'm playing at the Prince William, Glastonbury, this Saturday 6th of July in the evening!) Back to the ND gig, let's get the bad things out of the way first, it was really hot in there and their singer/guitarist kept on using the keyboardist's towel to dry his face and hands, and after he used it, he hung it back on the keyboardist's mike stand. Then after they sang Haitian Divorce, he just threw it on the floor! And he wonders why the band are "divorce experts"? It was all I could do to not get up on stage and hang that towel back up! I counted all the spotlights to take my mind of it, PM me for further details... He also announced one song as Bovine Noir, they were halfway through the song before I realised it was called Black Cow. Confusingly he did not announce Black Friday as Vendredi Noir however, just no consistency if you ask me! Good things? Well, we pulled into the Council Owned Car Park in Bath before the gig and went to pay £3.10 for a ticket when the car park attendants came over and said " We're off now, have a drink on us" and let us off the fee. Oh, and the band were absolute class, all the SD favourites, Pete makes those bass lines look so effortless and he was getting a great sound from his Mark Bass rig and Roscoe (?) 5 stringer. Go and see this Band even if you are not a SD fan, they are so tight with some great interplay! In a further plug, this time for the venue, Anita Harris is playing there quite soon, but without Orville... For some reason can't do paragraphs so excuse the block of text!
  4. Mr Undertones Post Edited accordingly... As a newbie, you may not be aware that making price comparisons with others just sold is not allowed! Otherwise it tends to lead to a slanging match / frank exchange of views.
  5. Apparently we are on around 2.30 pm on the Sunday if any Basschatters are in the neighbourhood?
  6. Don't give him ideas .. Thanks for reading this far: Phillips Treble Inappropriate Pickups Cleartone Guitars
  7. [size=5][sub]Just realised will need to give Glasto a wide birth on my route up to Bath....bugger![/sub][/size]
  8. [quote name='Pete Academy' timestamp='1372098094' post='2121584'] Yep, there should be gas in the minibus. [/quote] Not quite got the ambiance of the B-F original lyric , has it?
  9. [i]£1 shop sell copper slug tape in my neck of the woods, I think its the 99p one or maybe Poundland.[/i]
  10. About 15 years ago I gradually took out around 10 credit cards and took "interest free loans"/churned making sure I paid them all off when appropriate. It takes a great deal of discipline to get it right ( I guess a spreadsheet or d/d payments will help) and once I stopped doing it probably made around £60 on about £8k borrowed in total. It hardly seemed worth it in the end for the hassle and worry of getting it all right ( and sometimes I messed up the payments). So unless you are dedicated don't do it!
  11. I really hate dull 1- dimensional Basses like that, give me a Fender Jazz any day.......
  12. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1372091517' post='2121458'] Still think this is the best option: [attachment=137621:Bass van.jpg] [/quote] My first car was a Morris 1000 van. Hand painted blue although it was an ex yellow POTeles van. Cost £90 in 1974!
  13. [attachment=137620:P1030419.JPG]You can do all the sensible options, or you can drive a car that is the best looking estate on the road currently! Yes, there is a lip down to the boot floor and it's not the biggest load lugger either but I could carry a full PA, an EUB and stand, Bass in case, a Mixer, a MarkBass 2x10 cab, a LMII, a lighting rig, a tool box and 5 unit rack case in it. Just protect the rear bumper as I have done plus some Ventureshield under there too! Surprisingly affordable now too! Alfa 159 TISW for those who are not up on their cars!
  14. Got my ticket and will be along...if there's gas in the car?
  15. Sold some strings to Gary, instant payment thanks, deal with confidence.
  16. There was some Bass Tab out there a couple of years ago because I remember stumbling across it .... [url="http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/m/michael_buble/havent_met_you_yet_btab.htm"]http://tabs.ultimate...ou_yet_btab.htm[/url] also there a few youtube version to watch as well. This tab is fairly accurate from what I remember.
  17. I have the Rotosounds on a Godin A5 and for the material we do (Jump Jive and R&R) they are a godsend. They are lower in tension, so softer on the fingers. Only thing is the bottom B is the thickness of a small child's arm....
  18. At last, a bass with somewhere to put your pack of 20 cigs....!
  19. Pretty sure Warwick are the greenest Bass manufacturer out there.....
  20. Price or Trade Value: £15.00. Brand new arrived today but no longer required. This price includes postage to UK addresses, please pay by Bank Transfer or friends and family Paypal. Good saving over new price on net/ in Stores, at least £22.50 a pack.
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