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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Second gig with my new Nordstrand Acinonyx shorty at The George in Croscombe, a nice pub on the main Shepton to Wells road. Very little parking, have had to resort to pavements in the past but managed to find a space in the 5 car car park! Not a lot of room inside either so glad I brought my small 60 watt MB 101 combo. This I was to regret as the Bass sounded very different to how it had sounded on Easter Monday through the MB CMD121 which is 300 watts! Anyway was tucked in the corner, my combo on a bench and next to our Banjo player( gulp) so the small size of the Bass was helpful too. We went through our 2 sets of Americana-ish stuff finishing on Copperhead Road, for which our singer broke out the mandolin. Only surprise was she opted to do Hillbilly Highway again for the encore which we played already, rather than another song from the repertoire. Lots of supporters in the audience from the times before CV19 when we used to do Jam nights at the local pub ( which has now closed down, to be revamped as a DFL venue) DFL- down from London! Next Sunday we have a slot at Frome Sunday Market which on a nice day is always heaving and just bring your instrument, as one can plug straight into the PA. Looks like the Nordy will get another outing, so much for 2022 being the year of my Telecaster Bass on its 50th Birthday!
  2. Yeah, but don't you need the full set? The book, DVD and Bass?
  3. You know the pinned photo you have to scroll past every bleedin time you view anything in this lounge because some Mod thinks it necessary to tell us not to post it when it would be a lot a simpler to just delete any thread that it forms....( photo of a flood damaged jazz bass)☹️
  4. I had a Markbass 802 which worked well with a Stagg EUB when I dabbled, there was one in the classifieds recently too. Likewise this sounded better with an EUB than an electric bass to my ears!
  5. I couldn't possibly say as there is a SLAPP in place.....
  6. There was an interesting YT video talking to the Harley Benton design chief ( who is a Dutch or Danish guy) around 3 months ago which I cannot now find, maybe someone more into HB knows it's whereabouts? I seem to recall a discussion about hardwear in said video.
  7. Ah yes, that's the early period PCGC dated August 2019, before he went really crazy with odd knobs, crazy angled tuners and pickups. As an investment, well it has the sharpie logo but not much else to commend it other than the realistic price. Avoid!
  8. In answer to the question: maybe a Guitarist who occasionally doubles on Bass? They'd probably have loads of guitars mind...
  9. Maybe it wakes you up at the dead of night?
  10. I thought of doing that too, so glad you've been my guinea pig! Previously I put some on a full length neck and they were fine however.
  11. Sold for £77k or listing ended? I suspect that might be a vino purchase.....!
  12. Whilst these are not 'rare' as in some of the items being posted here, I've not noticed one before and someone may be interested? Accepting offers and posted at £45 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/165288602630?mkevt=1&mkpid=2&emsid=e90001.m43.l1123&mkcid=8&bu=43124886098&osub=d11ec66176a57d206c4bcfc4471edba4%7ETE81002_T_ALL&segname=TE81002_T_ALL&crd=20220415023500&ch=osgood&trkId=0ACB16D0-93EE871FB86-018025026D13-0000000000373807&mesgId=3024&plmtId=700001&recoId=165288602630&recoPos=1&sojTags=osub%3Dosub%2Csegname%3Dsegname%2Ccrd%3Dcrd%2Cch%3Dch%2CtrkId%3DtrkId%2CmesgId%3DmesgId%2CplmtId%3DplmtId%2CrecoId%3DrecoId%2CrecoPos%3DrecoPos%2Cchnl%3Dmkcid
  13. I'll jump continents and see what TB have to say, if I can remember my password and login.....! See ya over there!
  14. I asked Marcus at BDirect and he recommended any La Bella: but they do light, medium, and standard tension, like you am now unsure which may be best. I saw the pic on TB of the Nylons as well but did not want to go down that route even though Status do a very cheap set and have them in stock too!
  15. Anyone tried flats on these and if so which brand/type?
  16. You leaving the body and neck bare wood then? If not there are plenty of options that don't need spraying but will provide some protection and you could use the same for the headstock. Plenty of info in the Repairs and Technical lounge....
  17. The same Police who are so diligent with fraud scams by our friend 'Mark'......?
  18. It's not still April 1st is it or photoshop? Could you explain the different options as there seems to be 2 X 6 string guitars, how exactly do you play the bottom 6 stringer as you'd need 'Stretch Armstong' arms......😉
  19. From what I remember ( and I had mine 8 odd years ago) it was the same fan as in the LMIII head. I don't know if the bigger size of the amp case and better ventilation made it louder or quieter than a LMIII however ?
  20. If you like the paddle style headstock then there would be very little woodworking, however if you don't, get your files, blocks and saw out!
  21. I've just had to scroll through all the posts to check and see if I contributed before or not. There's some lovely Basses and I do have one Signature Bass I bought despite the 'Signature person' (although I don't see his name on it anywhere, does it even count)? Its a Status GP, either Artist or Standard ( not sure as it is different to both the ones they show on their website having been roadworn at the factory), the GP being not Gram Parsons (how cool would that be) but Guy Pratt....
  22. A very fair summation of where you are at and I hope it goes well for you and your production partner. You're at that 'Skoda' stage, where they used to be cheap and cheerful and are now as good (or even better) than their counterparts, let's hope the buying public see the added value in your instruments and appreciate the UK manufacture. Assume Ben will be making them all himself at night, as judging by all the YT videos he posts, he doesn't seem to need any sleep!
  23. Just be aware if you have a warranty claim, the US Sandberg Distributor ( and I have no precedent with Sandberg) may say you have to sort it out with the retailer which will mean returning it to DV247 in Germany/UK. I bought my first Markbass rig from a German retailer years ago and when I had a warranty claim I had to return it to Germany as the UK distributor would not (understandably) entertain me! I'd definitely check with Sandberg distribution in the US as to where you would stand if there is an issue before buying from DV247.....!
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