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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. [quote name='Si600' timestamp='1352452207' post='1863136'] If you're going to do something as daft as that, at least change the pickup to a six pole one so they line up with the strings... I wonder how much a seven string Jackson is new, the only reverse headstock hardtail Jackson I can see is the JS32RT which retails from GAK for £226. [/quote] Yes, but has it had a "Pro set-up"?
  2. [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1352369652' post='1862174'] MB1. Why turn a seven string into a six string? The reason it has a slightly wider neck is it has a seventh string!. Now it has a hole at the top of the headstock and a butchered nut and bridge. All to accommodate the hand size of a construction worker? Totally Nonsensical... Like turning your [b]Grand piano into a garden shed?[/b] [/quote] Don't give him ideas..." I find the Steinway better than the Bosendorfer as they seem to be set up better from the factory."
  3. What's the catch.....? [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Squire-Japan-Jazz-Bass-Guitar-/221148849272?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item337d7fa478"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item337d7fa478[/url]
  4. [quote name='steven gayle' timestamp='1352312554' post='1861520'] I'm new to the site and really am just a novice but [b]I can't believe a bash can't be organised for Yorkshire. [/b]Am willing to talk to anyone interested in trying to make this happen [/quote] Neither can I!
  5. I've scraped away the silk with a craft blade before, that way you only remove what you need to rather than the whole lot!
  6. I have now confirmed the venue as The Queens Head in Milborne Port, DT9 5DQ,5 minutes outside of Sherborne on the A30. Map enclosed: if you are coming from the West it is the last pub in the village on the left-hand side, turn immediately left after the pub and the car park is 50 m down the road on the right. We will be in Skittle Alley which is accessed half way down the building on the left. If more turn up or it gets too crowded we will extend into the Milking Parlour. The pub does Sunday Lunches so if anyone wishes to eat food is on hand. [url="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?rlz=1T4ADRA_enGB476GB476&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=queens+head+milborne+port&fb=1&gl=uk&hq=queens+head&hnear=0x487247e62f4cda43:0x239b33f5b9e4cf08,Milborne+Port,+Somerset&cid=0,0,3528430685486134526&sa=X&ei=FlSaUP-8CKOi0QWLzoCYBw&ved=0CGkQ_BIwBA"]http://maps.google.c...ved=0CGkQ_BIwBA[/url] Anyone bringing their partners/offspring who are not too interested in the Bass side, could direct them back to Sherborne which has a lovely main Street (Cheap Street) with lots of small shops and tea rooms and obviously the Abbey. [b]N[b].[/b]B Whilst the link to the map I have supplied is accurate, there is a Queens Arms mentioned at Corton Denham, this is not the venue! Equally although the Google map says "Queens Head, Sherborne", the venue is actually in Milborne Port, not Sherborne.[/b]
  7. I don't believe it....and how can he say it has had a full pro set-up? [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/EB3-bass-by-Gibson-Epiphone-with-full-pro-set-up-by-me-/190727801901?nma=true&si=qDrLjeQsMVWOS%2Fz8U%2B11rnirmCI%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/EB3-bass-by-Gibson-Epiphone-with-full-pro-set-up-by-me-/190727801901?nma=true&si=qDrLjeQsMVWOS%2Fz8U%2B11rnirmCI%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557[/url]
  8. [font=Arial][size=4]"My set up procedure starts with cutting the string grooves low in the nut and I cannot see how anything can be called a realistic set up that leaves the nut in standard factory form... or maybe I am the only guitar bloke who believes that?"[/size][/font] [font=Arial]I worked with a Luthier for 3+ years and he never cut the nut first, he'd always check the bridge and truss rod before doing anything else. MDP mentions cutting the nut in a V shape, I assume because that is the shape of his only file...! If every guitar I worked on needed loads taking out of the nut, I'd perhaps wonder if I was doing things the correct way...[/font] [font=Arial][size=4]"After the nut cutting to bring string heights across that first fret wire down from 2mm to .5 of a mm, then that established action is taken on up the neck with truss rod and bridge adjustment... while I think of it: the Jackson needs a small socket spanner for the truss rod not an Allen key... as with Washburn."[/size][/font] [font=Arial]Surely if he has set it up so perfectly, further adjustment is unnecessary?[/font] [font=Arial][size=4]"The neck single coil pickup is like a Fender jazz bass pickup with a hot-rail along the top"[/size][/font] [font=Arial]Translation: it looks hideous, you could store all your cables in the unused surrounding cavity![/font]
  9. "Made in New York City, New York" At least they have not outsourced production overseas....
  10. [quote name='hollywoodrox' timestamp='1352199285' post='1859881'] do you think he converted that LDV ex post office van in the background into a camper van himself too? His talents are endless [/quote] You can see how the skills are transferable!
  11. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1352113067' post='1858759'] Let Google be your friend.....! and it's spelt "Sherborne"! [/quote] Sorry a more measured response would be, "I'll post a map and full details as soon as the venue is confirmed", which will be early this week!
  12. [quote name='Rasta' timestamp='1352105338' post='1858622'] I'm tentative depending on commitments & uni work at the mo. However if i do go i'd be up for a lift i reckon but will confirm closer to the date. Obviously if someone else comes along with a definite confirmation then off course let them join you. Anyhow where is Sherbourne? [/quote] Let Google be your friend.....! and it's spelt "Sherborne"!
  13. Yes, 10 people have mislaid their case candy from their 50th Anniversary Jazz Basses, (it's easily done).......
  14. It was a black battery....looked quite big too.
  15. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-50th-Anniversary-Jazz-Bass-Case-Candy-With-BLANK-HANG-TAG-REG-DOC-/200830785964?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2ec27299ac"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-50th-Anniversary-Jazz-Bass-Case-Candy-With-BLANK-HANG-TAG-REG-DOC-/200830785964?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2ec27299ac[/url] I can really see why someone who accidentally lost all this, would want to buy a replacement set.......
  16. Wednesday for me, a guitar, bass and drum instrumental ..trio!
  17. Heard some guys busking near Camden Lock the other day and thought the Bass sounded good from quite a distance away. When I got to where they were, it wasn't a tiny little battery-powered amp but quite a large Fender Rumble. Looked in vain for a mains socket in the side of the bridge but to no avail. Suitably intriqued I spotted the ubiquitous 12 volt battery in the background coupled to a voltage inverter ( like in your Vauhall Corsa/Citroen Saxo innit) so they could run a decent sized bass combo and guitar amp from it too! Needless to say the drums were not miked up but they were noodling away in a very nice jazzy fusion way. Wish I'd asked them the title of the tune because it's familiar but I can't think what it is!
  18. "Just Kissed my Baby" is another top track and worth listening too: play that with my band as well as "Cissy Strutt"! PS When you look at the credits for Sneakin Sally, it lists The Meters, Lowell George and "Neville Brothers" !
  19. I feel very proud of the work Basschat has done to bring MDP to a wider and more appreciative audience...
  20. Was played on the radio a few weeks ago, all the DJ's said the same...quite catchy mind.
  21. Yes, I think he's lost his "Mojo" but it's nothing a bit of waxoil won't bring back.... P.S,. I expect his next project will be "Covers"
  22. It was clear to those of us "in the know" that from his description of how it was packed that it came from China.. it was something like a cardbox box inside a polystyrene outer.
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