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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Nice job in 5 days (mine took 7!). Without wishing to sound rude, does it have a finish on it, hard to tell from the photos?
  2. I hear the guy who got the gig with The Hamsters used to be on rotating shifts....
  3. Squier- I thought it was J[s]apanese, Indonesian, Indian [/s]and now Chinese....
  4. Have a bump on me-interesting that they advise you not to dispose of it in your dustbin.....!
  5. Below one of his ebay ads in the questions part was someone asking if he'd work on their guitar as he sounded like "he knew a lot about guitars".
  6. I quite like the fact you could use it to cut out scones as well.....
  7. My back just started to twinge as I was reading the description!
  8. [quote name='Pete1967' timestamp='1346794820' post='1793479'] Gutted...... [b]I'm in Dallas [/b]and won't be back until next week. Right on my doorstep too. There's always next year. [/quote] Watch out for JR.....!
  9. I wonder if the " free carry box" is the same shape as the Bass?
  10. Just revisiting this issue, as it has been getting worse lately with me clicking on threads, then the individual messages and nothing happening, it locking up and having to close the browser and starting again. So I've upgraded to IE v 9 courtesy of some MS TV adverts reminding me, and everything now works fine!
  11. It's strange how genre specific "image" can be? There are plenty of larger band members in soul and funk bands....
  12. [quote name='Pete Academy' timestamp='1346698214' post='1792114'] That gig in Bath was one of our all-time favourites. Thanks for being there, mate. Hope to see the[b] odd Basschatter [/b]at this gig. [/quote] Never bite the hand that feeds you.....
  13. Never had a hissy fit from mine with the piezo level just left on 12 o'clock....!
  14. Yes, they were very good in the [s]shower[/s] Bath and I'd urge anyone from Leeds north to see them at Gateshead, in fact it would be the "wisest" thing you could do if there's gas in the car.....!
  15. I'm sure you're aware that when you've finished sanding it with all the grades, you need to wet it all over to raise the grain, and sand it again with a fine grade?
  16. Expect his version of Drift Away had the same players as for Dobie Gray's original?
  17. Plus a hard case, expect it will go over £150 by close.
  18. [quote name='Pete Academy' timestamp='1346268049' post='1787307'] I Su subscribe to BGM and look forward to every issue, despite its faults. The obvious problem with Bass Player mag is, for me,[b] not knowing who players and bands are across the pond.[/b] A difficult job all round. It must be hell for the editors and publishers. [/quote] Worry not, I don't know who half the players from the UK are in BGM....!
  19. [size=6][sub]" cost me £300 in parts 3 weeks ago" ....a pickup and a bread board?[/sub][/size]
  20. That looks like the " Emperor" version, as in new clothes.... Anyone fancy sending him a PM asking if those are scratches on it or is just reflections from the light?
  21. Welll I wouldn't use Sage and Onion, tried it last night, had to buy 15 packets and it had dried out this morning so there is loads of rattling now.....
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