I understand that this edition was very much quickly put together to ensure the new owners had something out there ASAP. One hopes the new editor will have the promised resources to make the magazine more accessible to all ( whatever that means?).
I read Car Magazine and am as much interested in the new Fiat Panda as its more illustrious cousin, the Ferrari. To be fair to BGM, they have reviewed quite a lot of entry level stuff over the last few editions (Vintage etc) and I guess you can only review what the manufacturers send you (unless you are Which Magazine).
I don't know anything about the economics of running a magazine but I would have thought the adverts bring in more money than the cover price, given that they are sold on a sale or return basis to the big chains. Yes, there are subscribers like myself but that money all went to the last owners! So going back to adverts/review copy, do you go for the cheaper end of the market where stuff maybe does not need a good review to sell, or do you go for buyers who have a greater disposable income?
The elephant in the room is there too in digital so unless you have a pay to enter firewall, there are loads of free reviews out there too.