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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. I run a Tuner out of the back of my LM111, don't know if the RJ is the same?
  2. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1334414229' post='1615923'] Crap innit, you remember my Steinberger fiasco with Thomann? With the rude unhelpful customer service and the two B-Stocks masquerading as new? I've never used them since and never will. [/quote] Glad it wasn't just me who had a bad experience with them. Everyone else swears by them, but they said I had damaged an obviously used Line 6 Variax when in fact it arrived chipped around the neck pocket and missing power leads and the correct transformer. In the end I copied all the emails to the MD after a month of getting nowhere with them. Got a 50 Euro credit off them, which meant had to use them again! Luckily they mispicked my order and I got a "free" DI Box too!
  3. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1334135552' post='1611253'] Its the 'big fish in a small pond' mentality and a short term vs. long term strategy. A band that pulls only its mates can have an immediate appeal but its time will be limited and its earning potential short term. If you are going to build up a venue over time, you will want to ensure that your audience returns week after week and the only way to do that is to quality control your acts. Poor bands every week will only keep the audience in place for a short time. We see it a lot with Jazz. Venues put on singer/pianist duos and call it Jazz but it often isn't or is really poor so jazz fans don't come because they have higher expectations. So the venue folds. [/quote] Like Marillion?
  4. [size=6][sup]Pet Shops often sell big smoked bones which look nice on an old bass, (once cut to shape)![/sup][/size]
  5. I was tempted but upon reading the reviews thought I'd wait until something better came along...are these new fangled "CD's" any good?!
  6. Am in a similar position to you Barrie and have been at the other end too, when auditioning for singers and guitars for an exisiting band. I've just waited for 3 weeks to hear if I got a gig ( and didn't) with a local band and it was on my mind 100% the time. With the best will in the world they had 3 other candidates and I was probably on their mind 25% of the time...the point I'm trying to make is whilst there's no excuse for rudeness ( and when they did get back to me they were very nice and made all the right nosies- dep. opportunties etc) the perspectives can be a bit skewed depending on which end of the hiring chain you are at! Additionally, there are usually band politics involved which can make an apparently simple decision much harder and often the candidate at the other end is not privvy to those either. As an Project Manager who did a lot of recruiting, I used to administer our auditions in a business-like way, from the inital ads through to speaking to the successful candidate. Not all musicians are as process driven(!) and I guess would prefer and regard themselves as more creative........!
  7. [url="http://barefacedbass.com/contact-us.htm"]http://barefacedbass.com/contact-us.htm[/url] It's not cheeky, it's good customer service!
  8. Why not ask Alex the manufacturer, he may even do it for you?!
  9. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1311272938' post='1311941'] Still there's always the Competition to do, you can win an Upright! On a different note, can I be the first to complain about all the Tattoos on view this month? It's like a Hell Angels meeting in there... Still the Fender Black Top Jazz Bass looks interesting although I won't be rushing out to buy the new Bass by well known Queen Bassist Brian May..... [/quote] JUst visiting this thread and have no recollection of posting above! No sign of my subscription copy this month yet.....
  10. We used a dep drummer who on 3 different occasions forgot a his drum stool b his high hats c his snare He still advertises on his website as a "professional drummer"......!
  11. Sold a Roland Microcube to Dave, money hit my account the same day. A Prince amongst men....
  12. Might they be called the "012 USA Standards" do we think, or will it be those Blacktops with weird pickup combinations and necks?
  13. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1332325905' post='1586559'] It would, if the OP was actually a statement "What is hip". Letting us know that the word "What" is actually cool and groovy. Which it is. [/quote] What?
  14. Would it be wrong of me (and pedantic) to point out the original post title should be "What is Hip?".......
  15. [u]I[/u] bought a hard wired powered monitor from Thomann, they thoughfully included a shaver type convertor for the 2 pin plug. My MarkBass amp from somewhere else european came with a euro plug, but I had loads of kettle leads anyway. i guess the only other issue is if you buy from abroad, and have a problem, it could take longer to resolve if it has to go back to the retailer. Luckily my Mark Bass amp failed after 18 months into a 2 year euro warranty, if I'd bought it in the UK I would have only got one year( and may have had problems holding them to EEC legislation)
  16. In my currently bandless state I've been going to a few Open Mic sessions and at one is rather a good Bassist with a 6 String Bass. In order for me to get to play a little more I've suggested we do a Bass Duet and he seems up for that, as does the guy who runs it, as it saves him having to think of what to do next! Had a quick look on Youtube but are there any charted pieces for 2 basses that won't involve me in 100mph soloing duels with the other Bassist?! Sort of thinking me on the EDB holding down the bottom end whilst he noodles somewhere much higher...... I also seem to remember someone saying somewhere that audiences don't really enjoy Bass solos..........!
  17. [sub][size=3][size=4]Having watched the original version live a week last Friday at Ronnie Scotts ( have I mentioned that yet?) and then a recording from the 40th Anniversary TOP Concert CD yesterday I have to concur with those who prefer the original.[/size][/size][/sub] [sub][size=3][size=4]Interestingly Emillio Castillo was saying when they record Rocco Prestia his basslines are all over the place in a solo mix yet the drummer David Garibaldi's stuff is always spot on. I watched a TOP tribute a few years ago and the only way the guy could replicate FRP's lines was by using all 4 fingers of his right hand. Yet watching FRP last Friday I was surprised to see most of his right hand work is just the first two fingers with the occasional use of this third finger.[/size][/size][/sub] [sub][size=3][size=4]BTW I do like MM too.[/size][/size][/sub]
  18. I know the Tories are cutting the NHS, but why did he have " major abdominal surgery" in the bath?
  19. [quote name='paddy109' timestamp='1332085148' post='1582935'] Thanks to everyone for the advice - had a gig last sat and much happier with the sound! Went through gk and pa - still gotta way to go but all in the band much happier. We all played like complete muppets mind you - hey it's only rock n roll! Paddy [/quote] Don't knock the Muppets!
  20. Careful what you say, as you could be extradited to the States as they are currently very sensitive about batteries......
  21. [quote name='Mr Lizard' timestamp='1331823613' post='1579489'] The reviews of the basses feel more like advertisements. They don't seem very honest at all. [/quote] The Lowdown section this month is just a series of often unaltered Press Releases.
  22. Notice he's clearing out all his Mark Bass stuff too, there should be some bargains there....?
  23. [b] As new and bought off here late last year. Comes complete with original packaging, manual and PSU. Light as a feather and tiny too, but still packs a punch. Ideal for busking as it can be run on batteries. Built in Tuner too.[/b] [b] More Info[/b] [b]New Speaker Tech[/b] Consider them the ultimate compact amps with high-quality, powerful sound. The cutting-edge speakers used in the MICRO CUBE BASS RX are custom designed and built specially for these amps. [b]Stereo Power Amps[/b] With two specially made power amps and four speakers contained in each, the RX amp produces an immersive, stereo sound that must be heard to be believed. The true stereo engine also allows bass tones that defy the size of the cabinet. [b]Battery Drive[/b] The MICRO CUBE BASS RX can run on battery or AC power (AC adaptor included). But did you know that the MICRO CUBE BASS RX is a pioneer on the battery-operated bass amplifier market? At last, bass players have a rockin’ battery-operated amp solution! [b]COSM® Amps & Digital Effects[/b] Guitarists and bassists have come to rely on Roland and Boss for the best effects in the world. The MICRO CUBE BASS RX benefit from this world-leading technology, offering eight built-in COSM® amps, six digital effects, three band EQ, and a chromatic tuner. [b]Immersive Stereo FX[/b] The MICRO CUBE BASS RX’s onboard stereo effects benefit from Roland’s decades of industry-leading R&D. Experience the amazing spatial depthand lush sound of the stereo Chorus and Reverb. [b]Rhythm Guide[/b] The metronome is a music-student’s best friend, but that numbing “clank, clank, clank” can get irksome. That’s where the MICRO CUBE BASS RX’s Rhythm Guide comes in handy. It’s like having a drummer inside your amp. Choose from an assortment of groovin’ patterns to practice with. Improve your timing while having a more enjoyable musical experience, or just have fun jamming along to the beats. [b]Outputs[/b] The Phones/Recording output serves two purposes: Plug in a set of headphones and enjoy private practice with lush, stereo sound, or plug directly into a stereo mixer or recording device for accurate signal transfer directly from the MICRO CUBE BASS RX. [b]Inputs[/b] The MICRO CUBE BASS RX’s line input lets you plug in a guitar, bass, or microphone. In addition, the stereo AUX input accepts input from an iPod®, a CD player, or musical instrument so you can blend its signal with your own.
  24. There was a review for a Bass a couple of editions ago, in the text it said something about it being £1000. In the box with all the specifications was the price: £850! That said, they have tightened up the photography now. At one time you got seemingly random shots of the Bass, now they seem to always show tight shots of the headstock, neck, body, bridge, rear neck joint and back.
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