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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. MI? Sure that should be CMI- Cleartone Musical Instruments.....
  2. It's musical clickbait, you then look at his other stuff and possibly buy it. Been doing it for years.
  3. I've had this lovely Honeyburst Star Bass for a couple of years and it rarely gets used despite being a great player( due to my Telecaster Bass having its 50th Birthday run-out in 2022). These Pro Series MIK were the ones to have and strung with Flats it has a full 34" neck (unlike the more recent and hugely inferior Chinese versions) and comes complete with a lush Warwick Rockbag case. The top and back are gorgeous flamed maple and it is in excellent condition and has no issues for a 10 year old bass.The neck is straight, has no dinks and the action is low. The previous careful owner upgraded the Justa-nut to V3 I believe. It will also be supplied with the Warwick User Kit which includes manual, warranty documents, straplocks, polishing cloth and truss rod adjuster, all in its own little Warwick soft case!
  4. The implication from the demo is that being Class A-B these are much more powerful than similar specced Class D... a potential minefield I know!
  5. What amused me was the pub singer having to be told not to go 'all out' from the first phrase by Mica Paris. He'd been singing for 47 years or so...
  6. Come on, if both the bands had really rocked it tonight, where would the tension be for the last programme at the IOW? Everyone loves a happy ending and that's what we'll be dished up next week, albeit heavily and selectively edited.
  7. Sad oww sky? Lakeland as the place in the NW Lady G-Ga not gar gar!
  8. Bass heavy......you know what they say about 70's Fenders?
  9. I had one as the original on mine would burn through a battery in 20 minutes. I contacted Stagg direct ( who are based in the EU I think) and they kindly sent it FOC with new piezos too. This was around 10 years ago however.....
  10. I used to go to a jam night back in Yorkshire and the house band would do a 3 Note quiz. It was great fun and they tried to replicate the 'sound' as well as the notes (if that makes sense)?
  11. It's not the worst 'conversion' we've seen on ebay but I notice that avenue to comment has now disappeared (and maybe for the best)...!
  12. There's a great YT video about a guy who buys secondhand records. George Benson contacted him and basically said 'I have too many albums and I want rid, would you like to buy them? This guy rang up GB, got invited up to the house and was treated with great courtesy and GB went throught his collection with loads of anecdotes saying which of the records he wanted to keep and which he would sell. The record shop guy got 2 or 3 videos out of it with GB's permission, they even went to a bar together. Seems he's a really nice guy.
  13. Looks like you answered your own question and well done, all appear bargains!
  14. This mob sold something else questionable recently to which I commented 'enterprising'. Can't be bothered to check what it was.....
  15. I also think that with regard to the Class D amps is that many more have been sold than the old valve ones. So a 1% Class D failure rate shows up much more than a 5% Valve Amp failure rate. Yes, a Class D may not be repairable like an old Valve Amp but it costs a lot less to buy and Valve Amp repairs can be costly too. Apparently power valves should be replaced every 18-24 months and preamp every 4 years and cost around £15 ? each..... Did someone mention CLass D are much lighter too......?
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