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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. [quote name='JackSteer' timestamp='1318353472' post='1401079'] How? [/quote] Go into "Full Edit" mode and the title should be able to be changed!
  2. The fingerboard to the bridge is 41.5" long and then there is around another 2 " before the strings go over the end brass wheels and back round to the Tuners as per the pic.
  3. I'd do a search, I've seen a few mentioned and certainly up for sale too! Sorry, should have welcomed you too!
  4. Hi Henry I'll do a full post in the Build section once it's all finished! Bumping (which was a term I've only just encountered) is the practice of putting lighter strings on your instrument by means of substituting the existing strings: E with the A, the A with the D, the D with the G and the G with a C which you have to go out and get as a single string! You obviously don't use the existing E. Bumping means your strings are at a looser tension: for some who've posted on here they need that due to blisters, I needed it as my string tension was too great and they were snapping! However, as my original post mentions, the exisitng strings were already fairly "soft", bumping them hasnow made them a little too floppy!
  5. I've just about finished building my headless EUB but have encountered problems regarding strings ( the D occasionally and G regularly) breaking. The consensus of opinion from the people I have spoke to seems to be that the string angle from the bridge around the end of the fingereboard round to the tuners which are located underneath is too great. At first I thought it was the Tuner pegs being too small ( as the strings snapped near the Tuners) soI bought ones with a larger diameter, however still snapped strings about a tone under pitch, so then added larger brass wheels to widen the angle, again still snapped strings. So Daf Lewis ( who has been incredibly helpful) suggested I" bump" the old Obligato strings he sent me and that worked however, the new E and A ( which were the old A and D) are a bit " floppy" and I feel could do with more tension. So my request is does anyone have any old Orchestral strings please that I could try, as I believe they have more tension? Obviously like others who have posted on here recently, I will then need to source a G but there seems to be enough collective wisdom around on that already! [attachment=90940:21092011104.jpg] [attachment=90939:21092011102.jpg]
  6. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1317239499' post='1388619'] Sure is. A splendidly doomy number. F#m / G#m / C#m would give you Heatwave in E [/quote] .....and very topical or should I say tropical?
  7. I was sure there would be something on the net that listed songs by chord sequences, but it would appear not! As for Cortez the Killer, don't know it but is it by Neil Young?
  8. Here on the good ship Idle Hands, we love to mix one song in around another. Our latest fave is "I need a Dollar" by Aloo Blacc which has the chord sequence as per the topic title. I'm stuggling to find another soully song with the same changes, the best I can come up with is "Sweet Home Alabama" or that RHCP "California" song neither which really fit our musical outlook.... Is there anyone out there in Basschat world who can think of any other songs with the same changes ( not necessarily the same key) that have a soully feel to them please? Thanks in anticipation, for those who don't know "I need a Dollar" here you are:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR6oYX1D-0w
  9. Why would you need strings for an Air Guitar?
  10. I'd hazard a guess that I've not got the largest member on here, but probably not got the smallest member either...I did understand the OP correctly?
  11. [quote name='bassbluestew' timestamp='1315989215' post='1372851'] Foirst off mods please move this if it's in the wrong place. Righty Ho. As some of you may know I have a dinky new Aguilar rig. As some of you also know I look after my gear and keep it in good/great condition. To that end I wanted some new covers for my new DB112 cabs. I contacted Bryn at Roqsolid on Monday about 1pm. I spoke to him on t'phone, customised the covers slightly, arranged express delivery,got a (very good) price and WITHIN 24 HOURS my covers arrived. They are in Leeds, I'm in rural Glasgow. Remember these are custom made - not stock - and were customised. Actual time from talking to Bryn until I unpacked them was approx 21 hours. I think that is remarkable by anyone's standards!!! A huge well done and thank you to Bryn and the team at Roqsolid. Oh and it goes without saying the covers fit perfectly. Happy boy here!!!! Stewart. [/quote] Had excellent service from Bryn and Lee on my Mark Bass cabs, they used my dimensions for the 151 and 210 T covers. Incidentally ( and no-one likes a smartass) they are based in Birstall which is near Bradford but has a Wakefield postcode!
  12. I like the description by the seller "Excellent looking guitar in my opinion". Well, no-one can argue with that....in my opinion!
  13. Is this the same Marcus Miller who produced and played with Miles Davis and wrote and produced for Luther Vandross amongst others........?!
  14. Yes, knew they were not straightforward major chords so thanks! It was the flat 7 and major 3rd I could hear.
  15. Been playing this for a couple of years and have the Bassline down pat. Got a new guitarist who insists it's all in major chords, despite telling me it's a Blues type chord sequence ( which I knew)! All the online resources suggest it is G Major etc but that does not sound right to me, especially as a Blues. Am I going mad, does anyone know the correct guitar chords please, 'friad I never paid much attention to the last guitarist and I don't stretch to 6 strings!
  16. My first Bass was an 1962 EB2 and it had Flatwounds on it, probably the originals even though I got it in 1973! If you are not sure what Flatwounds are like, run your fingernail along the string, Flatwounds will feel smooth, Roundwounds will feel rough!
  17. [quote name='BigAlonBass' post='1338183' date='Aug 12 2011, 09:09 PM']Keep your eyes on this seller. He's just opened a new shop/warehouse in our home town, and his reputation is second to none. Every time I've dealt with him in the past, he's bent over backwards to be helpful. [/quote] +1 I've bought a number of small items from Chris and he's always sent them quickly and the quality and price has been good too. He's great for sundries like little screws and similar !
  18. Why not a Sue Ryder Bass? A limited edition, low supply and now discontinued. They are the De Lorean of the Bass World ( minus the flux capacitor)....
  19. [quote name='chrismuzz' post='1315314' date='Jul 25 2011, 12:57 AM']I don't know if it was just the quality of the recording, but the TTE 500 didn't really seem to have a lot of versatility from what i saw in this demo. I like the look of that tube marker though![/quote] I see the amp is now available in the UK, has anyone tried it yet?
  20. [quote name='far0n' post='1324150' date='Aug 2 2011, 12:53 PM']When I mentioned the thumb rest, I meant the way it curves inwards then back out again.... not the reason it's there in the first place. [/quote] I stand corrected!
  21. Well the thumb rest was deemed necessary due to the lack of pick-ups to rest against! Just done a googlesearch and there are still some around, new in Dealers, wanting silly money too! I too contemplated dropping the electronics into a Jazz Bass body but then thought, why do this if I don't use all the pre-sets anyway? I was a member of the Line6 forum for some time and at one time L6 were promising a revised model, but then they went and quietly scrapped it, I guess it did not sell the way the guitar ones did?
  22. Had a 5 string one and bought it new so I could play all types of music. Ended up just using one or two of the settings and deciding whilst they sounded a bit different played solo, in a band setting you could not really tell them apart. Sold it to someone on here!
  23. Still waiting for an item dispatched on Thursday with Parcelforce 48 hour delivery......! The tracking number does not work and no-one knows where it is.
  24. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1316132' date='Jul 25 2011, 07:33 PM']Check this out. [url="http://www.ritter-instruments.com/newsletter/af_formmail/index.php"]http://www.ritter-instruments.com/newslett...mmail/index.php[/url] Even if you hate his basses, you have to congratulate him on this.[/quote] What, him breaking his arm/shoulder? That's a bit harsh...?! Seriously, not sure whether it's a good thing the Bass is going into a Musuem: thought those things were meant to be played!
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