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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. [quote name='squire5' post='1213116' date='Apr 27 2011, 08:43 PM']I've just recently begun listening to Ron Sexsmith and his new album is pretty good but last night he sounded just a little bit shaky.Could've been nerves tho'.If you get the chance,listen to "Long Player,Late Bloomer".[/quote] Live Ron seems to sound a bit shaky as you say...watched the documentary about the latest album recently and he does seem to have issues around self confidence. However he seemed a bit more relaxed on that songwriters thing with Fran Healy and Graham Gouldman that came out around the same time.
  2. April 27th Update [attachment=78522:april27_001.jpg] Planed off the body parallel and then shaped the neck a little. I did this by attaching a MDF straight edge and using a sanding drum with a bottom bearing. [attachment=78523:april27_002.jpg] Next job was to do a rebate at the nut end so cut this on the band saw [attachment=78526:april27_003.jpg] Made a little plug to go in the rebate to reinforce the end ready for the "not a headstock"- string guide! [attachment=78527:april27_004.jpg] Made a template the size of the rebated end , cut my ebony end block and stuck it to it, then routed this out. Will need to square off the internal corners next week [attachment=78529:april27_005.jpg]
  3. Mike has just welcomed one of my ex-basses into his home! Great communications and a pleasure to deal with him. I'm sure his tact and diplomacy will be further employed with his cleaner at work due to all the polystyrene packaging I used!
  4. Not sure their advice of getting a cardboard box from your local music shop in place of a case would really protect it either: mind if you are insane enough to let them loose with their power tools on your precious instrument I guess a broken neck is the least of your worries!
  5. PSU's that don't fray their wires and short out?
  6. I work on the basis that I'll enjoy one band/artist out of the programme, any more is a bonus. That said, it must be difficult putting together a line-up that everyone likes!
  7. Today I made a template from MDF, stuck it with 2 sided tape to the fingerboard and routed it via a top bearing bit parallel with the sides. I then used that template stuck to the body to rout the sides of the body ( with a bottom bearing bit) parallel to the fingerboard, used little metal pins made from wire ( as well as 2 sided tape) to ensure nothing slipped . [attachment=78033:april20_122.jpg] [attachment=78034:april20_123.jpg] [attachment=78035:april20_124.jpg] [attachment=78036:april20_125.jpg] [attachment=78037:april20_126.jpg] [attachment=78040:april20_127.jpg] [attachment=78041:april20_128.jpg] [attachment=78042:april20_129.jpg]
  8. I went to get the T-Shirts today and they are going to Phil at Bass Gear tomorrow. He has sent all who attended a PM so please check and reply: there is also news of a great additional competition too!
  9. [quote name='silddx' post='1204704' date='Apr 19 2011, 01:09 PM']Sounds like B stock.[/quote] Funnily enough, B (irken) stock are German too!
  10. [quote name='aldude' post='1204702' date='Apr 19 2011, 01:08 PM']I also bought a bass very recently from a German company, which will remain nameless, but let's give it a nickname, how's about "Tho". The bass looked like either a return or an ex-demo, as there were quite subtle signs on it (like a couple of scratch stripes on the pickup from the B string, for instance). However it was in a condition it would have been in after a couple of days anyway, so I kept it. I'd be interested if you also bought from "Tho". Mind you, it was over £200 cheaper from there than anywhere else I could find so maybe they sold it at a return price even though it was described as new. And as for the OP, good luck with getting a discount or refund![/quote] Without giving anything away, Ja!
  11. I bought a Bass once that was described as new and clearly was not. Had tell tale scratch marks from a stand, missing accessories, other accessories were scratched too. They denied it but I wrote to the head honcho and got a further reduction in price. No names but they were German.....
  12. Bass Gear do a number of designs as well, they sold out over the weekend of many sizes at the London Bass Show. [url="http://www.bassgear.co.uk/accessories/t-shirts/"]http://www.bassgear.co.uk/accessories/t-shirts/[/url].
  13. I'm selling the above Bass that I made a couple of years ago. It's ideal as a back-up as it is so small. History I bought a broken Hohner B2 , reglued it and cut out the central core. To this I added mahogany wings. I then threw out the stock pickups and electronics and put in a Seymour Duncan Steve Bailey fretless 2 band active circuit with push-pull boost and routed out for 2 Jazz Bass pickups. The existing tuners and bridge were refurbished and a new saddle and tuner purchased. I then had it sprayed black , added a carbon fibre foil scratchplate and control plate cover and new strap locks. Used it as a backup Bass but now I have an EUB it is redundant. It fell on its front and broke a push-pull pot, this was replaced but in resoldering it I got some solder on the paintwork near the rear control cavity. This is shown on one of the photos as is a slight crack at the rear of the single cut. Both are cosmetic, as is the way the paint has settled into the joints on the back of the guitar. Nevertheless this is a unique Bass that looks quite similar to a Status Streamline, and with the active circuitry sounds good as well. [attachment=77765:S5000424.JPG] [attachment=77764:S5000423.JPG] [attachment=77767:S5000496.JPG] [attachment=77766:S5000494.JPG] [attachment=77768:S5000710.jpg] [attachment=77769:S5000711.jpg]
  14. [quote name='TomKent' post='1200179' date='Apr 15 2011, 01:34 AM']They get given them probably. The electrics are good in them, the sound just sounds really tainted. [/quote] Tainted? I thought the thing about MB was it did not colour the sound?
  15. No, you just need to go back a few pages to post #101 and post #112!
  16. Was playing one at the London Bass Show on the Bass Gear Stand. Quite few 'real' upright players tried it and liked it: it also has some cool electronics that enable you to add reverb and the like. For me it was a little too small even with the spike fully out, there again I am 6'4"! I think Phil still has it in stock, maybe look on his website: [url="http://www.bassgear.co.uk/products-page/pre-owned/takemine-b10-fretless-pre-owned/"]http://www.bassgear.co.uk/products-page/pr...less-pre-owned/[/url]
  17. Once the neck/body was cleaned up (I've made it extra long now to allow for the string length!), I routed the channel for the carbon fibre box [attachment=77450:13042011032.jpg] Here you can see the box section in the channel I routed, sorry for poor photos, phone camera! [attachment=77452:13042011037.jpg]
  18. Here's some more photos of my second attempt to make the body.... This time I cut the neck/body pieces sideways on to the piece of wood and glued them up, again with laminate inbetween. The picture below shows it all clamped up. [attachment=77443:08042011025.jpg] This one shows the laminate sandwich [attachment=77444:08042011026.jpg] Here we have the side the fingerboard will be glued to, all cleaned up, level and square! [attachment=77446:13042011028.jpg] You can see the preliminary shape of the neck here... [attachment=77448:13042011030.jpg]
  19. Do you get unsightly Buckle Rash on the back of your expensive Bass? I will send you by download ( upon receipt of £25) my top secret tip (that many professional already use), explaining how to avoid this embarrasing condition. As endorsed by the Spinners, Val Doonican, and The Cardigans (damn and blast)
  20. My 'Thinsulate' Mittens worn over both hands stop your strings corroding with sweat and dead skin particles. Available in colours to match your Bass, your strings will last 4 times as long...... [attachment=77331:10878.jpg]
  21. and they say there is no such thing as bad publicity...!
  22. Got to say, if I was in business selling musical instruments and a lot of my customers were from a certain well read website, I'd make damn sure if one of them had an issue I'd do my utmost to try and resolve it before it went public, and once it did, try and be a bit more accomodating publicly. We are talking about the cost of a couple of £100 here versus losing a sizeable amount of goodwill that has been built up by the business. To me it's a no-brainer, but what do I know?
  23. Them's was the rules, NR gets the £100! (well actually a bit more as I'll Gift Aid it)
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