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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Love the bottom B on my 5 String Bass, however I try not to step on cracks in pavements......
  2. [quote name='Mr Bassman' post='1182917' date='Mar 31 2011, 12:43 AM']Did you get me down for a medium? cheers[/quote] Yes, but was that medium dry or medium sweet... and as I've said before, if you are a medium, surely you would know?
  3. The remaining name below seems immune to both the request on the thread here and a PM sent yesterday: Ben_55 So if you Ben? would like a strictly limited edition FREE Yorkshire Bass Bash T-Shirt ,please R.S.V.P with your size and address please, otherwise there are others eager to don the mantle/shirt !
  4. Here's a fairly recent one of ours, if you haven't guessed it's a female singer and we tend to J*zz things up a bit: Moondance New Shoes Ain’t No Sunshine Walk On By Aretha Last Request Roxanne (bossa) Paris Nights Crawling up a Hill/ Hit the Road Jack Heard it through the Grapevine Empire State of Mind Rolling in the deep Set 2: Sweet about Me Smooth Operator Mamma Do Girl put your Records When I’m alone Spooky Perfect Son of a Preacher Man Never Forget You Mercy Valerie Long Train Running Current Encores: Lady Marmalade / Crazy
  5. I've tracked down the last one in West Yorkshire. it's "Black and White" and £89.95. It's here:Hill Top, Knottingley, WF11 8ER 01977 672411 (Off 01977 677356) I decided to pass at £90, had it been £60....! It would be sensible to give them a ring to see if they've still got it first!
  6. [quote name='geoffbassist' post='1180294' date='Mar 29 2011, 12:08 AM']Keep going Keith! I'm looking forward to the finished product![/quote] Yep, it'll probably be finished when you're back from your cruise...!
  7. Editorial meeting at BGM, Tuesday afternoon. Joel, "Well Nick , looks like it worked" Nick," Yep, we've hit 42 posts and counting"! Joel," How about for the 70th Edition we do "70 Amps you must play", and we make a Behringer UltraBass BVT5500H the winner?" Nick, "F*ckin ace, we've really hit on something and bad publicity is better than no publicity" Joel, "Ker-ching" Nick and Joel do "High Fives"
  8. [quote name='BassBunny' post='1181059' date='Mar 29 2011, 05:32 PM']Keith, if you don't get the 20 names would you consider a, " I couldn't make it and am really hacked of about it, especially as i have been having some lessons from Geoff Chalmers" purchase to make up the numbers? [/quote] Hi Stuart Yes, as long as you settle for the "Yorkshire Bass Bash 2011" logo and send me £10: I think your version is a bit long-winded! Keith
  9. I was a fan of Graham Mabey from the early albums and live performances. His lines were very well crafted and really suited that type of music. I remember buying Look Sharp and I'm the Man when they came out: they don't make music like that nowadays......! The cool thing about JJ was he didn't stick with the same formula too long, he liked to change and challenge his listeners. I guess he was one of the successful ones who left the Jackson Five....
  10. T-Shirt alert, if you attended could you please read post #116. I need your input please: if we don't get 20 names the T-Shirts won't happen! I currently have 17 names with sizes.......
  11. Well I've got the ETS string clamp from the very nice Skelf, ordered some strings and had a bit of chinwag with the guy making the pickups. I think routing the " ars8stock" is the next job before glueing the neck and fingerboard together.
  12. T-Shirts Bit of a confession, with all the excitement I forgot to ask people what size they were ( t-shirt wise!) when they paid at the door. Consequently I have 9 people "sized" and then a list of names from the signing in sheet. So I need your help please in telling me what size you need. You can do this by PM if you wish, here are the names of those whose sizes I have so as to avoid any further confusion: [b]Sized names[/b] Scoop david l perry Kirky Gusto ( does A want one too?) please PM Geoffbassist 2wheeler Shergoldsnickers Simon 1964 ( what about Luke?) please PM [b]Below are names of those who I did not get their sizes and I need a PM please![/b] Ben55 Mikey R Jonnylad Wateroftyne Molan Funkypenguin petegales Peteb Alhbass Mr Bassman Eddyglee SteveRough If you were there and I've missed off your name, apologies, just PM me too!
  13. Raffle Prize List 1 Mr Bassman Mark Bass Superbooster Pedal courtesy of Proel UK 2 Simon 1964 Hartke Bass Pedal courtesy of Korg UK 3 Sean Dunlop Bass Strings courtesy of JHS 4 Kirky Dunlop Bass Strings courtesy of JHS 5 Shergold Snickers Tool kit 6 Eddyglee Hartke Strings courtesy of Korg UK 7 Skelf 2 packs of Snickers Bars ( off to Scotland for deep frying!) courtesy of Shergold Snickers 8 Molan Hartke strings courtesy of Korg UK 9Jonnylad Elite Strings 10 2wheeler Gary Willis Bass Tips Book 11Petergale Musicians Tool Kit 12 david_l_ perry Rough Guide to Jazz 13 Scoop Dunlop Bass Strings courtesy of JHS 14Alex (Mrs Gusto) Dunlop Bass Strings courtesy of JHS 15geoffbassist Dunlop Bass Strings courtesy of JHS Big thanks to our sponsors Korg UK, Proel UK, JHS and Bass Gear Ltd
  14. I've had a request for a rear view....... calm down over there please! Sorry photos not brilliant but you have on the left a balanced XLR in, a balanced out to another system and a volume knob. Ditto on the right. There are two speakon sockets for the speaker cables. Below that the fan grill, directly underneath is the ICE socket and to the right the power switch ( which as previously mentioned, does not light up when on!) [attachment=75914:S5000695.JPG] [attachment=75913:S5000694.JPG]
  15. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' post='1178609' date='Mar 27 2011, 07:16 PM'][url="http://gallery.me.com/ianhalstead#100060&view=grid&bgcolor=black&sel=0"]A few quick photos.[/url] Highlights for me were: WoTs Genz Benz Streamliner. Massive tone and it coupled really well with my Barefaced Super Twelve. Damn, damn, damn..... It also sounded superb with the Jazz/Precision and Bergantino HS 210 cab that WoT had there. The sound of Keiths upright bass - lusciously warm but with great definition. Scott Devine demo'd some useful tips on progressing your playing, ably helped by... <fatal memory pointer error - see Mrs Snicks as she knows and remembers everything> If anyone in the photos on the link above wants to write their own captions just PM me and I'll bung 'em in. Note that the shot I had lined up with Keith's head just under the 'hat' of Manhattan didn't work. Someone moved just before I took it didn't they? [/quote] Thanks Ian The chap ably assisting Scott was geoffbassist (Chalmers). Re the shot of my head, that was my Damon Albarn impersonation (I can wait for the applause...)! Thanks to all who came along and sorry to all who missed out I'll do a seperate post re the t shirts once I've had a lie down!
  16. Directions again, some of you watchers need to be setting off! [url="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?rlz=1T4ACAW_enGB332GB332&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=manhattan+club+harrogate&fb=1&gl=uk&hq=manhattan+club&hnear=Harrogate,+North+Yorkshire&cid=0,0,14262647170956529448&ei=cyeKTbTUIY-5hAemkvC1Dg&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=2&ved=0CCcQnwIwAQ"]http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?rlz=1T4ACAW_...ved=0CCcQnwIwAQ[/url]
  17. Strings are an issue, those with long silk windings are no good but the guy from Picato said he will custom wind some if necessary. My scale length will not exceed standard strings so on the measurements I've taken we should be OK...! I don't actually need a ball end at all, as the top end will be clamped, the other around the tuner!
  18. Sorry, got interupted whilst loading the photos! Hardware will be Black Shaller type tuners under the back of the fingerboard, think of a headstock behind the lower body with the strings going over a bridge near the end of the fingerboard and round the back. The Tuners will point down vertically with the T shape key underneath I'm getting a dual piezo pick up made by Alan from Newcastle (J-Tone on ebay) and making my own bridge out of some hard wood! I've yet to design or make the body wings but intend to use small neodymium magnets to help fasten them on. Strings will be clamped at the nut either by an ABM system or an ETS one. There is a carbon fibre channel running through the neck to about 2/3rds along as you will see from these photos. The rest of the neck will be routed as the "headstock" although in reality it's probably the "ar*ehole stock"! [attachment=75828:25032011023.jpg] [attachment=75827:25032011022.jpg] [attachment=75826:25032011021.jpg] [attachment=75825:25032011020.jpg] [attachment=75824:25032011019.jpg] [attachment=75829:25032011024.jpg] You can see from the last photo, I had to stick the neck onto a straight edge of MDF utilising a centre line in order to rout it out for the cf channel.
  19. I've been wanting to make one of these for a while since seeing the Bassix New Tech and the Alter Ego. I bought a Stagg just to see if I could play it and to provide me with some real life dimensions. First thing was to get an Ebony Fingerboard of the correct length (43"): in the end after 6 months of emails, a very nice man in China made me it for £85 delivered. As its '"real" value was $20 and it was marked as a "sample", that's all I paid! The next stage was to build the neck. I bought some nice Maple from Boddy's in Borobridge, cut it up and glued in strips of zerocote veneer to provide a contrast. Here it is after glueing an untrimmed, then again after thicknessing [attachment=75816:25032011017.jpg] [attachment=75822:25032011018.jpg]
  20. I had to chase mine and they now form a Raffle Prize at the Yorkshire Bass Bash on Sunday 27th March, which is tomorrow!
  21. Am selling a 2:1 HK Lucas PA system. It's a 600 watt one and is way more powerful than one would think with a 300 watt sub (15 " speaker) and 2 X 150 watt satelites. It comes with 2 stands, a battered case for the stands, 2 X 10 metre quality thick cables with speakons and all the necessary covers, as the one drawback of these is that the cabinets can get scratched easily. However these are in good condition and I'll even supply some touch-up paint as well! These units are made in Germany and are pretty bomb proof, we've only ever had to replace a tweeter a couple of years ago for around £40. The sub comes on wheels so these set ups are ideal for disco's, duos,trios or even as we had it, a 4 piece band. We've had vocals, guitar and bass all through it at times. The only fault I can think of is that the mains switch does not light up, we used to tell if it was on by feeling the draught from the fan! It's literally plug and play and you are ready to go ( with a mixer of course)! [attachment=75813:S5000689.JPG] [attachment=75807:S5000688.JPG] [attachment=75804:S5000690.JPG]
  22. [quote name='sifi2112' post='1177131' date='Mar 26 2011, 12:33 PM']I'll try make it as I've enjoyed last few but can't promise .. assume Barrie likes the Aggie cabs Keith ? cheers Si[/quote] No, he hates the colour so has painted them with black gloss!
  23. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1176514' date='Mar 25 2011, 08:37 PM']Played a new venue in Nottingham last night. We had a great night but I played really badly. Messed up songs that I've played regularly for over ten years. From the first bum note I was on edge and had to concentrate really hard, whereas I'd normally be really relaxed. Consequently, I kept messing up. This doesn't happen very often, but when it does it's really frustrating. I know it's purely psychological, but I'm sure everyone suffers from this.[/quote] Welcome to my world!
  24. Any other donations from attendees would be welcome, like that battered old Fender you never play and is stored "under the bed"? All helps raise ££ for musical charitees. P.S. Anyone who wins one of the Raffle Prizes from Hartke, Mark Bass or Dunlop Strings should agree to having their photo taken for publicity purposes. This helps boost the profile of the Bash and so keeps the Sponsors sweet!
  25. [quote name='jonny-lad' post='1175925' date='Mar 25 2011, 02:02 PM']I should be able to make it!...I've been a bit out of the loop on the forum recently (I don't post much anyway!) so the bass bash slipped my mind! Had right good time last year though, so I'll look forward to it! [/quote] Glad you could come along, I wondered if you might given who is our Speaker!
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