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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Exciting news, just received the MARK BASS donation, courtesy of Proel UK and Bass Gear Ltd ( your local Mark Bass Stockist). It's a Markbass Super Booster, shop price around £110 [attachment=75722:tn1_24891.jpg] The VLE ( Vintage Loudspeaker Emulator) filters out high frequencies to give you a mellower, less modern sound. The VPF ( Variable Pre-shape filters ) boosts lows and highs , and cuts mids giving you a powerfull rock sound. Boost gives you just that.. -Markbass filters -Booster -XLR DI output -True Bypass
  2. [quote name='ryan0583' post='1175871' date='Mar 25 2011, 01:27 PM']I'm afraid something's come up and I'm no longer able to make it.[/quote] OK, thanks for letting us know, maybe next year?
  3. Ha, yes it should be Simon 1964 x 2, can you see what I did there? And people think this is easy.....!
  4. A few updates: Alan from ACG and Jon Shuker have both confirmed their attendance Scott Devine will be presenting a seminar "How to expand your skills as a Bass Player" Some will know of Scott, who has played with Peter (not Eddy) Grant amongst others. Doubtless he'll be bringing along his Overwater! Personnel-wise the following have said they are/should be coming: Scoop david l perry Kirky Gusto x2 geoffbassist Born2bmild Yorks5stringer Tait Funkypenguin 2wheeler Shergoldsnickers Simon1962 x2 Mr Bassman Ryan0583 Molan Watersoftyne Ben55 MikeyR
  5. Couldn't believe there wasn't a Stagg in the top 65 either. I suspect the list was something they thought of in the pub and as they got a bit worse for wear all agreed they'd put the Ricky in at No 1, then sit back and wait for the comments. There's no such thing as bad publicity...erm, just like this thread!
  6. There will be High End Basses at the Yorkshire Bass Bash this Sunday, and Mark Bass too!
  7. I have to say it was a bit thin on content this month although there were some reviews of Bag End and the Zon Standard Series. FWIW my Bass isn't on the list either, there again I made it myself, so why should it be?
  8. [quote name='itsmartin' post='1173435' date='Mar 23 2011, 03:41 PM']I have only just joined this forum. I have been toying with the idea of getting a Stagg (see my first ever post) Is yours still for sale? I am so under the thumb, I will have to "discuss" with my wife (this usually is a very short conversation, rarely good outcome, but I can try) Martin[/quote] Maybe you should get a Warwick Thumb bass then....!
  9. It's a real can of worms for me. I gradually realised a couple of years ago that I was the only one hustling for gigs, booking them, administering them, printing and posting the posters, checking with the venues the posters had arrived, ringing the venue on the day to say we would be coming, sending maps to the band members, liaising with the venue on the day, collecting the money, rebooking the gigs, copying the CD's we gave away as promo. In other words doing everything other than the rest of them driving to the venue, playing their instruments and going home, oh and me setting up the PA and lights which I stored and transported in addition to my gear. We had a band meeting and everyone got very defensive, basically they were too busy (read scared/lazy) to try and hustle for gigs or do anything else. So I suggested we had still equal shares but instead of 4 equal shares we divided the money 5 ways and the extra share went to the person who booked and administered the gig. That way there would be an incentive for members to get us gigs. Minutes were agreed from the band meeting but nothing changed. Last year I was the only one who got us gigs, this year has been the same. In the end on some well paid gigs I took an extra share and told them so, but on the bread and butter I didn't bother, I just wanted to make my point, and anyway I do the job a lot better than they could do it! We once turned up for a gig the guitarist had booked, I suggested to him to call in on his way earlier in the week to work to drop off some posters: he didn't bother even though it was on his route. We turned up on the night to find the venue had closed a few days before and people I had invited had to be hurridly contacted to stop them making a wasted journey.
  10. Venue Details below: [url="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?rlz=1T4ACAW_enGB332GB332&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=manhattan+club+harrogate&fb=1&gl=uk&hq=manhattan+club&hnear=Harrogate,+North+Yorkshire&cid=0,0,14262647170956529448&ei=cyeKTbTUIY-5hAemkvC1Dg&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=2&ved=0CCcQnwIwAQ"]http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?rlz=1T4ACAW_...ved=0CCcQnwIwAQ[/url] Don't forget, the clocks go forward early Sunday, so you could end up missing the first hour!
  11. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1171462' date='Mar 21 2011, 10:41 PM']+1 Take them back. Why are you wasting your time?[/quote] ......because that is the one thing (time) I have, however have made the decision for them to go back: but it's not as simple as marching into a shop as they were got for me as a favour. But as people are saying, clearly there is something wrong with them. Thanks to all for their input and advice!
  12. These speakers have no fans........literally and metaphorically! Have checked out the speaker specs.... Nominal sensitivity: Line input +4 dbu (line level at max) mic input from -5dbu to -35 dbu Mixer specs are: max output level +28 dbu But a Shure 58 microphone plugged straight into the mic-in ( no mixer) causes the clip light to come in a low volumes whereas plugged into the line -in there is almost no volume or clipping. Surely ( no pun) a system like this should be designed to take an industry standard mic without clipping?
  13. [quote name='Phil Starr' post='1170348' date='Mar 21 2011, 08:57 AM']OK I think we may be confusing gain with power. The position of the volume control is irrelevant, it doesn't matter if the volume control is at 9 o'clock or 3.30. You may just be dealing with a mismatch between your mixer and your new speakers. Let's say your mixer gives out 100mV, the mic input is expecting 1mV and the line input 1000mV. This means your mixer is swamping the mic input unless it is turned right down. When you transfer the output to the line input the 100mV aren't enough to drive the amp to its full capacity. You can't get full output. The hum and noise the mixer put out will have a fixed component which is unaffected by the position of the volume controls on the mixer, especially the hum. Let us say it is 1/10th of a mV. When you were driving your old amp the hum wasn't noticeable as it was only a thousandth of the signal. Into the much more sensitive mic input it is now a 1/10th of the signal and you hear it all the time. A little test you can do is to set it up for maximum hum and then turn off the mains to the mixer, but not to the amp. It should keep going for a second or two but the hum will magically disappear. Another problem is that the mic input is probably 300ohms or low impedance and the mixer may be designed to match a high impedance input. Alex Claber has an article on this site [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3730"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3730[/url] which might be worth reading. There's a number of things you could do, borrow another mixer with a higher output and see if the problem goes away. You can buy booster pre amps which will give you a little extra gain so you can match the line input. One cheap way of doing that might be to buy a simple little stereo mixer or even a graphic with a bit of gain to go between mixer and amp. If the Behringer is like the one I used to use then you might find one of the other line outputs or the control room output is a better match for your speakers. Let us know how you get on[/quote] Right, can u/s what you say about gain and am going to try different outputs now. However the humm/buzz I get is there with nothing connected other than the mains power leads to the Speakers and starts when I switch them on , irrespective of volume or no volume and have tried them at another house and they do the same....!
  14. Just adding to the Raffle Prizes: Hartke Effects Pedal Courtesy of Korg UK "Something" from Mark Bass courtesy of Proel UK 2 Musicians Tool Kits 101 Bass Tips by Gary Willis 6 packets of Dunlop Bass Strings courtesy of John Hornby Skewes 2 packs of Hartke Bass Strings courtesy of Korg UK There will also be a Bass Bash Discount on Mark Bass products bought through Bass Gear Ltd
  15. Due to the numbers signed up so far (15) we are holding open the t shirt offer until the Sunday of the bash. That means you don't have to pay in advance but your shirt will be posted on to you after the event. We still need 20 attending to make the t shirt happen but I'm sure we will hit that figure iof those who say they are coming materialise! Incidentally here's a mock-up of what it may look like...... [attachment=75353:Yor__Bash_shirt_1.pdf]
  16. [quote name='thinman' post='1170135' date='Mar 20 2011, 10:13 PM']OK - assuming that you have a pair of them, are you saying that both are equally bad? It would be a bit odd (though not impossible) for both to have the same fault so I'm thinking what could be common to both. Could there be a problem with the signal being sent to them (though I'm not sure what would cause them to be both quiet AND cause the clipping light to come on). E.g. phantom power creeping in somehow? Another thought, is the mains supply to them both OK - have you tried anything else in the maims supply to confirm it's OK?[/quote] Both have the hum, even with nothing connected but tried them at another house and it was the same. Have tried different leads too. Yes it is a Behringer mixer but it is fine with the HK system. Oh, and phantom power is off too!
  17. [quote name='thinman' post='1163584' date='Mar 15 2011, 07:57 PM']Just a thought - you said they "seem quieter". Is it a perception thing, i.e. they're less harsh, maybe less middy that the HKs? Try having a fiddle with the E.Q. If you're just driving them with vocals they shouldn't be too challenged. I've got a pair of db Technologies Operas 415 which are quite similar in spec and it takes a fair bit to get the limiter light to come on - have never done it with vocals alone.[/quote] No, it's not a perception thing...if I plug via the Mixer into the Mic In on the Speakers then there is plenty of power but the clip light comes on with the gain on at 9 oclock (zero is at 6 oclock) If I plug into the Line In, they are about half the volume and no louder than my Hi Fi even on full gain. Both with an MP3 track which rattles the other PA This is coupled with a buzz when first switched on which does not go by pressing ground loop switches or swapping to different mains circuits. Gigged with them last night, plenty of power when into Mic In but clip light on as above. Have tried fiddling with EQ's but surely I should be going into the Line In and getting adequate volume: the Mic In is really too sensitive( hence the early clipping)? Could'nt get to the back of the pub to listen last night as the cordless bass thing was on the blink!
  18. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' post='1169767' date='Mar 20 2011, 06:24 PM']Confirmed and paid. With luck will be bringing: Eden WT550 Barefaced Super Twelve T - with Roqsolid cover Boss GT-10B Shergold Marathon Fretless I predict I shall mysteriously develop a condition that prevents me playing anything, but that still allows me to let others try the gear if they want. [/quote] Looks good, but will you be bringing a "Snickers" Bar along with the Shergold?
  19. [quote name='Machines' post='1169181' date='Mar 20 2011, 08:49 AM']Do you want me to give him a nudge for you ? Perhaps they could still come ? [/quote] Just asked if they would kindly donate some strings for a Raffle Prize for the Bash but got no reply. Gave them loads of details too...maybe instead of a nudge, you could give Nigel a slap! (Sorry, I'll get me coat!) For the sake of clarity, my comment regarding "a slap" relates to "slap bass" and not a violent act.....!
  20. Contacted them twice (Jason and Nigel) about the 2010 Yorkshire Bass Bash this time last year....still waiting for a reply!
  21. SORRY ABOUT THE DOUBLE POST, JUST WANT TO MAKE SURE ALL SEE IT PLEASE! Dear Yorkshire ( and beyond) Bass Chatters) We are now at the stage where we need some firm commitment from you for the Yorkshire Bass Bash on Sunday March 27th in Harrogate, 12.00-4.00 pm. We need a minimum of 20 people paying £10 in advance in order to commission the collectors item "Yorkshire Bass Bash Tee-Shirt" with your avatar name on the reverse ( rather like a list of Tour Dates)! You also receive one free raffle entry as well, although we expect you will buy more tickets anyway! The deadline for advance payment, via PayPal is 10.00am Monday 21st March Those who don't pay in advance, but on the door and day will still get the 1 Free Raffle entry but miss out on the Tee-Shirt This is an absolute bargain for £10, as anything monies left over after the room hire will go to a musical Charity, and as I have said before, in previous years no-one has left without some kind of decent raffle prize. Hartke and Mark Bass have already confirmed raffle prizes and ACG and Jon Shuker have said they will attend. Here's the Hartke Prize worth £85! [attachment=75048:__Hartke...0__image.jpg] Details of my PayPal account will be sent via PM upon receipt of your PM with your Tee-shirt size! Sorry for the short notice, but remember I need your commitment and TShirt size on a PM to me before Monday 10.00am for this to work! Should we not get the minimum of 20 people signing up to make the t shirt viable, then any advance payments will go towards door entry and 1 free raffle entry only.
  22. Dear Yorkshire ( and beyond) Bass Chatters) We are now at the stage where we need some firm commitment from you for the Yorkshire Bass Bash on Sunday March 27th in Harrogate, 12.00-4.00 pm. We need a minimum of 20 people paying £10 in advance in order to commission the collectors item "Yorkshire Bass Bash Tee-Shirt" with your avatar name on the reverse ( rather like a list of Tour Dates)! You also receive one free raffle entry as well, although we expect you will buy more tickets anyway! The deadline for advance payment, via PayPal is 10.00am Monday 21st March Those who don't pay in advance, but on the door and day will still get the 1 Free Raffle entry but miss out on the Tee-Shirt This is an absolute bargain for £10, as anything monies left over after the room hire will go to a musical Charity, and as I have said before, in previous years no-one has left without some kind of decent raffle prize. Hartke and Mark Bass have already confirmed raffle prizes and ACG and Jon Shuker have said they will attend. Here's the Hartke Prize worth £85! [attachment=75045:__Hartke...0__image.jpg] Details of my PayPal account will be sent via PM upon receipt of your PM with your Tee-shirt size! Sorry for the short notice, but remember I need your commitment and TShirt size on a PM to me before Monday 10.00am for this to work! If we don't get the 20 minimum to make this work with the t shirts,then any advance payments will go towards your door entry and Raffle ticket
  23. Welcome! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=119097"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=119097[/url] You may find this useful...!?
  24. Hi,if you can get to the Yorks Bass Bash a week on Sunday in Harrogate, I'm sure those present ( me included) could offer you lots of hands-on advice and support? Equally there is always stuff for sale and you might either grab a bargain or even win some gear! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=119097"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=119097[/url]
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