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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Just finalising details including raffle prizes and luthiers present, watch this space!
  2. "Continous 500 watts, peak 960 watts" These are not cheap, c £600 each!
  3. The current band PA is an HK Lucas 600, 400 watts into a 15" speaker sub and 150 watts each into 2 X8 " speakers. It's heavy to roll around, the 1 sub gets in the way and for only vocals I thought some self powered cabs would be less hassle and a more powerful answer. The Proel Flash 12HA's I've bought actually seem quieter with a MP3 into my desk even though they are rated at 500 watts each, as you are told not to run it with the clipping light on constantly. I've read reviews of the Proels and they seem highly regarded and are not cheap: are my ears deceiving me? PS and to cap it all, when first switched on they are quite noisy too....
  4. Having endured the full 2 day Slapathon ( to be fair , Saturday was much worse than Sunday) I treated myself to the Geoff Gascoine Masterclass last thing on Sunday. Very informative and helpful to me, although I was tickled when he asked if we all knew what a musical Bar was (!) I think he may have thought we were overspill from the Ideal Home Exhibition at Earls Court down the road! (got myself a lovely gadget that slices tomatoes there...) Met some fellow chatters whilst on Comp. Duty and drew a few blank looks from others when I asked "if they were a Chatter" before telling them to check this site out!
  5. Watched the Ron Sexsmith docu from Friday night , then the 3 songwriters(Travis, Ron and Graham Gouldman): just ordered the new Ron Sexsmith album.
  6. I'll be on the Bass Gear Stand both days and look remarkably like the handsome fellow holding the upright on my avatar photo..... PS I think there may still be some free tickets available for the Show if you enter the comp on the Bass Gear website!
  7. Can anyone tell me where level 42 is at Olympia? It's just it says in the programme that Mark King is appearing there...... (sorry, will order my taxi now) PS I'll be there all weekend on the Bass Gear Stand....
  8. Parcel Farce more like it. Was away last weekend, got home on Tuesday to find 2 cards from them on top of all the post. One card said my parcel had been left at the local PO and the other card said the item would be delivered again tomorrow as it was too big. There was no tracking number and the drivers name and round number was illegible. I went to the PO on Weds and picked up 1 parcel and on Thursday, having waited in for 2 days and having tried to email them ( remember no tracking number or details) to no avail rang them on an 0844 number. After waiting a few minutes they told me that my other parcel ( a double bass fingerboard) was .........at the local PO too! Luckily I got away without paying VAT and import duty on it ( came from China) but no thanks to PF who are hopeless!
  9. [quote name='RhysP' post='1135549' date='Feb 21 2011, 02:41 PM']I was incredibly disappointed by his book; to me all it basically consisted of was a roll call of his famous mates and lots of boring & clichéd tales of how many times he's got really pissed with them. I found nothing in there to suggest it had been written by a wonderful wit & raconteur, which is how he seems to be regarded. His stint on Planet Rock was pretty much the same too; he only seemed to play stuff by his muso chums or things that he had played on himself. It came across as one big ego trip to me.[/quote] Have to agree with RhysP about his book, for me just a roll call of famous names who he got pissed and or stoned with. If I had to read another Robert Palmer anecdote........ JMO
  10. We do Roxanne as a Bossa, makes it a different song until we throw in the original ending...at the end!
  11. [quote name='optimus' post='1129546' date='Feb 16 2011, 12:57 PM']As a relative newcomer to Bass (attempting to play for just over a year) could you provide more details on the overall raison detre for the Yorkshire Bass Bash? I would be interested in coming along and generally having a nosey around at lots of lovely basses and perhaps gleaming some pearls of wisdom from you older, more experienced folks. Is that what the majority of people turn up to do? Or is it more of a showing off their own basses, jamming, chatting? How many people generally attend? Are there a number of manufacturer representatives, sellers, etc. or just the Mark Bass amps? Sorry for all the questions. Cheers.[/quote] "I would be interested in coming along and generally having a nosey around at lots of lovely basses and pe rhaps gleaming some pearls of wisdom from you older, more experienced folks" Yes, that is what some people come and do, and there's some occasional jamming, chatting but nothing is prescriptive. Also there are usually some Bass Manufacturers in attendance: Alan from ACG, Jim Fleeting and Bass Gear will be bringing some of their exotic and not so exotic stock. Some years we have 40 come along, other years 20. It's very friendly, non clique(?) and non- judgemental. You can bring a Bass, or not bring a Bass, ditto amps and cabs, ask questions or just not: it can be whatever you want! You can ask about different woods, strings etc but as someone here on Basschat says" If you want 5 different answers, ask 2 different Bass Players!"
  12. [quote name='paganskins' post='1116546' date='Feb 5 2011, 02:08 PM']I'll have it please if you can post/ship it.[/quote] Sold to paganskins subject to payment being received!
  13. Just about to courier an old rack case.....how would you suggest I wrap it? Not being funny , genuinely would like to know as it would seem a bit daft giving it too much unnecessary protection? I was thinking cardboard outer, make sure all catches are taped shut and that's it?
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