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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. I thought the reason Fender designed bolt-on necks was so they could put vital construction information in the neck pocket thus ensuring early versions were worth lots of money as the dates and signatures did not fade away or be counterfeited.
  2. Hope it is better but I think they do returns if it is not!
  3. Lyrics, schmyrics! I am often surprised when handed a chart for a song with lyrics what the actual words were.In many cases I hear the words being sung but don't actually internalise them, that space is taken by the bassline.
  4. Conservatoires work well for training musicians mind....
  5. This is on offer at Studio Spares c £100, just to say I have no horse in the race!
  6. Mesa boogie diesel 1x18 and 2x10 With rationing on its way,I'd get out of anything that runs on diesel....
  7. Good to see you have your letters and numbers spaced out legally, so many people 'try it on' and make an obscene word....
  8. Reminds me of the time I worked on the set of Baywatch and I used to refer to David Hasslehof as 'Hof'. He heard this and said 'Just call me Dave' to which I replied" Sorry, no can do, it's too much hassle'
  9. I can get a Bass and a MB combo in this so would thoroughly recommend it......
  10. How do you get on with the 'old bill' with that registration plate?
  11. I see that's the 1 horse power version, you can upgrade to double the power.....
  12. Spoiler Alert: the preview of the next episode cut to her saying " I was only trying to help' amidst a back story of things not going as well as they'd hoped..... so doubtless watch this space ( which is the whole point of the programme). They also highlighted both drummers who were having issues too ( nothing new there)!
  13. 3.00 pm gig yesterday at the Blackmore Vale Inn in Marnhull. Crammed into a corner near the bar as the only other space was outside and whilst sunny it was quite cold. We had to clear away before the Rugby started so a quick 2 sets, strip down and away. Been our first live gig since before Christmas but seemed to go pretty well. A certain Bournemouth based Basschatter was spotted lurking stage right too....
  14. Just got a ticket for Snarky Puppy in Bristol in October.
  15. Looks like the USA was ahead of the game back in the 70's
  16. Jeez, at £310 sold someone is going to be disappointed, even the tuners look cheap. An enterprising sale.....
  17. I'll just jump in to say I had a HB Jazz also 4 or 5 years ago and that was quite weighty too. Unsure as to why you'd want to spray yours with nitro, it will still be a HB underneath and you could just celebrate it stock unless it is cosmetically flawed, but then it becomes roadworn!
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