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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. I was at her Lowry concert on Wednesday night and commented the same in the Double Bass lounge. He's German and played it straight, sideways like a guitar, picking chords, and with a bow. She also played piano and guitar, had a sax, dbass and drums too and it was one hot band: the cello and double bass interplay was exciting and innovative. She was way more Jazzy than her albums, which I loved. Melody said she'd "stolen him from Germany", not sure if he's done all the European date or not.
  2. She's off to Sweden now after just 3 gigs in UK, the guy she had on the last series of Later played a weird bass/guitar type thing. However it was a proper Double Bass this time, albeit reduced in size!
  3. You Sir, are a gentleman and a scholar! Ms Gardot was very accomplished yet focused for someone so young, and despite her accident, an extemely nice set of pins!
  4. Went to see MS Gardot last night. What a great gig, nothing like her recorded output and enhanced by some excellent playing by Stefan? or Raphael Brown( memory's gone) on double bass. He was playing one of those reduced size basses like wot Mr Bassman has and it sounded immense! Added interest was a German ( nationality!) cello player who played it everyway possible, with bow, plucking, chordally and as a guitar on its side. He also tastefully used a looper. Can't find anything on t'net re the Touring Band, anyone got any info please?
  5. Yes, our old drummer got ill so we kept the drum stool "open " for 6 months until he was recovered. Once better, he then promptly went and re-joined his old band.... ( hence the photo on the left, we use deps now)
  6. Jim Fleeting had a nice Bass with an oiled body and Delano pickups that he has built for Michael Johnson, ex Miles Davis, at the Yor-Bash the other week. I know he will build anything to a customers spec.
  7. Here's one I made earlier, I kept the single cut feature fairly short however..... [attachment=46071:S5000495.JPG]
  8. Sadowsky does it too because Swamp Ash has got heavier over the years. I have no experience of using one but don't think it would affect the sound materially like on an acoustic bass. I've also made a double cutaway electric guitar with chambers but again, they were just there principally for lightness.
  9. Yes " balls" were on the end of the strings kindly donated by Hartke, virtually everyone won a set of 3!
  10. Total with Gift Aid is £181.03, well done to all! [url="http://www.justgiving.com/yorkshirebassbash2010"]http://www.justgiving.com/yorkshirebassbash2010[/url]
  11. Thanks to all who bought tickets, we will have raised around £150 plus a bit extra with Gift Aid!
  12. Online draw now closed, if anyone still wants to donate that is fine but you will not be entered into the raffle draw.
  13. I'm closing the online Raffle Draw at 10.30 am today so if you want to be in, please do so now or come and buy tickets at the Bash today! All tickets bought online will obviously be entered into the draw!!
  14. Map with directions: [url="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?sourceid=navclient&oq=&rlz=1T4ACAW_enGB332GB332&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=The+Manhattan+Club+*+Beech+Avenue+*+Harrogate+*+HG2+8DY&fb=1&gl=uk&hq=The+Manhattan+Club+*+Beech+Avenue+*+Harrogate+*&hnear=HG2+8DY&cid=0,0,14262647170956529448&ei=WbWkS_ygJsfKjAfz0ZGaCg&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CAcQnwIwAA"]http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?sourceid=nav...ved=0CAcQnwIwAA[/url] Link to Manhattan Club website: [url="http://www.themanhattanclub.co.uk/"]http://www.themanhattanclub.co.uk/[/url]
  15. The numbering is of no significance...if it was I'd have put myself first! [b]Luthier Update[/b] As well as Paul Rose's apologies, it looks as if both Alan (ACG) and Jon Shuker are now unlikely to attend: they have both flagged up seperate problems regarding coming along this Sunday and send their apologies. However, Jim Fleeting has promised to attend! [url="http://www.guitarrepairman.co.uk/forsale.html"]http://www.guitarrepairman.co.uk/forsale.html[/url]
  16. [quote name='fatwull' post='779621' date='Mar 19 2010, 11:53 AM']I would like 3 also but don't know how to get them!! [/quote] Thanks, please visit this site: [url="http://www.justgiving.com/yorkshirebassbash2010"]http://www.justgiving.com/yorkshirebassbash2010[/url]
  17. [quote name='Metalmoore' post='779080' date='Mar 18 2010, 08:21 PM']Where can i get 3 tickets?[/quote] Please visit this site: [url="http://www.justgiving.com/yorkshirebassbash2010"]http://www.justgiving.com/yorkshirebassbash2010[/url]
  18. [quote name='Bassman Rich' post='777985' date='Mar 17 2010, 09:09 PM']Well by all means, but I may be 'out' when you come to pick it back up again!!![/quote] In that case, I'll take it directly to the Bash and you can balance it on one hand whilst playing open strings with the other....
  19. Yes please, I'm giving away the remaining Cold Soldering thingys as well. Oh, and thanks for your "donation" of £10 and maybe the Book too! I can't rig the draw but we'll try to ensure you don't get back anything you donated!
  20. 62 views and no-one thinks for £2.00 ( or 3 for £5.00) they could either win [b]3 [/b]sets of strings or a Hartke pedal....?
  21. Updated List: 1. Born 2B Mild 2. yorks5stringer 3. Al Heeley 5. simon1964 6. Tait 7. Mikey R 8. budget bassist 9. 10. Soopercrip 11. timloudon 12. Kirky 13. Huwberry 14. 15. gnasher1993 16. J3ster? 17. bigevilman? 18. Keefman? 19. Josh3184? 20. richardd 21. Anthony Joseph W? 22. sifi 2112 23. 24. retroman 25 thisnameistaken ? 26. Mr Bassman 27. Funkypenguin 28. Monz
  22. [quote name='Bassman Rich' post='777742' date='Mar 17 2010, 06:02 PM']Hey Mr Bassman Could I enter the 'closest to the venue' competition, i'm from near the milepost on Leeds Rd!! On a more serious note, will anyone have some lightweight cabs to try? Rich[/quote] I'll be bringing a Mark Bass 102T, shall I drop it off at your gaff so you can carry it to the Bash......?
  23. Well the tickets are selling well: chances of winning are likely to be 1:40 at the most, at the moment they are 1:3
  24. "About 3 songs in, my hand became really painful" It would have been better to say "about 3 songs in, my hand did not feelgood...."
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