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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. but would you join a band with women in it or even worse, play C&W?
  2. Twice a week unless I've had a skinful....
  3. Yes, it is a panel velcroed on and gives you access to the back of the amp for DI etc. For those of a certain age "Ich bin ein Berliner'....
  4. Maybe they're saying there are 'no women currently in the band' and they'd like some......? But I suspect not, and I'd not bother either and probably report them too.
  5. I get on with my Status PJ but not with our drummer or banjo player if that helps?
  6. You'd think his descriptions would be more transparent...?
  7. sounds like a winning formula..maybe he just needs some lens wipes?
  8. Think if I was dropping nearly £3k on a CS Bass I'd like a few more photos and relevant information about it? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/165316679208?hash=item267da45628:g:H8gAAOSwCaJh~QjG
  9. Well he got it right when he said Basschat menber....
  10. I reported too but is it not possible to speak to a real person at FB: would that carry more weight if it was someone who had actually been scammed themself?
  11. You could try posting here as well:https://www.basschat.co.uk/forum/22-items-wanted-no-trades/
  12. Peas? Never noticed them on the lunchtime menu but I'm up for them....
  13. Wait a few months and you'll be able to get them on the Black Market.....
  14. Don't know if it makes any difference but Fender market and distribute Gretsch guitars, so maybe they keep all the cool shades for Fenders?
  15. That's cos it had a pointy headstock.....!
  16. Nice, looks like a demo room for every kind of socket and switch there is! Just just need some egg boxes stuck on the wall now ( and some graffiti).
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