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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Thanks, but the camera hides a number of faux paux! Here's a few photos alongside my other Bass so you can see the difference in sizes. [attachment=30248:S5000500.JPG] [attachment=30249:S5000501.JPG] [attachment=30250:S5000502.JPG]
  2. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='559473' date='Aug 3 2009, 06:10 PM']If you're talking about a rival to thomann as in cheap german musical instrument megastore then actually there is: [url="http://www.musicstore.com/en_EN/EUR"]http://www.musicstore.com/en_EN/EUR[/url] It's sort of the "urban" version as it's actually near the relative civilisation of munich unlike thomann which is in the middle of nowhere I was about to say that if you were really that desperate to get something that's only on sale in the US then there are companies who will buy products for you and have them shipped over even if the shop doesn't allow it. Sod grey imports and that, i mean it must be at least 9/10 [b]nissan skylines [/b]that are imported using such methods from japan as they officially export very few to the UK.[/quote] Don't you mean Lakland Skylines?
  3. [attachment=30199:S5000494.JPG] [attachment=30200:S5000495.JPG] [attachment=30201:S5000496.JPG] [attachment=30202:S5000497.JPG] [attachment=30203:S5000498.JPG] [attachment=30204:S5000499.JPG] This is now the Blue Peter Bass.....in other words I'm posting completed photos without showing any further steps. I've just got to the bottom of some electrical gremlins , it seems my faraday cage was too effective! Anyway it sounds very powerful and I think looks pretty cool too: the carbon fibre scratch plate and control cavity cover is actually lookalike foil.
  4. Has anyone else seen the Warwick ad for a sales assistant in BGM? They seem to have been running it for at least 6 months if not longer, you would have thought they'd filled it by now or do they have some kind of Spinal Tap drummer thing going on?
  5. Wonder if his son wants something more 'mainstream' now, like a Fender/Warwick/Gibson/Musicman etc etc?
  6. We're bringing along a sax player too (basically cos we thought we may be drummerless, but now sorted). Will be our penultimate gig with Rebecca [i]who is leaving us because she has been asked to donate her vocal chords to Madonna as all those ciggies have taken their toll. Whilst Rebecca will be speechless for the rest of her life, Madonna is giving her the previously adopted child as a new one has just been brought in.....[/i] NB All text in italics is totally untrue.
  7. "Edited later: No intention to be sexist, but the Slider might actually a suit a well-endowed lady rather well as there is no strap passing diagonally across the front of the body. I've just remembered that the makers actually use a female model in the publicity photos, presumably for this reason." Yes, but I guess there may be a few Bassists out there with "Man-Boobs"......
  8. This is interesting as whilst not wishing to tar all Spanish cops with the same brush.... A friend's 21 year old son went out to a spanish holiday resport last week for his birthday with a group of friends and his girlfriend. On the second night he got separated from his group so decided to walk back to the Hotel. He hadn't been in any trouble that night but admits he'd had a few. He was stopped by the Guardia Civil, who without warning pistol whipped him on his head, stole all his money and camera. They then panicked due to all the blood ( he has a pistol impression on his skull and a black eye) and took him to hospital where he got triaged to the front of the queue due to his injuries. His mother has had to arrange flights back for him (£300) and his girlfriend and because he was too scared to report it to the Police in Spain, it will be very difficult to claim anything back. He has subsequently had to go to hospital in this country to get checked up. He spoke to the T Cook rep in his report before he left for home and they said it was commonplace and happens all the time.......
  9. "I have heard tell of a tax adviser being told by an HMRC call centre drone that they had been taught all about tax in a coupl of weeks and did not know what all the fuss was about - and then went on to give a wrong answer to a straight forward question " In a previous life a few years ago I set up a joint contact centre between the Council and HMRC and we remarked how long their training was, 14 full time weeks if I recall correctly.
  10. I have the same combo as separates i.e. LMII and 2x10 Traveller. It is more than loud enough with a drummer, keys and 2 guitars band. In fact I had a 1x15 T cab which never got used so I sold it!
  11. FWIW I drilled control plate, & strap lock holes after I had done the paint job and don't have a pickguard anyway!
  12. Call me picky, but if I'd reviewed the Marleaux Mbass on page 40 & 50 of the July edition I'd have a comment under the "Minus" column. Yes, I know no-one sees it when the Bass is being played, but I'd cut the rear control cavity cover so it matches the rest of the guitar, otherwise what's the point? It's a bit like only painting the front of your house.....
  13. Spector vs Kramer? I thought it was Kramer vs Kramer?
  14. Nice work, did you carve the headstock? How do you do the scroll?
  15. Don't know, but someone in the business has told me they had a body/voice double lined up to do the lion's share of the work during the now cancelled concerts. Fanciful? Maybe....
  16. A proper rubber mask is required( not a gimp one!), that seals around the nose and has special filters on to strip out the solvents as you breath: [url="http://www.mig-welding.co.uk/paint-safety.htm"]http://www.mig-welding.co.uk/paint-safety.htm[/url] You also absorb some through the skin too, I've been spraying a lot over the last few weeks and it's essential to have a proper extraction system in place in your booth too. Mind, as has been said earlier, Poly is even more dangerous!
  17. Yes, I had a 62er and it sounded dreadful when I sold it too...........!
  18. Selling my first bass (Sunburst Gibson 1962 EB2) originally bought in 1974 for £120 in 1980 as I'd bought a Series One white Squier Precision which I sold a year later for £150. I don't mention the Jaydee sold for £400 or the Truvoice ( Selmer T& valve head I gave away to someone who cut down a tree in the garden for me!
  19. I was just attracted to this thread by the line "Scratching Geddy's nose"
  20. A long white envelope ( Compers will know what I mean) arrived this morning. I thought my eldest hadn't put my belated Fathers Day card in a card-type envelope as it was a handwritten address. Upon closer inspection it was not her writing and inside were 2 tickets for B.B.King and John Mayall courtesy of Planet Rock at the M.E.N. I'd entered their competitions on Sunday as the Friday email came through late and luckily am free tomorrow night. The Yorkshire Bass Bash organising team will be attending, anyone else going?
  21. Cracking show in Leeds the other Sunday: as a fellow bassist pointed out to me, you played your new Roscoe at the New Roscoe! I take it Steve did not really leave the Band after the gig?
  22. Yes, I have Voodoo Chic by Helicopter Girl, and love the track "Angel City" although with repeated playing I get a bit "sikorski" of it...... Colin Smith played bass on the track in question.
  23. Saw the Blockheads recently and Norman gives his all in performance: so much so we watched his suit gradually darken as he sweats buckets. I notice in the photo he obviously had another good gig!
  24. I'd check out the paypal t&c's as Im not sure if it's a fraudulent payment whether paypal can debit your account retrospectively if you have withdrawn the cash? Why not ask some bassy type questions of the buyer: it should become apparent quite quickly if they are kosher? How about "what type of bass do you currently play" or "what do you think of ...X?" On another note, how much is the Bass you are selling? From reading their reply it appears they are offering £200 postage on top of the purchase price. Is it rare, does really it warrant their interest? Where are they based? Sorry to sound negative but this does not sound kosher to me. They want you to send it to the USA where it will incur duty and the friend will then take it somewhere else when he gets back from Asia where it will incur duty....???
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