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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. When to change strings? I find doing it on a full moon and a spring equinox ( for obvious reasons as they retain their 'spring' better) facing the direction of Stonehenge ( which will vary depending on your location). I also find winding the strings on the posts the same direction direction as the bath water drains out (or shower) helps them last longer too. Finally wiping my fingerboard with the blood of a freshly slaughtered goat ensures no one asks to borrow your Bass at the local open mic....
  2. Stand by your man or maybe D.I.V.O.R.C.E.?
  3. John Beresford played with him and is not a fan in the hilarious 'under the cosh' series on YT. For any football fan of a certain age, these are very revealing how players were treated prior to the PL
  4. Just revisiting the neck (of which he appears to have routed the heel freehand with no fence or bearing), he may be visiting A&E shortly which may affect his workflow and ability to tinker. It's a horrorshow in so many ways, but to take tegs07 POV, it takes some cohones/lack of awareness to proudly display such ineptitude.
  5. It's quite an enterprising scam though one which would only touch quite a small population? Wonder if that guy in the Midlands is behind it as his revenge to being outed?
  6. He'd have been better off not wasting his time 'scalloping the fretboard' but just trying to get 2 flat surfaces for the neck to sit in the neck pocket. What a tool ( and I don't mean the router)!
  7. 1.The gift that keeps on giving? 2.I think this bridge is up there in the top 3 modifications from him you never knew you needed or existed. 3. Why?
  8. I had some Warwick straplocks which have a central plunger that locks. However they were on a preloved bass and I nearly lost it as it had not locked properly. A little silicon grease on the plunger sorted it. Moral of the story: 'Always grease your plunger'.
  9. This information was premiered at the South West Bass Bash a couple of months ago, but I forgot about it... even more reasons to come to the next one, I'm sure there will be another WORLD EXCLUSIVE!
  10. Conscious I'm going down the rabbit-hole, Parcelforce exclude musical instruments from Enhanced Compensation i.e. anything over £200 that you might pay insurance for. "Musical instruments are excluded from enhanced compensation. Guitars and brass instruments are particularly prone to damage and should be packed very carefully, in a hard case. See our packaging guidelines for guidance"
  11. For anyone not into DIY, Warwick are releasing a 1X10, a 2X10 and a 1X12 cab, all with tweeter to match the Gnome amp. Prices are between £170 and £240 so not crazy and the 2X10 is 16Kg. Lead time is 14-18 weeks.
  12. What, no 'scalloped nut' and machine heads that get lighter towards the end of the headstock? You clearly have not been following the current luthier trends....😉
  13. Red Bass appears to have just 2 strings
  14. Was lumbered with the term "bridge" after I'd said : "A bridge too far". I don't just throw my comments out on here: lots of thought and impeccable comedy timing are only part of my arsenal, so brace yourself....
  15. You're right, I'm just going to visit a well known luthiers items and see how it should be done.....
  16. I see the seller is open to offers, if they gave me £85.00 I'd be prepared to take it off their hands. Wonder if that bridge when relocated, had the strengthening below moved as well or it is just screwed into the top?
  17. Will they be doing 'You've got a Friend' and 'Fire and Rain'?
  18. It's the same one mentioned by the OP.
  19. Tee Shirts? Haven't worn me old one yet, it's autumn ya know and the heating does not get switched on till November 1st.
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