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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/274950725539?hash=item4004571fa3:g:6eEAAOSwdrthTeKQ Never seen one with closed pickups,though it does say it is an early 2013 one.
  2. Clearly not an equivalent swap, the Bash Tee Shirt is worth a lot more! You can forget about Bitcoin, Bass Bash Tee Shirts are the currency of the future...
  3. On the subject of the T Shirts, I won a vintage First Edition in the Raffle. I noticed it was a 3XL but was assured it would fit me....it was mis-labeled obviously! Pretty sure in years to come this will become a collectors item so am framing it and sending it to my nearest Hard Rock Cafe!
  4. I know I said it was a rough pub but it did have a roof over it.....
  5. I felt the MarkBass sounded the least articulate of all the cabs and very middy. The sample track used for all as well as having bass had a drum machine backing and this was noticably muted with the MB. I was a bit dismayed as it was my cab, but as others ( might have?) said, all it needed to do in a band setting was reproduce the Bass and leave the rest to the drummer, guitar and vocals etc.
  6. Was playing a rough pub in Bingley West Yorks yonks ago. The stage area was also an area where the pool table was and in order to move it they had a purpose built trolley. Come our set they have moved the Pool table and the trolley instead of being under the pool table was loose at its side. Our female singer (who was never usually seen in anything but jeans) was wearing a skirt and a whizzed punter lay on his back on the trolley and pushed himself across the floor to do a bit of up-skirting ( although it was not called that then). Never seen that before or since.....
  7. I had a PInk Paisley Japanese Reissue 'Tele Bass' with the longer stems and reverse wind.
  8. What is this tuning you speak of? I assumed it is set at the factory for life. Next you will be telling me one has to change the strings too....?
  9. and a gratuitous opportunity to show off an albeit cheaper ex.......
  10. Is that a younger Yolanda Charles?
  11. I'n gutted you would turn on me, luckily I'm retired and it's this or Loose Women.....😧!
  12. It's a bit more than that in that there is some examination of the content rather than 'Wow, that's cool' all the time. For instance you learn what a 'clav' is......!
  13. I think some are being a wee bit disengenuous here, the article states that Fender have teamed up with Mo-Fi (who?), so really it is a Mo-Fi product with a Fender sticker.
  14. How to disappear down a rabbit hole for a whole morning: I find these fascinating and there are lots more.
  15. Best do as I do, say nowt and lurk in the background, building up my dossier.....😏
  16. You missed the bit about life jackets, emergency exits and women and children first......
  17. Wasting your time mate, the market for 'our' fish has been severely (cur)tailed......
  18. I've asked this question before to no response, but in 'Recent Status Updates' on the Home page it is impossible not to see what the originator would think is a private conversation with another member or even a Mod. Is this intentional?
  19. .....although if you did break down the Thumb Bass could come in handy...?
  20. As an ex owner of a 159 TI Sportwagon I agree with you but think they are going the SUV route: I heard the Guilia is going to be discontinued and future platforms will be based on Peugot and Citroen. Not even sure if the Tonale is going ahead now with the merger...?
  21. That wasn't Norm, it was Santa Claus recruiting for more Elves, as most of last years have gone back to Greenland.....
  22. Going back to pauses and dead time between songs: we have a Banjo player who spends more time out of tune than in and between songs is usually tuning too. The best one of our singers can come up with is " Err..... we'll just wait for the Banjo to get in tune' or the Banjo player himself will ask "How do you tune a banjo", " With wire cutters", to tumbleweed! I have to remind the singer to say when it's a song we've written rather than a cover and the band leader herself is not the most social on stage and sits down on a stool. Her view is it's all about the music and to be honest I think she'd be happier playing her songs in the kitchen on Saturday night! If I called the band understated that would be an overstatement........!
  23. Just got back from the Bash. Big thanks to Mike and his team for all the organisation, everything went very smoothly and the food as usual was tasty and plentiful. Not so many Basses but enough to keep me gassing and great to meet up with old and new Bashers! Oh, and thanks to Phil Star too for organising the 12" cab sound comparison beauty contest!
  24. Would a Markbass NYC121 be of any use? It has the piezo tweeter and cannot be attenuated.
  25. Is this an opportunity to make jokes about Sting, you 'Logging In' or favourite Van Morrison album being Tupelo Honey?
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