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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. I can definitely hear some relicing too....
  2. After I took out the J pickup( it came with 2 OEM ones) I put in a P pickup but decided the last thing it needed was more attack so reverted to the single OEM one which is more than hot enough for me! Did I say in 2022 ( assuming I'm still gigging) I'm going to use it all year as it will be 50!
  3. Is the Pope a Papist? Here's another photo or 4 , after and before.....
  4. I've been rehearsing with another band ( after last night decided to can them) but arrived early at the rehearsal studio close to me to hear the sound of guitar being played through FX. Sounded tasty and it was the guitarist from the band I'd been rehearsing with in another unit close to the studio and the door was open. I walked over and asked if it was an extension of the studio to be told no it was Reef's storage place for all their gear and the guy with the guitarist was their sound/tech guy who I was introduced to. I said hi and mentioned I had the same bass as the Reef Bassist Jack, namely a 72 Telecaster and the tech said he remembered buying it from The Bass Gallery as it was a rare maple body. Needless to say I could not continue the bassy conversation as the guitarist was noisly trying all the FX on a board which presumably belonged to Charlie Woods, Ronnie's son? Anyway our guitarist pointed at all the guitar cases on the racks, (there must have been 40 or so) and said there were some rare gems in there. The Reef tech did also say that Jack was using a cheap Squier Mustang at the moment and loving it. Anyway the rest of our band then turned up so off we went. Back to life, back to reality. I've lived in the area 5 years and never knew that Reef had there gear close by although did know they were localish....
  5. Asking on behalf of our Banjo player...... how do you tune it without playing aross all the spoken song introductions or otherwise leaving dead space while there is the sound of gut being wound around tuning pegs? He tried to tell us it's impossible to tune with a headstock tuner as the crystal can't cope. Are there inline tuners with a mute that may help? Currently he has one banjo that sounds crap and is out of tune most of the time and another which he swears sounds better tonally but goes out of tune all the time...... Plus he's deaf and has no idea he's drowning out the rest of the band including electric guitar.
  6. That roller tray looks like a mini stack to my eyes....
  7. Just played the Country Festival at the Bath and West Showground, 6.00-6.45 pm today. When I say 'Country' I mean rural pursuits like driving tractors at 60 mph down single track roads and not 'Country' as in Dolly Parton ( although you could argue against that categorisation if you wanted). Anyway, I digress....nice big stage, great soundcrew but set about 1/2 a mile from the main showground so maybe 50-60 in the audience. Not sure how many stayed for the 'Blues Others' who were headlining 8.00-10.00 pm. I'd have stayed but forgot my coat, so excited about playing with my 2x12 rig on stage (Markbass CMD121P and NewYork 112 cab) and then through a mega P.A. First big gig with drummer for Hello Hopeville and it feels great to be on on a large stage with a big PA and decent monitors ( and on the opposite side of the stage to the Banjo)....... Sorry about the Bassface! I'll add some photos when they come through....
  8. Maybe this is a question Mojoke could answer?
  9. As part of the High Court claim that The Sex Pistols music be allowed on the upcoming Sex Pistols film, the main protagonist was described as 'Johnny Lydon' by R5Live News. Make me chuckle thinking about his reaction to that.......!
  10. I often tell the story of seeing the Blockheads (sadly after the passing of ID) at the Leadmill in Sheffield in the noughties. As the evening progressed and NW-R got sweatier, his light green suit gradually changed to dark green from top to bottom. He didn't hold back.
  11. Believe it or not the guy who does the PAT testing for our band's PA is called PAT!
  12. I'm another of the legions of Basschatters who traded with Martin, another of the good guys has gone. Such sad news, condolences to his family.
  13. Still trying to work out the Crosby Stills and Nash reference....
  14. Looks a bit like an old epiphone or gibson type bridge? You can buy a Squier Telecaster Bass bridge copy of the original type but it only has 2 saddles for 4 strings so the intonation can still be a bit iffy but it looks cool....... equally I've seen 4 saddle versions too.
  15. Our guitarist is from Frome and( non related fact) I buy my Bread ( not gear) from The Rye Bakery at the Station every Saturday.. Heritage Grain Sour-Dough obvs! Sad you missed Govey mind.....! (IBTL) I think we are playing at the George in Nunney a week tomorrow night.
  16. My area of Somerset is almost as expensive as London, they call Bruton the new Notting Hill. House opposite just gone for £1.2 m( sold in a day), a friend has just put their admittedly bigger house with 6 acres of land up for £1.4m......!
  17. Strange this subject should pop up as we have just taken on a new drummer in Somerset, although he is from Dorset. We played an outdoor gig in Dorset around 5 weeks ago at a pub and in the break one of the band got chatting to this guy who was a drummer. Turns out he'd done a gig that night and it hadn't gone well, he'd driven past the pub, heard our music and thought he'd stop and have a pint. In the second set we offered him our cahon and he accompanied us on a few numbers. At the end he thanked us and left his contact details saying how much he'd enjoyed our set. (We do Americana type stuff). Then a couple of weeks ago myself and our banjo player could not do a gig at short notice so this drummer was contacted and asked if he'd like to come along, which he did and played the whole set ( which was changed to avoid banjo and bass-heavy songs). At our next rehearsal the band leader was gushing about this drummer and how he really dug our material: last week she announced he was joining us! Whilst slightly put out as I was not consulted ( me being head of the rythmn section......) I thought let's not get too arsey until I hear him play. Given with the last 2 drummers I had to suggest what they played as they appeared to have no natural musical intuition or ability (!), this guy was a breath of fresh air. He did not over play, he picked up on the starts and endings and any stops within the songs. He played for the songs and not himself and could keep steady time too.....! Needless to say, rehearsal volume levels were higher ( we are harmonica/vox. acoustic guitar/vox, electric guitar/vox, Bass, and Banjo) but the addition of drums seemed to help tie things together. So he'll join us for the bigger gigs ( we have a Country Festival gig at the Bath & West Showground in a couple of weeks) and he'll sit out the smaller ones. Our Banjo player got all excited saying 'how wonderful this drummer was and how he'd like to rehearse with him every week' but the drummer lives an hour away and he neither needs to nor wants to do all the travel just for the sake of hearing an out of tune banjo(!) so sanity will prevail. He's a bit like some the deps we used to get when I played in West Yorkshire: we did not have a f/t drummer but used Leeds College of Music students, most of whom knew the material ( female vox covers) and could easliy carry the drums all the way through a vaguely familiar song! So hope I have not jinxed our new drummer.....!
  18. It's musical instument 'clickbait', he does it all the time and it seems to work if we are talking about it now.....
  19. Am I imagining it but does it have binding around the top edge of the body or is it just shadow?
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