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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Bought some of the above to do a shielding in a Bass. Made sure I bought one with 'conductive adhesive' but when I put my continuity tester probes on it it does not show a circuit if I test front of foil to rear adhesive coating. However if I stick 2 pieces together and then check across the join there is continuity. Am I going mad? How can it be?
  2. Interesting, but I was going to say I thought Scotsmen did not wear anything under their kilts, least of all a thong but thought the better of it....
  3. Luthier built, but I'm thinking with a mahogany body and that body shape the headstock will be heading downwards...
  4. Weirdly, if it was a genuine Fender it would have had a 4 bolt neck and you would see the 2 lower bolt holes exposed. So it must be a genuine 3 bolt neck which again disqualifies it being a Fender
  5. Yes, it's a genuine Fender 3 hole neck plate, if you look closely there's a small hole below the single neck screw where an allen key goes in for the micro-tilt mechanism. And as others have said, never used on a Precision but I guess at £155 it's not puporting to be a 72 P Bass anyway, although the wording may have you believe otherwise....?
  6. Lots of '?' from the seller regarding the Bass unless they are not a bassist themself.
  7. My mod cost less than that -£0, just disconnected the tweeter (but put the wires back onto the crossover-there's a post somewhere about it)
  8. It may because of getting used to it but I bought a Ninja 250 combo in which I swapped out the amp so it had the LMIII head ( so virtually a CMD121H) and did not like it as much, but only because it was more bulky to move around, the CMD121P ( for me) is much easier.
  9. There are Rocktile copies on the bay for £150, it must be the baaker bit unless its a 'lawsuit bass'....
  10. Sod the Basses, what do you mean by 'groovier' knobs? Do you mean they are groovier in a 70's sense (Man) or groovier in the sense of deeper grooves? These are the little things that can sway a decision....
  11. Yep, and if I was asking for £7k I'd be showing its originality too. Not suggesting it is fake or misrepresented but some neck pocket and serial numbers would be helpful rather than conjecture about the hardness of the wood...
  12. I removed the extra pickup, not because of aesthetics but because it just sounded too 'full on' with those 2 massive 'buckers! If you look closer at the picture, it was a real 'Players' Bass too, with non OEM tuners and bridge, extra pickup, jack socket and knobs.
  13. I'd not be buying it based on the description and 2 distant photos... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1958-Fender-Precision-Bass/254771399361?hash=item3b518f0ac1:g:H9kAAOSwy11fpq8b
  14. Tuners don't look as 'worn' as the rest of it?
  15. Gratuitous photo of my 72 prior to returning to stock
  16. Is this not the same/similar? https://www.boobooguitars.co.uk/collections/bass-bodies/products/pb-body-514699
  17. 1st Boy: 'Why do they call them buttons?' 2nd boy: 'Because they look like buttons'
  18. Nice age-appropriate crack on the scratchplate too! As others have said, it is a common modification.
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