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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. It's up to £21 now so it's saved you a trip...
  2. Let google be your friend, the explanation is in the clip
  3. The comment ( or further bit of information) was possibly in the title: 'Faulty' and '£5', but I do feel you are overthinking things!
  4. During lockdown people have a lot of time on their hands and having a chunter on Basschat can for some, be theraputic😏
  5. What would be the meal, Duck a l' orange?
  6. Is it coincidence that a new bass arrives the day after the Basschat straps locks invoices go out....?😉 Obviously not!
  7. UPS they did it again....?
  8. Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you....
  9. Just noticed the Seller now has a -1 feedback score( previously had no feedback score), alarm bells are ringing! Hope the person paying £3320 has not lost it?
  10. What happened to Terry the Cairn Terrier?
  11. Is this what was fitted direct from 'he who cannot be named'? If so, that is very poor but the good thing is it's very easy to fix ( not that you should have to )
  12. My 72 Telecaster Bass case does not have that type of handle nor the neck brace tie . Mine also has a compartment which hinges up with a tab to lift it on top. This does assume that my case is original: I can't date it due to the Fender logo has broken/been taken off although the rivets are in place.
  13. Ah yes, the hook technique. Must have been thinking of Mark King.....
  14. Like I said, I find the pickup cover gets in the way of my playing and I would never dare aspire to JJ levels of technique...and didn't he just use his thumb anyway? A pickup cover does restrict ones finger directly above the pickups....
  15. I've always found the pickup cover gets in the way of playing.
  16. From memory, in order to take a dint out of the neck, he shaved the neck thinner,added unnecessary ashtray and pickup cover, but here's the list from the horses mouth.. https://flameguitars.co.uk/the-repair-shop/
  17. Sold for £3300 which is a huge leap of faith from a buyer!
  18. That 63 P Bass is still listed despite a number of reports and is up to £521. Just 1 photo and some info about the serial number and neck stamps but tellingly, no photos of same. If I was buying a 63 P I'd be wanting a lot more provinance than one slightly grainy picture, irrespective of the price I paid.....
  19. You could try here: https://www.basschat.co.uk/forum/22-items-wanted-no-trades/
  20. On the strength of me contacting him and pointing out it's not what he says it is, he's sent me an offer price of £975 which I've had to graciously decline...( and point out he needs to knock a further £700 off the price too!)
  21. On the subject of ebay scams I bought some Vit B12 from an ebay seller a couple of weeks ago. It normally sells for around £10-12 and it was £4.95 from one seller so I pressed play. After a fortnight I dropped them a line asking where my gear was to no reply so raised an ebay non-delivery flag. This takes a further 8 or so days before ebay look at it and it was then I checked the feedback which was -255! with everyone saying goods were not delivered. Got my money back from ebay but looking at this from the Sellers pov how did they make any money or did they quickly disappear and ebay have to stand the refunds?
  22. Looks like its missing strings? Smells like a scam to me, has anyone done the google image check on them to see if the photo is from somewhere else? Just looking at the bidding history, why would 8***1 bid against themself from £1 up to £190?
  23. I clicked on this topic thinking it would be about G&L Basses....
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