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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. I used to get "I see you play a 5 string bass......(punter leaves pause to see if their diligence in spotting an extra string is rewarded with a witty come-back from said Bassist). If non forthcoming then usually followed up with "So why do you have an extra string?"
  2. Sale nowt to do with me. The twin buckers are a different tone to the 2 basses you mention and the neck can be a bit clubbier. Do a search , there are lots of comments on them and their playability.
  3. The control cover plate is a particularly fine piece of luthery
  4. Just got myself one of these to go on the wall along with my 70's Gig Posters https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Telecaster-1953-Bass-Guitar-Patent-Print-Poster-Decor-Gift-Unframed/293222771567?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&var=592364367156&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649
  5. Here's one being played in anger by Tim Lefebrve who some will know of with latter day Bowie etc.....
  6. Just before this thread descends into Anarchy, we have got all this way into it with 'ner a mention of Jack Bruce, Dave Bronze and Nathan East who all have 'contributed' to EC's mediocrity....
  7. Mods Power trip? That was done with Quadrophenia?
  8. They're selling them off as they get great deals from Warwick on run-outs and the Gnome is on the way (although it sits in a different sector of the marketplace as a teeny weeny amp). I got a lovely Star Bass quite a few years ago from Thomann RRP £ 14000 for £740 as they were clearing the remaining Korean stock for a cheaper version MIC. I'd be getting a LWA1000 too if I could see any gigging opportunities in the near future, which I can't...! Incidentally I'd also be spending the extra £50 for the gig bag which they bundle at £321.
  9. Seeing Sooty in the video ( was that Sweep also as she seemed a bit darker than I remember) reminds me I used to live very near to the Sooty Museum in Shipley. It closed after a few years
  10. Prior to the launch of the Gnomes, Thomann are knocking out the LWA 500 for £185 and the LWA1000 for £275, seriously good value.
  11. doh did not read the post proprely, you are correct in that I have id'd 4 strings sets, my bad!
  12. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-Relic-80s-Precision-PJ-P-J-Pair-Bass-Guitar-Pickups-Set/254646662508?hash=item3b4a1fb56c:g:rPEAAOSw8n9fBHE7 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SQUIRE-STANDARD-PJ-PICKUPS/274450443951?hash=item3fe6856eaf:g:PrUAAOSw8bJfKxVJ You could try new Wilkinsons and mix a J with a P set:https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-Wilkinson-WPB-AlNiCo-V-Bass-Pickups-for-PB-type-guitars-Precision/112531501958?epid=1266588005&hash=item1a33667386:g:~ekAAOSw1XNZmAv6 or if you want expensive and new, why not get some made by one of the many bespoke winders in the UK or abroad? https://www.houseoftonepickups.com/ https://www.creamery-pickups.co.uk/custom-handwound-pickups-from-the-creamery/scatterwound-bass-pickups.html#.XzHSxh3TVz8 https://www.bareknucklepickups.co.uk/pickups/p-bass
  13. It would have been really embarrassing if I'd won a prize in today's draw..... luckily I didn't! However on the subject of unbelievable names, a 'Charlie Manlove' was one of the winners.
  14. https://radiotoday.co.uk/2020/05/most-of-acquired-bauer-stations-to-become-greatest-hits-radio/
  15. Out: Fender Blue Flower P Fender Buttercream Player P Gretsch Electromatic G5440 LSB In: Warwick Pro Series Star Bass 4 Down to 2 X 4 and 1 X 5 String Bass ( which I only keep so I don't change have to change my name)
  16. I'd be careful Googling 'Bass Boat' as you might find yourself on a fishing trip
  17. Here's my 72 Telecaster with original and replacement scratchplates, original is off the bass
  18. Isn't he that Chef who does the snail porridge, which incidentally is why his chariot was a bit slow....
  19. Think there may be some confusion here (unless I'm wrong). If you go on a day trip to France now and buy a Bass there you will pay French VAT on it. If you buy from a French Seller online you will pay UK VAT rate. So after the end of the year if you buy online you will pay UK VAT and possibly 'Import Taxes' if the UK decides not to align/agree its Tariff on Musical Instruments with the EU. Another thing to factor in will be the potential further slide in the value of the £ as the economy has to deal with the Covid bounce and the pair of U-turn idiots at No 10.
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