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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Got to love him, at the end he says he's dressed up today by putting on his 'stage black tee-shirt rather than his casual one'!
  2. Here's a few from the collection: Buttercream Blueflower and a cheeky Telecaster one:
  3. I thought Bob's version of the 'Riverboat Song( feck off)' he sang at Nigel on the Thames was pretty good....
  4. Lovely. I knew he was a wizard...just look at the red and gold hats below his right elbow in a box😏 Think he'd use a better a camera, all the frets are distorted and sloping at the dirty end.....
  5. Plus the Basschat deal , applicable for UK also:
  6. I believe a number of existing sub holders took up the offer of a reduction (which was not what ped intended when he made the offer) and it caused issues with the system so he pulled it. He has said he will re-instate it, there is a post of his somewhere and he may in fact respond on this one...
  7. Yes, but has it got 'sloping of the pickup-set to give a gradient from thin strings to the bass ones'?
  8. I suspect the Mods keep an eye on these threads and maybe only lock them when the invective 'crosses the line'? At the moment, the comments above are at teasing level (IMHO) but usually for the thread to be locked, someone makes a fairly offensive personal statement about our friend, or a slanging match erupts, and that's when the party grinds to a halt. However, rather like musical chairs, our friend is the gift that keeps giving, and a new thread will be started, usually by someone who has not had their corneas previously burned out by the bodgernomics on display. For me his merchandise is like a fart: vaguely distasteful but equally awfully familiar, just like an old friend....
  9. a song to sing to help me cope with everything?
  10. Just had a large Festival in the West Country cancel ...no, not that one!
  11. They tend to go for around £400 s/h which is about the price of a Traveller 102P new
  12. "If you can draw it, I can build it"...clearly there are some bad drawers out there!
  13. Something that has the same configuration would probably be a Traveller 102P, but it would make quite a tall stack and the two do not match sizewise. TBH I'd sell the 802 and buy a CMD121P and a wedge stand and you get 300 watts in the 12 " speaker with the option to upgrade 2 a 2X12 rig by adding a NYC121 cab later. I've had an 801,802, Ninja 102 250, LMII and LMIII with Traveller 102P and 115P and my go to is the CMD121P
  14. There are a number of You Tube presentations which show how to pick a lock, I'm guessing the Hiscox lock is fairly lo-tech and show be reasonably easy to pick?
  15. RTD- return to dealer, if it's under warranty they are your first call.
  16. Future gazing is notoriously inaccurate but I'd have thought the way things are going would seem to point to a postponement?
  17. Saw Longdancer at the Marquee some time before Dave Stewart became a Eurythmic and also an early version of Tears for Fears called Graduate. Remember Gary More depping with the Sutherland Brothers and Quiver in the early 70's too. Oh, and Paul Kossof with John Martyn
  18. Obviously not a real Bassist, we all have at least one soldering iron in our gig bags...!
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