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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. I bought a light fitting that had a similar time scale on it, arrived in 3 weeks!
  2. Is the bridge Gibson, as they are usually flat at the end and as one with the string retainer. https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/263475755448?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&itemid=263475755448&targetid=878692190845&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=1006578&poi=&campaignid=9437781752&mkgroupid=95524282733&rlsatarget=pla-878692190845&abcId=578896&merchantid=115224288&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4Yrn9PaM6AIVFZ3VCh3JpwT0EAQYByABEgIFnfD_BwE
  3. Last night at The Newt in Somerset, a new visitor destination. Hello Hopeville were invited to play at their Wassail event and other than being given our set times and a list of other things happening, had no idea what would be happening. We were told we would be playing in a Marquee, this massive one covered a whole courtyard maybe 30m X 30m and was open on one side. Full P.A., 4 soundies, wireless mikes, DI backline all sorted. We were asked to be there for 4.30 soundcheck, starting playing at 6.00 pm, all good. Before playing plenty of mulled cider, and food harvested from the gardens. 6.00 pm guests started arriving, all family and friends of the venue along with Morris dancers, Musketeers, Castle Carey Fire brigade (yes), and The Wassail King. Played our set of 60 minutes then the Wassail KIng started his ceremonies and a procession followed him to the Wassail Tree where various chants and songs took place. The Wassail KIng then led the crowd to the canons (yes) and the Musketeers fired rounds of blanks over the fields. This was followed by a proper job 15 minute firework display, then the fire engine played its siren and flashed blue lights! In the meantime we had an opportunity to go back and eat more of the food the guests had been offered which was a broader menu to what we had been offered earlier including lods of cider apple cake! More mulled cider but also loads of Wild Beer (brand) brewed just up the road. Back on for a 40 minute set and home by 9.00 pm! Well paid and the only downer was I decided to 'style it out' being the person nearest the open side of the marquee and did not wear my coat for the first set, temperatures were around 4C and I was freezing. Second set wore hat ,scarf and coat!
  4. Another repeat on the BBC..... annoyingly there was a Fleetwood Mac thing on before Christmas which I thought was a repeat so did not record, then browsed a bit live to find it had Tim Finn on and was not a repeat!
  5. Based loosely on a Chevrolet?
  6. It was funny for an hour, until you burst my humour bubble..
  7. A yellow Mustang? Never seen one of those by Fender.....😏
  8. I am missing the previous garden-based backdrops in your more recent sales. One can only surmise those leaves have still not been swept up and rather than face the scorn of the BC Massive as to your gardening prowess, you have defaulted to a less contentious music-room-in- the- loft shot. Whilst on the subject, did you drop one of your gardening gloves in the last shot as a subtle hint?
  9. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Warwick-sweet-15-bass-amp/202907587411?hash=item2f3e3c1353:g:kDwAAOSwEGVeSl85 Seen them for £99.00 s/h!
  10. Second picture shows what happens when you try and lift it single-handed...!
  11. Both the bands I'm in have couples leading the band: but both apppreciate the other members that make these bands much more than the individual components. We played at the Pilton Stage on Friday night and the female singer, as she always does , thanks us all individually after the gig with a handshake.
  12. In an effort to maybe close down the controversy, I'm happy to acknowledge that the OP did not knowingly use the phrase to cause offence but the first line of my original post still stands re how terms enter into common useage, often without a realisation what they meant. As I don't inhabit the 'R' Forums, I was however not aware of the 'Rickenwaffen' phrase.
  13. Funny how terms such as 'Waffen' enter the common vernacular? Given the 75th Anniversary of the Holocaust the other week, you can probably count yourself very lucky that the only consequence to you by the 'Waffen' was that your listing was pulled! Lest we forget.
  14. Don't know him but a gratuitous picture of the bass below and I'm pleased someone else uses theirs for Country:
  15. I saw him with Jackson Heights around 1971 before Refugee. Have no recall as to his Bass but one of the other bands in the 3 band lineup was Every Which Way and the gig cost 60p!
  16. That's the early combo head, I think Class A/B?
  17. Meanwhile those of us without road crew and have to move their gear themselves, thank the music gods for a lightweight combo in one hand and their bass in a case in the other for the Dog and Duck gig!
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