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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Look at the fretboard, I think there is wood underneath...or is that mojo?
  2. I thought eBay had algorithms which picked up on Sellers trying to deal outside of it?
  3. I think a wee bit of slightly more positive thinking might be in order? 😏 The video and music is way better than you appear to think and I personally can hear nowt wrong with your vocals either. As someone said earlier, Mr King is hardly Pavarotti! You say Dundee has no legacy music scene: Average White Band, Danny Wilson and The Associates all hailed from Dundee (thanks Google) and did OK. You've got a great video, if the rest of the set is as good, get it out there, use social media and whatever else. There must be agencies who book the big 'soundalike bands', find out who they are and make some noise. Why not contact Mr KIng himself, he may be impressed and offer some advice? I wish I had your talent, the nearest I got was having a Jaydee Roadie back in the 80's!!
  4. What's going on with the headstock, is the photo blurred or has it got wet?
  5. Just look at the 3rd picture, is that a man's hand or a Yeti? Scary!!!
  6. Who is this 'Bitsa' manufacturer? Are they European, as they sound it......?
  7. You were lucky to get a reply at all! Maybe arrange a meet up and 'hit him', after all he did ask for it.... This guy advertises on all the time Somerset JMB and keeps me amused: Just got my new Bon Jovi satnav, apparently I’m halfway there. I’ve been playing in a band called Duvet, we were a covers band then I joined 999Megabytes, we didn’t get a gig. So I’m back. Bass guitarist with plenty of experience and open to suggestions that are physically possible. So old I can provide bv’s in Latin. Inventive confident player with good gear and transport, obviously. Ex pro wanting to gig some more.
  8. It is listed as 'Unknown' make in the ad heading and 'known' make in the details, but either way with over 3 days to go no-one has been mad enough made a bid.
  9. Welcome! I was born in Bromley just over 65 years ago and spent my first 6 years in West Whickham. Have very little recollection of it save the red Post box on/near Birchtree Avenue!😪 (nostalgic tear)
  10. TC Unitune for me too. Oh, and always attach it 'the wrong way around' in stealth mode.
  11. Well, the seller cannot be accused of a misleading description....
  12. The LWA 500 is just £255 at Thomann and the LWA1000 is only £341!
  13. Do you have documented evidence of this throughout her lengthy career or is it just an opportunity for you to slag someone off from the comfort of your computer? I'm guessing 'gold digging tart' is not an expression you'd use for a male musician who's had a similar rise to fame, maybe you'd just say 'lucky'.....? Happy to have a discussion with anyone but when they use pejorative and misogynistic words, it would appear their mind is already made up.......
  14. I suggest that hardly qualifies her for the innuendo and thinly veiled sneers on this thread. I think there are much worse people out there than her and given the circumstances ' Crow was given the second-largest portion of the publishing splits on the album in order to motivate her to work hard, as she still had to pay the very large debt from her unreleasable real first record, publishing being the only way she was likely to earn any money from her new record.' who would blame her? I'm guessing the TNMC might not have set the charts on fire without CC up front....?
  15. I think it's a bit sad when a post started in good faith bigging up one of the few women who plays bass, turns into character assassination by insinuation. So she married Lance Armstrong ( a drug cheat). He denied it for years and fooled more informed bodies than a few bassists on a website. I don't even see the why she should be criticised for that, are we therefore saying she took performance enhancing drugs? If so, is there evidence and is it even a criminal offence? As for the 'cough' stuff above, would we say the same about a male Bass icon? I suggest not....😞 I would have thought it is hard enough being a female musician in the U.S. market anyway given the predominance of acts like Cardi B et al...... Re the accusation she took all the credit for her first album: I've just dug out my copy where all the members of the TNMC get songwriting credits, as does the producer Bill Bottrell and the sleeve notes talk about all the band in great depth and their songwriting input. This is from Wiki ( which may or may not be true(!) 'The group existed as a casual songwriting collective prior to its association with Crow, but rapidly developed into a vehicle for her debut album after her arrival (she was at the time dating Kevin Gilbert, who actually co-wrote most of the songs for this album along with Crow, Baerwald, Ricketts, Bottrell, Schwartz and MacLeod). Her relationship with Gilbert became acrimonious soon after the album release and there were disputes about songwriting credits. In interviews later, Crow claimed to have written them. Both Gilbert and Baerwald castigated Crow publicly in the fallout, although Baerwald later softened his position. A similar tension arose with TMC member Bill Bottrell after her second album, on which he collaborated during the early stages. In February 2008, Bottrell said, "The truth is hard to describe, but it lies between what all the people were shouting. It was all very vague and very complicated. She wrote the majority of the album. The guys and I contributed writing and lyrics, including some personal things. However, the sound was the sound that I developed".[23] However, this was said while promoting their most current work together and contradicts most previous statements by him including those in Richard Buskin's highly detailed book about the situation. Bottrell in earlier times had said Crow was given the second-largest portion of the publishing splits on the album in order to motivate her to work hard, as she still had to pay the very large debt from her unreleasable real first record, publishing being the only way she was likely to earn any money from her new record.' Just to clarify, not particularly a SC fanboi but disappointed with the way this thread has turned.
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