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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Sold for £770, around half of which a more original example would have been expected to achieve.
  2. Would have thought your drummer would set the tempo, the danger in YT versions is they may not be true to the original tempo anyway?
  3. 58 years old? Over the hill mate........! I'm 65 in a few weeks and I have long hair growing on my back, as opposed to it growing down from my scalp.
  4. Yes, apparently there is a Jazz bass in there too, maybe the cut down neck?
  5. Really unusual to have an eBay seller try and mislead, isn't it.....?! New: Neck, scratch plate, pots and wiring.
  6. I moved from North Dorset to South Somerset ( only 20 odd miles) and decided rather than return to old haunts, I'd look for new ones. The local Parish Magazine we picked up mentioned an Open Mic at a pub 10 minutes away, so on the last Thursday of the month I rolled up with a Bass Uke and a little amp ( can't remember which one!). Spoke to the couple who were running it and asked if it would be OK to could play along on Bass with the people who performed. They said that they had a band and I could play with them and I think on the first night I played along with a singer on acoustic guitar too. After the end the couple said they were looking for a Bassist and did I fancy coming to their place on Wednesday eve to play with them? They gave me some songs to look at and I duly turned up, played with them and their guitarist and a slide guitarist they also had. They seemed happy with my playing but did not ask me to join the band, so I rang them the next day to find out where I stood as I had other irons in the fire. They asked me to join so every Wednesday ( ball ache) I go to theirs and we go through the material. The band leader has started to write songs but is really just a 3 chord player on guitar so its been good to be part of helping arrange her stuff. The slide guitar left some time ago as he just noodled rather than added to the sound, but we took on a banjo player earlier this year ( great when they are in tune, which is about 50% of the time!) and we are starting to get some local traction with 2 gigs last week and 2 this week also. Band leader and Harp player/Vox are married which is an interesting dynamic, but it all seems to gel quite well. The other band I do a monthly jam and End of Course Musical performances with, was from a Joinmyband ad I placed.
  7. You may well take the record for the longest distance travelled to the Bash as well!
  8. The Gretsch is not Nitro as it is a Korean one from last year, my only Nitro finish is on the neck of my 1972 Telebass which does not touch the legs anyway.
  9. I've just bought this as my Gretsch does not fit any of my other stands due to the width of it:https://www.thomann.de/gb/millenium_gs_3500_b.htm However I now need a case for it, so after 'fishing' around on eBay this camera tripod case came up: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/392267235904
  10. It was not me who said 'tradition favours a flatwound' and that was my point given that pros will usually use proper fretless ebony boards which resist the action of roundwounds. The bass being sold has a rosewood board (if my memory serves me right) which will not resist flatwounds as well.
  11. I have no experience of the HF102 but the CMD121P and NYC 121 is my rig for bigger gigs.
  12. No, just not as described..? Had a look at my Reissue P Blue Flower and the reverse Tuners are also very near to the edge of the headstock however.
  13. Played the Cider Barn at Draycott with Hello Hopeville last night. 8.00 pm start and I did not know this until I got there, our electric guitarist could not make it until 8.30! We started without him as we have acoustic guitar and banjo too, and he rolled up at 8.45pm, plugged in his amp, tuned up and we went onto the more electric songs in the set. Whole set went down very well. Very small venue with a house PA and soundie and he kept messing with the vocal settings which led to intermittent feedback that then set off my new Gretsch hollowbody into feedback. I'd already rolled off my EQ on the amp so had to be careful. Next gig is a bigger venue ( but again another dodgy soundie) so have to see how we will get allong on the feedback. Ironically people, when they have seen the new bass have asked 'how would I cope with feedback' and I've blithley responded with "Every thinks it looks great'!
  14. The shape is definitely not off an original Telecaster headstock and the decal is in a different place too.
  15. Hiding in plain sight! Yes, but they do not mention it's a re-shape either! In fact they say ' The neck is from a reissue Fender Telecaster bass'!!!!!!!
  16. Interesting merger of old and newer. Is it just me thinking those Tuners look very close to the edge of the headstock? I'm sure reverse Tuners were discontinued by 1973 and anyway they did not have those little pointy shoulders by then? Seller says they are original. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Genuine-Fender-1973-Telecaster-P-bass-guitar-Precision-Jazz-roadworn-70s-51P/274109536808?hash=item3fd2339a28:g:XmIAAOSw7xZd2E75
  17. Well that's a great price for a very good piece of kit. I got the velcro bass wedge and velcro bass stand with mine and find it all invaluable as my go-to rig for gigs, in fact using it tonight! Trouble is you'll be seduced by the wish to have a 2X12 and end up buying a NYC121 cab to go underneath it too...... I also have a MM101 for home, rehearsals and Open Mics. Hope it all works out well, if you find the Piezo tweeter a bit harsh there is a mod you can do that disables it but don't just pull out the wires!
  18. No, she said," Get that bass off my frikken back garden and have you done your homework?'
  19. Being a nosy beggar I tried to look at the 'old' Facebook page, seems it is not there now but the new one is , although just some very thin-looking musos...!
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