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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. You can edit the Thread title by going back into 'edit' on your first post.
  2. Well, the field's wide open if you want to make a bid?
  3. I had one and it was quite pokey yet easy to carry. I did find it was voiced differently to my other MB combos and I struggled to get much treble out of the EQ which just just VPF and VLE. I did a review of the 801 and 802 in the reviews section.It does seem more suited to acoustic and double basses tonally ( to my ears) I was however impressed with the new Marcus Miller 101 combo I tried recently which is a 10" speaker and only 60 watts but nice and small. It sounded immense for such a small power output. The 802 will not give you the headroom of your current rig which with the extra speaker gives you the full 250 watts. If you wish to stick with MB, try a CMD 121 P which on its own is around 300 watts or 500 with an extension. It's my go-to for home practice and small gigs
  4. I did a 1-2-1 course back in 2008 and the price has not really gone up since then. My diary has long been deleted. here's the finished article, wish I knew then what I know now, I'd have done something less conventional.
  5. Looks like a Rick Turner with that headstock...... http://rickturnerguitars.com/electroline-bass
  6. I don't know if I inadvertently started this thread (?) but many thanks. Raindrops went well once the keyboard player realised that the previous keyboard guy who was on before him had transposed to D and not returned it back to normal. We played a few bars, stopped and started again, once changed back.
  7. I'd love to read these further but I'm cooking tea and need to get some potatoes from the Larder
  8. You would have thought Willie Nelson might have been a previous owner too
  9. Did an Open Mic in Langport on Friday night. These are rehearsed beforehand but when we switched from the keyboard player who had been accompanying the Solo Singers to the Jazzy one I was backing on 'Walk In between Raindrops' he omitted to return the keyboard from its transposed position to normal. Consequently we had to stop quite soon into the song as I was in F and they were in C....Started again and we nailed it! In our defence we had not rehearsed it but just done a quick soundcheck.
  10. I used to pick up and drive the drummer to rehearsals as it was on my way. Never even got a thanks for it.
  11. Just added another, the Chowny so that makes 5. 2003 Japanese Reissue Blue Flower P 1972 Telecaster Bass 2018 Player Precision 2008 Shuker Workshop 5 String Super Jazz 2017 Chowny Hollow Body
  12. I bought a Chowny at the SW Bash yesterday and foolishly agreed that the card receipt be sent to my email address. I got home from the Bash to find Mrs Y5S eager to see the new Bass, as she had seen the receipt earlier in the day on our joint email account. At least she saw I had not spent a fortune and liked the colour....
  13. Great event again and nice to meet up with some old and not so old friends. Big thanks to Scrumpy MIke and all his acolytes and also to all the nice people who brought gear to try and those on the trade stands too. I manged to snag a rather nice Chowny as well!
  14. They can look pretty gathering dust in the corner......😉
  15. I could refer you to another post which discussing the subject in great length......🤔
  16. They didn't: if you read the post by Shaggy it refers to an earlier post about this very subject. In a nutshell, local dealer puts up a number of items of his stock through CC when he needs the cash.
  17. I've always been more drawn to music from the USA, be it Steely Dan in the 70's through to Jason Isbell now with a huge amount inbetween.
  18. ...and a 'hipster' beard. I guess it must be harder to play for 10 seconds at a time and start on cue than for 3 or 4 minutes per song.
  19. Mind, him and Jo Wiley got on like a house on fire....😉
  20. Are we sure Mayo has actually reached Edinburgh..isn't Scotland the home of the deep fried Mars Bar? (Note any lazy regional stereotypes in this post are purely there for lame comedic effect and are not necessarily the views of the poster)
  21. I was not criticising your original point but he seemed ( to me) to explain why he was charging for the GW seminar outside of the SBL Academy. It was the section where he told of the costs around $40,000 just to do the GW piece? I appreciate above is your last words but happy to hear them elsewhere...!
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