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Everything posted by Aqntbghd

  1. dunno yet i'd like to have a look t it before deciding. How does it compare to a Mono M80 ?
  2. I might be interested, where are thou based (i'm in cambs) ?
  3. I have to go in the same direction : I have one, plenty of dings but i wouldn't part it unless i'm forced to : really nice piece of kit and very pleasant to play
  4. There is an interesting reply from TC on market segments for RH and BH amps lines (and active power management) in their forums : [url="http://forum.tcelectronic.com/topic/16804/new-bh500-and-bh800-tech-spec-and-wattage/"]http://forum.tcelectronic.com/topic/16804/new-bh500-and-bh800-tech-spec-and-wattage/[/url]
  5. thanks everyone for the reviews... now i have to be strong and not buy a new amp before i sold a guitar or two
  6. so ? any news ? or are you too busy playing with the new amp and downloading tone prints ?
  7. not yet, i've seen one in a music store but couldn't test it at this time. I've also found out something interesting on TC forums : These amps have no ActivePowerManagement, so we're talking about 800 real watts (RMS ? ). this might be interesting to listen to...
  8. would you consider trades ?
  9. is it a firewire one or an audiofire one ? I seem to remember that some 2408 need a special PCI card whereas other would work on a normal firewire port ? Can you confirm (i think it is depending on whether it is mk1 mk2 or mk3) ? If it works on plain firewire, count me in for it Thanks,
  10. Actually if you read their white paper about active power management, they're not lying that much. Yes the watt numbers they announce in the product codename is not the RMS_8Ohms wattage, but nobody would buy their products if they done that, Who would buy a RH236 top of line amp ? It is completely ok to do power management in order to maximise the perceived output by the end-user (humans are not good a measuring RMS power, but feel the power). If you take a multimeter and measure real power output from various high end amps you would be surprised. However TC have published a white-paper with numbers and scientific measurements of the amp section that explain how they do they power management and how to repro the experience. They are pretty transparent about it and that's really good to them. They have done it for the RH series and the Blacksmith, now it's time to ask for the BH series.
  11. [quote name='Guinness21' timestamp='1412665870' post='2570779'] Yeah, before I'd ever consider buying one I'd need to know the real power output. [/quote] I've asked them on their forums : [url="http://forum.tcelectronic.com/post/93955/#p93955"]http://forum.tcelectronic.com/post/93955/#p93955[/url]
  12. I'm seeing these amps as a nice addition to a RH450 : use the rh450 as a preamp (presets, tube tone, spectra comp) and then feed into the BH800 as pedal board and power amp : lots of power (if not TC emphasis) and two more tone prints if needed (chorus and octaver for me please)
  13. PM'ed you a list of some stuff
  14. [quote name='dougal' timestamp='1410359532' post='2548531'] I strung it F# B E A D and it took it no problem. [/quote] F# !!! Where did you get a cab that could output the 23Hz of that note ? I'm really puzzled by this.... Still a very nice instrument, i wish i had more available cash... trade options may be ?
  15. PM'd
  16. Some trade for some guitar gear ?
  17. [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1406468752' post='2511675'] Turned on my BG 250, it goes pop a few times and smoke comes from the back of it. I will never buy a piece of kit from TC again. [/quote] Well, don't make statistics based only on one sample My two TC amps never had a problem, this is not an excuse for me to say they are invincible and will survive till the end of times. Sometimes also short circuits in amps are just bad luck (like a bug walking on the wrong contacts and blowing it up). it is also worth having it repaired if it is under warranty because if there is a design problem , usually the manufacturer will notice it due to the volume of services and fix it in the next release (amp misfunctioning are also bad for TC reputation).
  18. Hello, where are you based in poland ? (i got friends there that may be able to do the deal) Thanks,
  19. PM'd for a pseudo local trade
  20. bump and probably the last one as I got some trade options, so unless somebody offers straight cash, this one will soon be gone..
  21. I would have probably offered something for it to upgrade from my firebox, but it has the same problem : unsupported on modern OSes... :/
  22. For sale, BG250 115 Mark1, perfect condition with RockSolid cover. Plays well, loud and plenty of tone prints ready to be uploaded but i don't need yet another amp so i'm selling this one Located in Cambridge, but i can deliver between cambridge, milton keynes and the north of the M25 if needed. Price : £220 or open to trades...
  23. damn you should have put that before hand, i would have proposed you an exchange for my bg250
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