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Everything posted by Aqntbghd

  1. still here, so i'm bumping it...
  2. PM'd too... but i think i have the same GAS problem as tredders (and i've missed it from out spoon last time)
  3. PM'd in case...
  4. yeah i could split (and if the big ben goes, that may be an excuse to keep the redhead) make an offer...
  5. Bass transfered to Jonnyboy rotten sorry no transfer pics, it was a dark parking
  6. No prob, i can pass the bass
  7. i could, unless some vintage-loving friends makes me change my mind and keep a lot of unused stuff Do you want to trade it for your fender ? Where are you based ?
  8. bump, very open to offers / trades
  9. I think it got traded in the end.
  10. About 150£ were collected in these two Cambourne gig (and the previous one too). Everything donated on the just-giving page and.... WE'VE REACHED 50% of the objective !!!! Keep it going guys ! I know that 4Strings has a gig beginning of december but i'm sure we can do more in november. So... who's next ?
  11. I can't believe nobody's interested by a redhead... i would have sold my house for one some time ago
  12. Here are the first pics of yesterday night it was a very quiet night at greens (halloween effect ?) but still the bass was played and money was collected for research for cancer. Will track people there for more pictures (including some of me playing the bass). So who wants to be next ? I can deliver the bass in a triangle between heathrow, stansted and cambridge [attachment=147344:1375852_542080819215696_332863836_n.jpg] [attachment=147345:1294502_542387169185061_547890096_o.jpg]
  13. And now gone locally...
  14. No i'm not the next MoA bassist I've replaced Axman in chickens can't tho BTW, the relay will be in Greens coffee (and wine bar) tonight in Cambourne.
  15. bumpy bump bump : I can also deliver north of london and in herts, cambs or essex.
  16. Don't worry, I'll take pictures while Axman is playing
  17. Just had the bass delivered to me by Bluejay. Thanks a lot, next planned appearance is in Cambourne on the 31st of october.
  18. [size=1]Paid a LS2 to this guy 14 days ago, and still received nothing... no communication from him either after many PMs :/ i'm a bit gutted... :/[/size] [Update] Apparently it is a mix a plenty of bad luck. Please ignore my comment above from now, i'll remove it completely when this is hopefully sorted out [Update,Update] Finally received it. My guess is that Steven is the most unlucky guy i've ever seen but he's honouring his deals. Thanks dude, and sorry for being a hassle
  19. Bump for a week-end offer : 260£ for the bass.
  20. bump for week-end offer.
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