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Everything posted by Aqntbghd

  1. I don't think it is gone yet... i'll ping foulala this WE about it
  2. I like your approach, too bad i don't need it, so i'm donating a free bump
  3. If you don't take it, i'm also interested (and in cambridge)
  4. Would you be interested by a SWR workingman 2004 head ? I can come to do the exchange, i always wanted a picture of me next to a "rugby" sign
  5. Aqntbghd


    Bought a headphone amp from colin, delivered very quickly and works fine. nice deal, thanks
  6. traded an swr amp with him and he was a very pleasant person that made the deal easy with my many constraints
  7. traded it from Enrico, very nice chap indeed
  8. bump for a very nice bass i've played with last christmas
  9. Bought a nice eden di-box from cliff, very nice guy and fastest delivery i've ever seen now i can play with it this WE.
  10. PM'd
  11. would you accept a trade ? (see my posts here )
  12. I've replied. As i've said, i'm not yet convinced to do shipping, however if i do it, it will be first one to have pmed me to win
  13. i know i need a psychotherapy about shipping musical instruments I've got some local contacts if they don't go thru, i may disassemble it and try to make it fit in a box... but yuck... how can you do that to a loved bass
  14. bump for Xmas: i will not ship (too complicated and too stressed about it) but i can deliver between cambridge an northeast london easily).
  15. yep. i could not post it, too complicated :/
  16. If you pay for the postage, i'm fine with it i'm already collecting bubble wrap
  17. Would you be interested in a trade in any of these (i'm between cambridge and bedford) ? [list] [*]Flycase : [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/188532-fsft-ampeg-810-flycase-with-wheels-100l"]http://basschat.co.u...ith-wheels-100l[/url] [*]Yamaha RBX375 : [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/185998-price-drop-fsft-yamaha-rbx375-red-130l"]http://basschat.co.u...rbx375-red-130l[/url] [*]Fretless JazzBass : [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/181535-pricedropdrop-fsft-custom-fretless-jazz-bass-fender-and-luthier-work-120-l"]http://basschat.co.u...hier-work-120-l[/url] [/list]
  18. For sale (or for trade) a nice flycase with wheels to host an Ampeg SVT810 (or a fridge). Collection from Cambridge, I however go to london once a month and can deliver if needed.
  19. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]bump and again price drop. Some basses needs to go sometimes [/font][/color]
  20. bump and price drop. Some basses needs to go
  21. Interested into a nice jazz-like ? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/181535-pricedrop-fsft-custom-fretless-jazz-bass-fender-and-luthier-work-140-l/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/181535-pricedrop-fsft-custom-fretless-jazz-bass-fender-and-luthier-work-140-l/page__fromsearch__1[/url]
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