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Everything posted by Shockwave

  1. So the stripping has begun! Some nice tidy wiring work. Body and neck as fairly tight together. The poly finish was fairly easy to take off with a heatgun and wallpaper scraper. The black underneath needed a combination of Wallpaper scraper and sandpaper 240 Grit. The white primer underneath is taking much more time. Wood is alder and pretty lightweight. No flame top or anything. Almost looks like a one piece body but cant confirm until the rest of the primer is off. Has taken about 2 and a half hours so far.
  2. So I got a P a Progressive and a Electro Classical. The P was alright, nothing special, nothing wrong with it as far as I could tell. Uninspiring, quite heavy so moved it on. The classical came with a broken string, Otherwise great plugged in sound, finishing was a bit rubbish but for the money pretty good! The Progressive bass, no problems, Found that pre-amp and pickups are fantastic. The neck is P chunky which is fine for me. Good slap tone. I want a 5 or a 6 string one of these for Gospel! Very high output, but clean. Keeping the progressive but giving it a full on refinish and setup. Lightweight as well. Didn't realise there was push/pull active passive switch until I started taking apart, ace!
  3. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1439730040' post='2845255'] Bartolini make some suitable pups. http://www.bartolini.net/product/4-string-bass-soapbars/ The BC4C-B and BC4C-T seem about the right thing. I doubt I'll rush though, the stock ones seem ok and it would be sensible to see what different strings sound like first. The higher priority could be replacement pots. The pre-amp seems very versatile, but the pots are a bit stiff. [/quote] Looks like Norstrand DC4 might work as well!
  4. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1439556938' post='2843871'] New Bass Day!! Yes, the HARLEY BENTON B-450 BLACK PROGRESSIV has landed. Apart from the customary "D" on the neck and body, there's a small mark on the back of the body - you can see it in one of the pics. The blend pot is a bit stiff and there might be a slight need for dressing the frets as there's a bit of fret rattle on the E string. I'm happy though. I was all set for an immediate change of strings, probably followed by a set of pups, but it all sounds fine to me. All that for £40. [/quote] What Pickups will drop in straight out?
  5. Hello ladies and gents. My Tech 21 recently had new Blue LEDS installed along with new footswitches. Since then on occasion the pedal will crash. And the only light that lights up at that point is the B channel Input light and I can't select anything else. I have to unplug the battery to reset it. I took it to Guitar Aid and they claim that there is a dip in power on occasion to the CPU but they don't know why. Can anyone help? I always power with batteries and this is hugely frustrating! I could get the old LEDS put in. I am just surprised there is such a low tolerance just by putting in some brighter LEDS. I could get Guitaraid to put them back in. But they won't commit to saying whether or not that is the problem. (I don't want to have to pay for the work if it doesn't fix the problem and they don't want to not get money for the repair if it doesn't work!) I have emailed Tech 21 but with no reply as of yet.
  6. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1439462042' post='2843007'] @Shockwave - it looks as if dekos are more of a lottery than we suspected. Which of the classicals did you order? I'm tempted to get a Santos Series electro-acoustic. At some undefined time in the future. [/quote] Bog standard electro classical. Cost 19 quid plus 10 postage. Cg300e
  7. Bit annoyed. Ordered a classical and two of the rosewood jazzs. Linked someone else to the jazzs. He ordered 3 of them after me. He got his order and I got an email saying thst the jazzs were out of stock. They don't seem to do go through the orders in the order that they are sent in. :-/
  8. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1439372533' post='2842180'] oh bugger.... Which one? I just ordered the maple neck version and I have an order confirmation but not a shipping confirmation so I'll miss out as well then I guess. [/quote] I didn't see a maple one last night, just rosewood one. So you might be lucky.
  9. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1439371432' post='2842166'] ooo nice jazz, I'll have one of those... [/quote] Tried ordering one late last night and just got a rejection email.
  10. Bugger. Just came back to say yes and it had gone :-(
  11. Hey guys. Selling a bunch of effects. Boss BF-2, No box, In used condition £33 Posted. Boss CE-5, Original Box, In good condition, £40 Posted. Both Boss pedals as used by Justin Chancellor of Tool, arguably they work better on bass then their bass specific counterparts. Korg Stompbox 1G Multi Effect, As new, Boxed. £25 Posted. No trades, no haggling. Bank transfer only. Cheers!
  12. Whats the weight on this one please? Pmed. Cheers.
  13. Sold a Tokai Hardpuncher TWICE, because I couldn't quite get the sound I wanted out of her, when really I just didn't know what sort of pickups I was after. I bought her brand new in a shop in Bath around 2003/4. Made in Japan with new style headstock, cream with matching headstock, gold hardware. I managed to find a rare P bass Pickup cover in gold for it as well. The last person I sold it to Steve on Finnbass. I believe he still had it according to a post in 2013. I hope to get her back one day, a lot of memories in that bass! Many of my first decent gigs were played on it.
  14. 1. Hamster - 2. Silverfoxnik - BC Rich Eagle, Schecter Diamond P5, Levinson Blade B15, Yamaha BB300, amp & cab tbc 3. Billy Apple - Spector, Jule Monique, Demeter Minnie, EAD 4. Happy Jack - The Entire Population Of China 5. Bluejay - something lefty, provided I don't have another senior moment and leave it/them at home 6. Bassman Steve - Boogie and Barefaced stuff and a Precision or two 7. obbm - new micro-stack 8. Kiwi (?) - GB Shuttle 6.0 and two fEARful F112 cabs, Spector 5, Status 5, Alembic, Pedulla...and maybe the Steinberger 9. Bottle - 1x12 Cab and 1x10 Combo, FX boards and rack amp, Ibanez bass. 10. TheGreek - something a little bit different 11. Mykesbass - Shuker 5 string fretless (old style P Bass), Carvin BX500 Head, Fender Rumble V3 112 cab. 12. Shockwave - Musicman Stingray 4, 3EQ, Could possibly bring my big pedalboard, but no amp to play through! 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
  15. Having dealt with the same person I think you are on about, I was involved in a similar situation. A deal pending on the sale of the Skjold. Alas a deal is not done until it is done.
  16. Well, unfortunately there is no way around it. However we do have two new drummers auditioning this Sunday along with a vocalist. So not all bad
  17. Bump!
  18. [quote name='lowregisterhead' timestamp='1435130177' post='2805650'] The (Black) Eagle has landed! Arrived from GAK yesterday and initial impressions are very good. Plays really well, although may need a tweak to get rid of a little fret buzz on the G up the dusty end. Not that I get up there often. Finish and hardware 9/10, only loses a point for a couple of blemishes in the paintwork in the slot cutout in the headstock. Clear, articulate tones, a little barkier than a standard Jazz, but nicely full-bodied. An extraordinary amount of very stylish bass for only £449. In fact, Thomann are currently doing it for £387.52 with free shipping... [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/ibanez_2609b_black_eagle_bass.htm"]http://www.thomann.d..._eagle_bass.htm[/url] [url="http://s1141.photobucket.com/user/lowwregisterhead/media/IMG_5269_zpsq51snls2.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] What is the weight like on it?
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1434964401' post='2804124'] Ah... it's not really the Kent bit then, it's the getting from west to south east London bit... do you drive? If you're in SW London then the South Circular would be favourite (A205 > A20 > M20), or possibly A3 > M25 > wherever, depending on when you're travelling, etc etc. [/quote] I am afraid not :/
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1434963030' post='2804105'] Depends where in Kent, really. Kent is a huge county. I was in a band that rehearsed in High Wycombe and I live in south London. I left in the end, but it wasn't because of the rehearsal commute. It also depends on what your transport situation is like. [/quote] I know! Both the guitarist and I are in West London, so it may be quite difficult.
  21. He's moving to Kent and we are based in London. I realise there are quite a few connections going out, however travel is painfully slow in London. Things are still up in the air at the moment, so when things die down we will have a chat about whether changing practice locations would help.
  22. Thing is, I had been trying my hardest form a band like this with these specific influences for nearly a decade and I could never get the right people. About ready to throw in the towel at the moment!
  23. Hello all. Recently I formed a Hardcore Punk band in the vein of No Trigger, Strike Anywhere and a Wilhelm Scream. Managed to get 3 good core members including an absolutely amazing if slightly rusty drummer who totally get the material. We had still been looking for a vocalist, but things were moving and lots of auditions coming up this week. I have never felt so good about playing in a band as it's the music I have been wanting to do for nearly a decade. I haven't been this happy playing music in a long time. The drummer is amazing, we really click together and are very passionate about the same things. We managed to put together 2 originals and 4 covers within a few weeks no problem. Unfortunately the drummer received some bad news and has to move away and I am really bummed out by it. I have severe doubts that we can find another drummer to replace him anytime soon. As many people experience, without a drummer there is really no band. I'll of course keep looking, but I am more then upset about the situation! Never realised how much something like this could get me as down as this! No real point to this. But just had to say it.
  24. Interesting. She gave me a different reason! I did have another guy who I put on hold but seems to be having cold feet :-/
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