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Everything posted by Shockwave

  1. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1417730591' post='2623630'] They're quite active on Facebook, might be worth mentioning it there. [/quote] Not sure what they could do to be honest. I refuse to go back there and I wanted to see them in the flesh which was the whole point of going down there. I guess if they want to drive the 25 miles to my place, both basses in hand then maybe. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1417730632' post='2623631'] really capt lee? andy [/quote] Eh?
  2. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1417728666' post='2623613'] I feel for you. It has never been in my nature to cause a kerfuffle, but the older I get the less tolerant I am becoming in Acting blasé? "Right, I don't want to talk to you any more. Where's your supervisor?" etc etc [/quote] That was the manager... He spoke to the guy at the warehouse on the phone in front of me and didn't even have a go at him. Seriously, if my junior tech did something like this to a customer I would have gone livid.
  3. Hello all. I have been after a two tone sunburst Modern player jazz for a while, Fender UK seem to be unable to keep them in stock in many places on the lead up to Christmas, usually I would go with Wunjos but they were unable to get one in time for the Christmas gigs. I really wanted to see it in the flesh as they can be a bit and miss in wood selection and quality control. So I Left work early at 3PM today to go to Guildford and try out 2 Fender Modern Player 4 string Jazzs and a 5 string version. On the Andertons site it stated that they were in the Guildford warehouse. I rang them up an hour before I left asking if they could be transferred from the warehouse to the store so I could pick one (I really needed a 4 string, the 5 was more for research). The guy said it wouldn't be a problem and will be there by the time I got there. I arrived just after 5PM and asked to try the basses, they brought out the 5 string and I mentioned to the guy that I was really after the 4 string and that I was just curious about the 5. Some time passes and I start getting worried, when yup you guessed it the 4 strings never arrived from the warehouse and they are unable to transfer them today. I told them on the phone hours in advance that I wanted to try those basses and that I was coming all the way from London especially, the round trip (Travel time only) took me just over 3 hours on a cold train(I got back just after 7:30PM from a 3PM start.) The best the shop manager could explain was that when they told the warehouse to deliver 2 4 strings they assumed it was a mistake so only delivered the 5 string. The manager was acting blaise about the situation and offered nothing to me. If the warehouse guy thought it was a mistake, why did he not RING the store to confirm??? Overall very disappointed, I left empty handed and very angry. Out of pocket for the train fare and over 5 hours wasted. Not acceptable. Wunjo's would never treat me so shabbily.
  4. I am looking for something with inflated style wheels as i'll be taking mine on London public transport. Any recommendations?
  5. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1416778169' post='2613558'] An extreme example maybe but bands are getting louder. [/quote] Proof? Bands in my experience are getting quieter.
  6. I have already sung the praises of Tom and Laurence at Wunjos a few times. The only shop that can get me to part with my money for new gear. My band have finally started to get some gigs. All I had was a GK Backline 12 combo which would never have hacked it in a stoner rock band. Also I have been getting involved in some high end funk and jazz with gospel influences which needed some serious low end. Ended up trying Markbass. I had heard them before and didn't think they were for me, but gave it another shot in a new light. I love muted notes on these amps! They gave me cleans like nothing else. I plugged my VT Bass deluxe into the return socket and got bags of overdrive with none of the hifi cleans of the preamp. So ultimately it was going to work with both the rock stuff and Funk stuff. So I purchased the MarkBass LM3 off of here. Went to Wunjos and ABed the travellers cabs against eachother. I came out with both the 121H and 102P. Bags of low end and I could really crank it in the shop on an early Sunday morning. I could have got the 151P, But actually preffered the 121H's low end and horn. I also liked the bass I was playing and ordered the 4 string two tone sunburst version of it. The bass was a Fender Modern Player Jazz, which I thought really sung through the Markbass gear real good variation in tones in what is only a passive bass. The neck humbucker reminded me of my old Gibson Grabber which I miss terribly and my band mates loved the tone of, so this should be a decent relacement. Wunjos did me a good deal on the Markbass cabs, Threw in some strings and leads and they even ordered in two Fender Modern Player Jazz's so I can take the lightest one out of the two when they come in! (I was really impressed with that!) Need to pick it all up later in the week, but I am very excited! Hopefully my Lettsbass 6 string will come through soon and I can get some funky Low B gospel on the go as well. Now I need a trolley for the cabs...
  7. Ahh. I ended up pushing the boat out and got a Markbass 102P and 121H at Wunjos. They mixed well together and the 12 just gave me the low end, where the 15 sounded a bit indistinct and was a bit too heavy. Managed to get the 102P home by itself hand carrying. So its just about OK enough on Public transport.
  8. Sorta concerned with the cabs bottoming out when doing Modern Gospel funk stuff. I think I might be fighting an uphill battle considering I want lightweight as well.
  9. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1416472787' post='2610471'] When I had my LM2 I used it with 2 Aguilar GS112 cabs. That was a fantastic sounding rig. I only sold the cabs to go to a 410. Isn't there a pair of those cabs in the classifieds? [/quote] Yes. But I cant afford those. Budget is around 400 Max. One cab solution preferable. I can buy a second when my outlook is better. And yes 15lbs was a typo. I meant KG. Cheers!
  10. Hi guys. As much a I would like to push my budget and get some full on Markbass travellers. I am struggling to put the money together. Out of the current linesups of lightweight cabs from GK/TC etc which would replicate the Markbass cab tone better if any? Is there anything else I should be considering? Really looking for something that can bring that modern funk sound. Will also be using it with a VT Bass deluxe for the more rocky trebley grindy gigs. Weight limit is 15KG.
  11. Patrick was in London last week and bought my Fender Precision 1977. Lovely bloke and made sure the payment went through great. An absolute pleasure of a deal and a gent.
  12. Whats the difference between this and lets say a LMII / LMIII / Big Bang?
  13. Any idea what wood this is made from?
  14. Ok. Thanks for the info guys! Just a quick one, is there ANY difference in tone between a 44-60 and your common Fender Jazz?
  15. Anything like a Musicman tone maybe? Any chance of a free absolutely no obligation to buy tryout at your place down the road from me?
  16. Hey guys. Just noticing the second hand pricing of Lakland Skyline imports, vs the price of Fender Jazzes. I do like the look of the Laklands, but why do they command the same sort of second hand value to US Fenders? Am I missing a trick here? I couldn't just buy the Lakland because I prefer the look of them...
  17. Found out that he actually has a Japanese built (By ESP) Lakland Shoreline Signature model. http://www.espguitars.co.jp/lakland/shoreline/sl44-60r_hinatch/index.html Stacked knob!
  18. Is the Markbass stuff really that lightweight Lozz? Just sold my entire bass rig so on the lookout now. I see the TC BG250 is really cheap and lightweight. Just wondering if it can cop the sound. Wonder what gospel cats use Markbass stuff. I hear GK is the typical amp sound in Gospel...
  19. Would love this if it can get to London. :-/
  20. Necro bump. I cant help but come back to this. I think I need a 60s style jazz in my life and a lightweight alternative rig to the Orange!
  21. Bass will be going back to Wunjos on the weekend if I don't get an offer beforehand! Will accept part exs on lightweight cabs and combos. Maybe some Gospel funk basses such as, Yamaha TRBs, MTD's, as well as Fenders, Laklands, Musicmans etc. A Vigier Passion would be considered as part of a straight trade as well. I will take a cash price of £1000, Trade value is still at £1100.
  22. Collection from where?
  23. £12? I'll take it
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