Hey everyone, this is only my second post so i thought i would tell you all what i am currently using.
I currently play a Vintage bass which is the only one i have ever owned for roughly 9 years which cost me £120. It has served me well but now i am playing regular in a cover band and am seeking a better bass.
I do intend on nipping to Birmingham to try a few as i know thats the important thing to do.
Just interested what basses you think i should try out first, we cover all genres from pop, rock and soul and a little funk and i am after a nicer tone, lighter bass as mine is pretty heavy and better pickups.
I am aware of the Aerodyne but the jack input location has put me off.
Just any advice would be cool and i wonder if there are any basses out there which will tick all boxes that i have, oh and my budget will be up to £800 tops.
Oh and hello to you all.