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Steve G

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Everything posted by Steve G

  1. Limited experience here but the guy who I play with at work during lunch is the guitarist, very modest of his abilities but is really very good. Unfortunately he has the attention span of a goldfish. We'll be playing along on the songs we agreed on and he'll stop. The problem? he didn't learn any further before he got bored or whatever, but can now play a bit of another song..... Since we play on an occasional throughfare at work he also has the habit of breaking into the Deliverance banjo song whenever anyone walks past. f*** me, FOCUS! Not the glue, but I do have the attention.
  2. Does he really talk like that when he's not being interviewed?
  3. The show isn't a singing contest though is it, Barlow seems to focus on the voices but it is about the X-factor, are you marketable to the public? have you got the charisma to keep people interested in what you do? will people care about how you do? Per the comment above, the last lady, the prison officer who sang Beyonce, was absolutely brilliant, she'll get through hopefully but she'll never win, she's just not marketable enough unfortunately.
  4. my first bass was (is) a sunburst, I got it coz it was cheap and something to start on. I will never sell it. I am also unlikely to buy another sunburst. Natural or something solid it will be
  5. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1376382256' post='2172957'] coke contains some phosphoric acid. [b]vinegar is acetic acid, diluted[/b]. molasses I *think* contained *some* acetic acid among others, but it's been a long time since I read about that stuff. I don't recall any phosphoric acid there 'though. [/quote] Doh! Brain in gear Steve. Yes, of course you are correct on the vinegar McNach. I'm pretty sure Molasses has it in though, quick google is not 100% behind it, but it can be used for rust removal although I never personally tried it. I think I'll go back in my corner now.
  6. Molasses, coke and vinegar all contain phosphoric acid to some degree. This is the part that does the rust removal. You can probably get the acid in higher strength on ebay but don't leave items in it overnight, more like a few minutes, and mind your fingers!!
  7. [quote name='iceonaboy' timestamp='1373961477' post='2143523'] Yeah, indeed a great show. I was recording every episode when it was on and thorougly enjoying it, but for some reaso the last episode never recorded and I was not a happy wee boy! [/quote] Same here! There didn't appear to be an episode 11! Maybe that was the Spinal Tap episode Great series though.
  8. It comes down to artistic skill, and willingness. I'm sure I would struggle to get a wall as yours to look as good as you seem to have. Unless you have the right aptitude for it DIY relicing a bass it will look awful. A guy at work brought two in that he had done himself. Only wanted £50 each, for perfectly good basses, but I wouldn't buy one as they looked exactly what they were, a good bass attacked with a sander, scourer and, it would seem, a hammer
  9. play more Airbourne tracks, some great thumping songs there though
  10. Laziest band name I saw was 'Whatever'
  11. Ultimately songs where the lyrics are good aswell as the music are the better ones. They defintely form part of the package! Good lyrics doesn't mean they have to make sense necessarily though, imo, examples: Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden; maybe I'm missing something but wtf is he on about? Love the track though and sing along to it. Some of their other stuff is a bit out there too. Mr Bungle - most of their stuff tbh but I really like it.
  12. Great, thanks for reminding me of these. I still have a VHS somewhere of the night that they had Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Brian May, Nuno Bettencourt and others on. Doubt it's lasted well.... Not thought to look for it on the tube.
  13. I forget whichway round it was exactly. I was looking for lessons and found Dood locally. He then directed me to here, or here directed me to him. Either way, good result on both counts really!
  14. good day. Got a trio going with a couple of colleagues (me, 1 guitar, 1 singer), only third time we've really got together, the previous two were a bit tentative. Guitarist brought in a PA he got a steal on from ebay so we set up on the empty mezzanine at work after hours. Sounds good. Could do with some drums (have a couple of backing tracks) but otherwise we held it together reasonbly. 4 songs we can pretty much do, an ever increasing list of stuff we would like to do. Singer left first so we just jammed for a bit. Look forward to the next one.
  15. Sounds like a great idea to me. As said above I think, a Rock Opera doesn't have to be a live show, it can work as a CD. What're your intentions, stage show or recording. No doubt they have done it live but Operation Mindcrime by Queensryche is often called a rock opera. I think that's a great album.
  16. Good man, hope it goes well!
  17. I'm way down the curve from you on the playing front so not sure really. I guess the key is what do you want to get from lessons? What is your goal? I don't know your ability obviously but is it learn to read, learn more theory or just how to play tricky stuff you're struggling with? I would have thought a good tutor would be able to assess where you are at and advise a way forward. But then maybe I'm just spoilt as Dood is my tutor.
  18. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1368427007' post='2076812'] could you not make the room multi purpose? make it a fun adventure to get your basses. [url="http://www.gooutdoors.co.uk/metolius-super-7-set-p108075?gclid=CIqqr9K7krcCFdHLtAodsmQATg"]http://www.gooutdoor...CFdHLtAodsmQATg[/url] [/quote] Beaten to it! I looked at these before getting to Lukes reply [url="http://compare.ebay.co.uk/like/200923374032?var=lv&ltyp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar&_lwgsi=y&cbt=y&device=c&adtype=pla&crdt=0&ff3=1&ff11=ICEP3.0.0&ff12=67&ff13=80&ff14=63"]http://compare.ebay....ff13=80&ff14=63[/url] There are some of these at our local wall. Could spell something out depending how many you need [url="http://www.kidsclimbingholds.co.uk/taxonomy/term/1/all"]http://www.kidsclimbingholds.co.uk/taxonomy/term/1/all[/url]
  19. Thanks for that. I'll check it out. Truth is I've not investigated any further since my original post
  20. Well, developments on this are that the pop is still there but I do know why there was limited volume. The cable believe it or not. The Park came with one of those curly cables which I thought was good as it saved me faffing about with my lead off the other amp (Park is left at work, Kustom at home) so just left it paired with the Park. Tried my original lead with the Park and all is well. Volume levels are back to what I would have expected and all sounds good. Still dusty pots I think but otherwise happy.
  21. May be made up but I remember my mum saying about some photos sent through the post, with the words 'PHOTOS DO NOT BEND' written on the package. Some smartie pants had written 'OH YES THEY DO' on it and folded it to get through the door. True or not, be careful how you phrase requests/instructions.
  22. why not go to one of the bass camps that crop up from time to time. I'm sure there was one mentioned on here in Germany last year. or buy a swarovsky crystal spangled cod piece and cuffs to replace the reject burlesque dancer.
  23. I just picked up a Park gb 15-10 combi amp. Not bad for what it is, and it was essentially free. However, with everything turned up to max it doesn't make much volume. I realise this is a little (old) amp but compared to my other amp (name escapes me), which is smaller, it has far less volume. It has likely been laid up for a while and when I switch the power on I get a massive pop from it. Also the knobs don't seem to have a massive effect. Is this likely just dusty pots or something more fundemental. The speaker cone looks pretty good and the sound is pretty good, just not loud. I realise it's hard to distance diagnose these things, assuming something is even wrong, but any suggestions greatly appreciated.
  24. This is me in a little music shop in Nantong, China last week trying a Warwick Robert Trujillo bass. They couldn't speak English, I certainly couldn't speak Mandarin or Cantonese but the shop guy bashed out a rythmm on drums and it all kind of worked.
  25. Thanks for the comments gents. 90s Encore eh? I'll go along with that but have no clue tbh. It does sound good though, certainly compared to my other bass (stagg). Lee is along the way I'm thinking for finishing though, keep it natural. Don't think too much will happen for a little while, loads on at work with some trips to do etc, but I'll post any progress.
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