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Everything posted by Stu-khag

  1. here's a website looking at samples [url="http://www.whosampled.com/"]http://www.whosampled.com/[/url] The super furry animals sampled Steely Dan on "the man don't give a f***" just one line, looped it and made an awesome track line features around 3min 50 SFA track (sample can be heard from around 1min 10 When I first heard Funkadelic it felt like a De ja Vu experience- pardon the pun but it was more of a de la soul experience funkadelic de la soul So much hip hop, so many samples! (which ain't a bad thing at all)
  2. intriguing- Is it just me who when ebay for say, that same bass and didn't really want to go above 400 quid but really wanted it, I'd have bid something like £403.76?
  3. oh yeah, I was meant to mention that as its that furry kind of material, I do find I knock them quite a bit!
  4. I'm sure this is a warwick stand as well.similar thing, holds 5 guitars and has spacers at the bottom but its a case. I think I paid about 35 quid for it on ebay around 5 or 6 years ago. here's an old pic of it with just offset electrics and now with a few different instruments it has velcro spacers at the bottom so you can adjust them for various size guitars like I have with my acoustic
  5. I notice you are based in Greece, is this guitar in Greece also? Pics would be great please!
  6. I have gas for a bass VI, anyone seen any that have been sold or are for sale recently? I'm assuming the jap version would be the most affordable version! Also, what about the jag baritone, is that similar at all?
  7. +1 for soundcloud as well. and you see it as a nice wav as well!
  8. I love jags/mustangs and jazzmasters. the jagstangs an acquired taste but Ive always fancied trying one out. Personally I'd get one of those squier music masters and see if you could pimp the hell out of it! Ive seen them in the past go for not too much money [url="http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.geocities.jp/bolaneclennon/inst/img/mmbass.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.geocities.jp/bolaneclennon/inst/mmbass.html&usg=__-SKp3xUbKncIBBmpHK1fPKALkpM=&h=428&w=570&sz=140&hl=en&start=3&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=1qew-VtbBgU6AM:&tbnh=101&tbnw=134&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsquier%2Bmusic%2Bmaster%2Bbass%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26tbs%3Disch:1"]http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=h...%26tbs%3Disch:1[/url]
  9. I think my moment was when I heard stone roses "I wanna be adored" bass intro, just remember thinking that is the coolest sound ever. It all just clicked and I started listening out for the bass on everything- Pixies "debaser", Breeders "last splash" Nevermind was up there as well, especially that cool little bass type solo on"in bloom" and the bass sound on "Lithium". that must have been around 93-94, didn't get a bass for a few years after that though (although I used to have a nasty marlin strat copy that I tried to play like a bass) It was then going to watch bands live when I knew I had found numer one.
  10. excellent news that!!!
  11. Ive always wanted an eb2 style bass. really looking forward to this thread!
  12. thanks for the suggestions. I do quite like Grambo's idea and thanks for sharing the picture Bassace! I think I'm going to go for the stenton stand for now as the risk of getting the bass knocked are quite high (its already been kicked half a dozen times!)
  13. I cant really count borrowing a bass off a friend (bc rich duff gnr lookalike with 3 pups) as my first so Ive had 4 basses and 3 rigs fender mim jazz bass Hamer cruise bass (sold onto a friend-just played it recently live and it sounds great! still hate the colour though) Prosebass fretless (sold onto another mate so as to fund the double bass) 1 double bass (chinese laminate thing, loving it at the mo) Laney dp150 combo (4x10 cab + big head with lots of dials= bloody heavy) Laney rbg combo (15 " speaker, currently on loan to a friend) SWR 350 head and triad (sold on last years due to lack of gigs/space)
  14. borrowed a bass from my mate for about a year (a nasty bc rich) until I managed to buy a MIM jazz bass. Still my number 1 although I've upgraded the pickups . Its 10 years old this year.Other basses have come and gone but this is a keeper. first rig was bought off the guy I borrowed the bass from, a Laney dp 150 combo. christ knows why it was a combo as it weighed a tonne with all 4 speakers and head. had a graphic eq and all these other buttons. to this day I've never known what they all did. sold it for 50 quid about 3 years ago.
  15. Ive just spent an enjoyable half hour reading this thread. Fascinating stuff! I can't believe I've missed it all this time. I wish you all the best with this project and like everyone else I'm really looking forward to the updates.
  16. I had one very similar in white a few years back which looks to be roughly the same age. THe Kahler unit on it was great but I'm afraid I didnt get on too well with it as I dont tend to use them either and always use lots of altered tunings!
  17. Looking forward to the updates. good luck with your venture, if I start saving now maybe I'll be in contact!!!
  18. Quite like the look of that but alas funding one is a no no! Whats the name of your band playing CAI, and what's happening there ?
  19. Cheers for the replies people. yup she doesnt come on here Paul! And I'll appreciate if you don't mention I called her clumsy as she'll kill me! That reminds me, I really must send you those books!
  20. Hey Cetera thanks for the pics- Ive often read your replies to threads and looked at your signature and wondered what all those basses looked like! Much kudos to you!
  21. Hey guys Ive finally brought my new bass home but as space is a bit of an issue and dont fancy my clumsy girlfriend putting her foot through it I need a stand for it. Can anyone reccomend one? I dont want to spend too much but then again I dont want a cheap and nasty one either so any advice is much appreciated! cheers stu
  22. cheers for that! great stuff! I love hearing isolated tracks like that and hearing how they all cement together. takes away none of the wonder (excuse the pun) of the track by hearing it dissected like that Reminds me of a few years back on the old bassworld site someone posted a link to isolated led zep drum tracks where you could hear john bonham grunting and effing and jeffing his way through the tracks. Wasnt there a post way back with lots of different isolated tracks
  23. cheers for that! great stuff! I love hearing isolated tracks like that and hearing how they all cement together. takes away none of the wonder (excuse the pun) of the track by hearing it dissected like that Reminds me of a few years back on the old bassworld site someone posted a link to isolated led zep drum tracks where you could hear john bonham grunting and effing and jeffing his way through the tracks. Wasnt there a post way back with lots of different isolated tracks?
  24. my mates just bought one of these. great fun but alas little use to me at the mo. have a bump and I'll spread the word!
  25. [quote name='DaveDDF' post='760838' date='Mar 1 2010, 03:49 PM'][url="http://www.myspace.com/exitinternationalmusic"]exit international[/url] Local dudes. 2 really dirty tones, one does most of the low and the others more like er lead. Interesting stuff, they played at the venue I was doing sound at on sat. TIGHT as hell![/quote] +1 on these guys as well.
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