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Everything posted by Coldflows

  1. They aren't as cheap as they have been before. I'm hoping they drop and deko a few of the 6 and 7 string basses and a baritone guitar.
  2. [url=http://postimg.org/image/8vgzyd4xh/][/url] But why?
  3. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1435434457' post='2808818'] I'm sure I can detect a John Birch influence too. [/quote] Just a tad although most of the birch basses had atleast a couple more knobs than mine!
  4. [quote name='PlungerModerno' timestamp='1435432572' post='2808798'] Quite. This is an "inspired by" rather than "based on" bass design. [/quote] If definitely draws on a couple of instruments. Got to live the mini musicman pickups!
  5. So... To resurrect a dieing thread. I have FINALLY SOURCED SOME SADDLES! fender vintage reissues to be precise, which instead of having a cutout in the centre have thread all the way through. If anyone needs the old saddles please feel free to give me a message, if not il pop them on ebay at some ridiculous price as they seem to be as rare as hens teeth. Anyway, here's the bridge! [url=http://postimg.org/image/ox294fl5x/][/url] Il get it strung up and sort out the intonation and see how she plays! Edit: seems the neck is going to be an issue as it has quite badly bent back, I'm going to loosen the truss rod and hope it pulls forwards. At the moment I can't play the first 5 notes. Now I have another problem. The alen key won't grip and the actual trus rod seems like someone has rounded it off well and truly. [url=http://postimg.org/image/dtzd4lath/][img=http://s2.postimg.org/dtzd4lath/1435420774130624802709.jpg][/url] Yelp. Any ideas?
  6. There does seem to be a unanimous approval of that particular p.
  7. [quote name='Bassbadger' timestamp='1435408401' post='2808521'] Looks like it is in exactly the same position as the bass it is based on. [/quote] I'm quite sure I have no idea what your talking about :-P
  8. I really liked the neck on the left handed but the right handed jazz (a lower model) was much less playable. If I had had them at the same time I'd have swapped the neck and the pickups over and sold the lefty body with the righty neck and pups.
  9. I haven't had that problem as I play with my hand above the strings and don't use a pick but I guess you could move it quite easily.
  10. [quote name='PlungerModerno' timestamp='1435379947' post='2808243'] Can't wait! [/quote] It's up... For now!
  11. [quote name='The Badderer' timestamp='1435395468' post='2808332'] dare i mention it, I did see a 2nd hand rick in mint condition for $1650 (about £1000) and a New Matt Freeman Squire for $380 (i'm guessing +10% tax) so about £265 [/quote] Rickenbacker and Christianity. There's a bit of a conundrum. Depends if your planning on playing heavy metal!
  12. [quote name='The Badderer' timestamp='1435361161' post='2808206'] Cheers Si. I had a pretty decent response from the one shop that seemed like it had a decent supply. They currently have 4 P-Bass some Schecter and Yamaha basses plus others in stock, and they have more stock at a 2nd store not far away that they can bring over to the store local to me to try. Pretty happy with that as a prompt response, so option 5 is starting look like a much more likely solution now. The risk of me being stranded without anything to play seems less likely now, so if all goes well I think after all that Option 5 may be the winner..... plus I get to buy a new bass..... i've gone for months with no GAS... cheers guys!! [/quote] Good choice! Id have done the same! What and excuse to try out some new kit!
  13. (If this thread is a problem please remove it! I don't want to get anyone in trouble!) A mysterious parcel arrived at my door a few days ago... [url=http://postimg.org/image/yd5n8lpj3/][/url] Wow, it really is an incredible bass, the neck profile is very small and fast and it has a whole multitude of sounds from the pickups, I'm not 100% what the controls do but you can really tailor the sound, so far I think my favourite is the all out stingray thud. [url=http://postimg.org/image/oh422fnrr/][/url] It's light to wear and thin, easy to play for a few hours and looks so rock and roll. [url=http://postimg.org/image/ry645emtz/][/url] LOUD! Ben
  14. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1435360984' post='2808205'] BC's T&Cs prohibit advertising the sale of both real Ricks & copies, and that's all. We can talk about them, review them, post pics of them as much as we want. It's all about keeping Big Johnny Hall of our backs, and he's only interested in preventing the sale of copies which infringe his precious trademarks - because that's all US law permits him to do. We don't allow genuine Rick sales because there's the (highly unlikely) possibility a Faker might slip through. Plus a bit of bloodymindedness. So start a NBD thread in the basses forum - and if Hall just happens to see it, then that'll elevate his blood pressure a little bit more, and that's all. And that might encourage him to cut his cholesterol a bit, or get off the internet & go for a jog. Or not. J. [/quote] In that case il do a bit of a write up tomorrow and take some pictures. Keep your eyes peeled for some serious fakerporn.
  15. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1435353959' post='2808141'] Is it one of the ones mentioned in the closed group on FB last week or so ? Cause if it is, God knows. Might be idea to run it by one of the mods. [/quote] That's quite possibly what it is. I don't want to get anyone in trouble.
  16. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1435352541' post='2808126'] Depends on the model as there's the unmentionable and the latest very very unmentionable To be on the safe side I'd go with the Rickenfakers. Think I did the Harley Benton RB414 outside but you can't put links to it or mention the " other ". [/quote] Il take it mine is unmentionable with TWO verys. But I so badly want to show it off.
  17. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1435351721' post='2808114'] There's always the Rickenfaker thread Coldflows. It's in the Bass Guitar section. [/quote] But are we allowed to post outside of the rickenfackers thread? I can't see any reason not too, are they are only banned on the for sale thread?
  18. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1435350214' post='2808094'] If he ever does a five string version of the naughty unmentionable model, I'd be very interested indeed. [/quote] Originally that's what I was after but the vantage 5 string was as close as I could get. I guess I'm just a suckler for a nice headstock.
  19. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1435232699' post='2806743'] It has come to my attention that the lovely Mr Konig of Retrovibe also has a small quantity of basses in, err.. [i]another[/i] style, which are not available through his website. Interested parties should contact him directly, or perhaps via the "RickenFakers" FB page. Which might or might not be a bit of a giveaway. J. [/quote] I have one of the mentioned basses and would love to do a nbd on it, alas I don't know if I am able to or not... It's a stunner.
  20. I got a five string too. That will be my third deko for under £100. This is just silly.
  21. After raising the nut by 1mm its about 5mm at the 12 fret. It's only minor on a few frets at this stage but playable.
  22. The jazz bass turned up today. Couple of Knicks all over but otherwise good, with a nasty case of fret buzz. Lifted the saddles and played with the truss rod and made no difference. Ended up putting a shim under the nut and after a bit more trus rod adjusting I got it playable apart from the 10-12 fret on the d and g strings. What does everyone know about filing frets? They seem a little uneven. I think the whole thing needs breaking in.
  23. [quote name='ikay' timestamp='1434723126' post='2802224'] OK, a couple of other options. If you want a genuine replacement then try contacting a few vintage guitar parts specialists (eg. [url="http://www.musicmansteve.com/parts/parts.htm"]http://www.musicmansteve.com/parts/parts.htm[/url]) and ask them to look out for one for you. Be prepared for a long wait! Or how about talking to a luthier who does vintage guitar restoration and see if they can make one for you? A quick google in your area brought up Tom Anfield Guitars in Saltash ([url="http://www.tomanfieldguitars.com/about.html"]http://www.tomanfieldguitars.com/about.html[/url]). May be worth having a chat. If he can't help he may know someone who can. [/quote] Brilliant, I have been sent a message by a chap on here who is going to make some for me but if I have any problems il try those! Thanks!
  24. The app is called web alert. It's a pain to set up and you need to constantly switch to show desktop once it goes off in order to see the deals but it does work! Hopefully new bass will be here Tuesday! Maybe even two!
  25. I have a load of spare scratchplate, the problem is its so thin on the sides of the pickup I don't think I can cut it by hand. I was hoping for a readymade replacement! Id also like a beveled edge and I wouldn't know how to do that by hand! Thanks though!
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